RECAP 2020 - Rewind Movie

Dec 20, 2020 19:13 · 1523 words · 8 minute read still get concerned hard planned

what a year to be alive one moment it’s winter break you’re on a mountain planning on where you’re to live what you’re going to do the next got you locked up in your bedroom cuz some guy across the globe ate a bat that’s not how i planned it all out anyway yet here we are dear santa i wish for a better new year this one was bad what are you doing here the countdown has already started yeah just just give me a minute the year’s been crazy i don’t even remember how it all happened let me show you it all started out as a regular year a regular month week a regular day man you’re sitting there minding your own business with your girl and your friends on a mountain when you hear the morning news you know the news that doesn’t really concern you but then again hits you breaks your heart you know it’s far away but still you head up to that tv to turn up the volume just a tiny bit more so you’re sure that it’s not imaginary and that you haven’t misheard it you’re never really ready for someone to leave you just always think they’ll be there forever that’s how legends live anyway internally then you go on your phone and check other sources because it still sounds unbelievable but it’s true and it starts from there afterwards as the days go by you hear about a whole continent across the globe burning up again too far away but you still get concerned to the point where you want to help you just don’t know how then you hear about the loss of rocky johnson out of nowhere you ask yourself what is going on but you’re left without a real response while all this is going on you’re looking at your neighborhood thinking it’s all good was just a rough start suddenly turns out some guy across the globe decided to have a bat for a snack instead of a regular twinkie and wait to see how that all turns out this place province called wuhan in china goes into quarantine they’re the first ones the news all over the world with this crazy virus owen you know that boot shaped country in europe italy with all the good pizza pasta and fashion design brands yeah well pandemic breaks out there too everything followed by more bad news this time god taking kirk douglas away at the age of 103. where you go depends on you and yourself only if you choose to take a step forward then good for you good move but from where i was standing people were only going down and backwards soon it became a nightmare for all of us sports lovers out there first up were hoops getting suspended and later going into that bubble followed by hockey tennis on various tours and then the euro soccer being cancelled then by the end of the month the biggest hit the main event to be the olympic games got cancelled we promised to keep that flame running at least in our hearts that we wouldn’t give it up on this year like the year started to give up on us we had to fight this one all 12 rounds by round four the globe hit a million cases worldwide the virus wasn’t ready to give up but neither will we had easter come we fought with what we fight best unity in love amazing andrea bocelli uniting the planet straight from the very core the heart listening to what is the angel’s voice on that day we began to hope again but hope lasted just so short once more we knocked ourselves down with another tragic event this time the toll was 22 deaths in nova scotia canada life is very relative sometimes you have the ups sometimes the downs it’s never really a one-way street but the direction we were choosing man we were almost midway at crossroads the decision was ours and we put the ride into reverse riding shotgun it’s like we never even had the choice we just dealt with the music and we chose a flat out tragedy one of the most impactful events changed all of our lives that month we went down one of those roads you’d never want to go to that was a dead end and we had to pull back before it became too late george floyd may you rest in peace round six was to that date the most important driving our ride from that dead end reverse was something we had to do you know when folks protest it’s not because they want to make more violence than there is already no it’s because deep down they’re really unsatisfied with something that’s currently not under their control and my friend it somehow always comes down to justice and liberty at round six we were globally fighting a tag team of two opponents a now worldwide pandemic hitting 10 million cases and to acting partner ourselves we were mid-year afraid disoriented lost almost in knockdown ready to throw in the towel saved by the bell life is never easy growing up they tell you stories tales and legends of heroes until you come to realize the only hero comes from within california needed some what was a couple of months ago for far away came to the very backyard and turned up the heat spreading rapidly once again a disaster in the making the heroes they showed up and they showed their faces we knew it wouldn’t be long until this round was ours but there we were five more to go your strength isn’t measured by how hard you can land a blow but by how hard you get back up swinging after getting put to the ground and we went down hard beirut death toll 200 6 000 injured what was built for decades everything wiped within seconds life started counting on us and we weren’t ready to get up we continued worldwide with protests felt we were giving it our all but just couldn’t pull through hope is what we had left we got to decide what kind of kings and queens we were gonna be in chadwick wakanda forever round nine fatigued so much the globe got shook once again nagorno-karabakh this time claiming multiple casualties we once again proved that on our own we were our own enemy and it was not only the virus the virus cases came to a new tragic record striking 1 million of death toll at last seconds of this round we were tired tired of these events tired of the year we were tired and nervous for not knowing if we could pull through but we had to by the time we hit october all of our sweat tears and blood were much unspread wide our only questions were how much more and what next by now we weren’t even counting total cases which surpassed 25 million more cases than any average world country we were at 500 000 per day getting through we calmed a whole month up until the last couple of days when night came the electricity went out and our only guide was a candle to lead the way turkey witnessed a striking 7.0 magnitude quake france and england turned into lockdown again and who was once known as history’s most famous double 07 was taken by the hand of god sean connery coming down these floors you can see what you passed when you look back you see what you’ve accomplished and you know what you can go through like the previous wasn’t enough life put us through another challenge mother nature took 255 souls showing us once more that it shouldn’t be taken for granted global cases passed already 50 million leaving us and wonder if there was ever going to be an end to this the elections to come left us to know that we must never watch from the shadows and then we should work to be an example of how to treat one another when god decides its time he will come for us the hand that was once given by god was due by the last seconds of the round el grande pive maradona was once a hero and heroes come and they go leaving us but staying in our memories by the words they said the deeds they did once they leave they are no longer heroes they become legends and continue to live floor we hit rock bottom but remember we were already here this is where we started where we were born made what made us for who we are today with all the good the tragic the frightening and the joy we still got up to knock the [ __ ] out of this year we survived to tell a story yet another year because that’s who we are united and together we stand stronger than ever you .