MILCH gegen MEHLTAU - der RASENFREAK packt die Bio Waffe aus
May 6, 2020 06:00 · 581 words · 3 minute read
Good morning dear lawn freaks. If the blackbird hops over the grass, the worms have no fun. But I’m having fun with my lawn. Above all here, in this mega place. Yes i know birds. Now the Lawnfreak is coming over the lawn. What are we doing this morning? Wonderful Friday morning, don’t ask me, anything about the 22nd / 23rd April. The beautiful rock pear. A guy once asked me about this rock pear. The rock pear is a beautiful tree. The rock pear has delicious fruits. The fruits don’t bother on the lawn at all. When the fruits fall down, it’s like fertilizer.
00:54 - In the autumn the rock pear has a beautiful red color. A beautiful white bloom in spring. A great tree. It is very old. We have two rock pears. One in the front in a sand bunker, one here, for a long time. The rock pear is a little old. But we have a problem we always have snow mold on the leaves. [mildew] We have been trying for a few years, not so consistently, to fight against with milk, with nice fresh milk. Natural control of snow mold, [mildew] because it’s not supposed to be toxic or harmful.
01:36 - But eating the fruits, which are also covered with snow mold, is not really fun. [mildew] Otherwise the fruits of the rock pear are totally delicious, small fruits, extremely tasty. Great thing. And we’re going to spray some milk on it this morning, Maybe I should take my gimbal again! What is really great about the rock pear, it is not a flat root. So it can stand great in the lawn without any roots coming up. Very, very nice tree. If it weren’t covered with mildew, you could also eat its fruits.
02:20 - [Music] I’ve already showered this morning! I also made it from below, also from the inside. They are now completely sprayed with such a milky emulsion, that looks really good. Really good! And that’s biological warfare against the snow mold. [mildew] What is? The leaves are not yet occupied, my wife is saying. No shimmer yet, I don’t have a pale shimmer. There is no snow mold on it yet. [mildew] Again in two weeks.
And how often then? 03:28 - 3 times Lactic acid should then fight the snow mold three times at two-week intervals. [mildew] You: Are you sure that the snow mold is the same as mildew? Are we talking about mildew? You: Yes, we’re talking about mildew. Damn freaks, I said everything wrong, we’re talking about mildew. Mildew! The Lawnfreak only knows about lawn. Forget everything I said, it’s about mildew, not snow mold. Snow mold is lawn disease. Mildew! Man! Powdery mildew, it’s about mildew on the trees. How do I get… because I only think of lawn, I said everything wrong. It’s about mildew. I think I have to correct that everywhere. Mushroom? It’s a mushroom, but snow mold is also a mushroom, Basically all the same. I will not have snow mold on my lawn now because I sprayed milk, no nonsense… I’m just talking stupid stuff today.
04:31 - Powdery mildew control with fresh milk, three times two weeks apart, spray the leaves from above and below, and that works really well with such a pressure water jet. So freaks that’s it. Thank you for watching. Stay tuned! I look forward to seeing you in the next video. Bye .