UFOs and Science
May 11, 2020 08:29 · 2784 words · 14 minute read
Today is May 11, 2020 This video is intended to show the close relationship between UFOs and science. As opposed to the idea that UFOs would be only a rumor, a paranormal phenomenon this video provides strong arguments in favor of extraterrestrials visiting the Earth. In particular, it is addressed to: Luis Elizondo, Christopher Mellon, Robert Bigelow, Tom DeLonge, Jacques Vallée, Leslie Kean, Steven Spielberg, and James Cameron. We look forward to their feedback. My name is Jean-Pierre Petit. I’m a French scientist, retired but still active. I am a specialist in several fields. The first is fluid mechanics. The second is plasma physics. I have also published work in the field of astrophysics and cosmology. As a scientist I have been interested in the UFO phenomenon since 1975. What follows will explain why…
I have been conducting theoretical and experimental research in magnetohydrodynamics, MHD for short, since 1965. The starting point was the production of electrical power using MHD generators. On the photo you can see the test bench I built in 1965 at the Marseille Institute of Fluid Mechanics. It’s a plasma cannon, and like all guns it has a breech. There it is. This gun fires a burst of hot gas that runs along this tube at two miles per second.
02:33 - It then passes through an MHD nozzle, of a linear constant cross section, which has a pair of solenoids that create a very strong, 2-tesla transverse magnetic field. Interested readers will find on the internet the working principle and description of such MHD generators, which transform the kinetic energy of a plasma into electricity, without any moving part. This direct conversion of kinetic energy (½ m v²) into electricity also slows down the gas Despite very significant resources spent by some countries, particularly in Russia, the attempt to develop this technology was a failure. Here is a scale model of the huge Russian U-25 installation that operated near Moscow in the 1970s. In the French MHD generator, the MHD nozzle was the size of a beer can.
03:49 - By comparison here is the nozzle of the Russian MHD power plant and its 2,000-ton electromagnet and here is the interior of this nozzle. On the right and left: the electrodes. In this Russian installation, the gas was heated to no more than 1200 °C due to technological limitations regarding maximum temperature. As electrical conductivity in a plasma depends very strongly on its temperature, in an exponential way, it remained very limited. This limitation caused this solution and its industrial expectations to be discontinued in the late 1970s. In contrast, the French installation was designed to use a 10,000-degree plasma, hence a great electrical conductivity.
04:52 - Therefore the conversion efficiency of kinetic energy into electrical energy was high. In contrast, in the Russian installation, the efficiency was very low. In the setup I had designed I eliminated the technological problems by limiting the operating time to 50 microseconds. So this installation was not an industrial project, but its main benefit was to allow the study of MHD power generation under conditions that no other facility in the world could offer. This very high conversion efficiency resulted in a very large reduction in speed, down to the point it made a shockwave appear.
05:42 - A planar shockwave, created inside the nozzle of constant cross- section. My laboratory was the only one where this effect could be produced. So in practice, we were able to create a shockwave in a gas without any material obstacle, this obstacle being simply electromagnetic forces… hence the following remark: Here’s an object. It’s a stapler. I can take this stapler and develop some energy to put it here. Now I think that developing the same energy, I’ll be able to pick it up and remove it from there.
06:26 - Let’s go back to the diagram of our MHD experiment. Here is the supersonic nozzle, naked. In this supersonic flow, I put an object, like a small airplane wing so a system of four oblique, flat shockwaves will appear around the object. In this context there emerges an idea… In this flow of ionized gas, by creating a field of electromagnetic forces around this model, such that the magnetic field and the electrical current flowing around the model have values comparable to those that had caused a planar shockwave to appear, could we prevent shock waves from occurring around an object embedded in a supersonic gas flow? This idea was initially presented in a paper published by the French Academy of Sciences in Paris, in 1975. It was gradually refined in a series of papers subsequently submitted. Here, in 1977. here is another communication, presented at an international meeting in 1980 and another, the year after (1981).
08:06 - The underlying theoretical concept is gradually detailed, that shows the possibility of supersonic fluid mechanics without shockwaves, thanks to an active flow control by an electromagnetic force field. I this picture you see what specialists call “Mach waves” their collision causes shockwaves to appear in the pink-colored areas. MHD, which prevents Mach waves to collide, makes shockwaves disappear. A third type of fluid mechanics appears: At first there was subsonic fluid mechanics, where naturally no shockwave exists, Then, there was the mechanics of supersonic airflows, where shockwaves necessarily appear, and now, a real revolution is an MHD-controlled supersonic fluid mechanics, where one prevents shockwaves from appearing! Considering aircrafts, shockwaves are not only noisy, they also require more energy spent to move forward… and from Mach 4 or Mach 5, they build an insurmontable heat barrier. We tried in France in the 1980s to demonstrate experimentally this possibility of making shockwaves disappear in a hot gust of gas.
09:36 - But… we didn’t have the means to carry out such an experiment. Since waves in water created by boats are the analogs to shockwaves, the propagation speed of surface waves being the equivalent of the speed of sound, it then becomes possible to regularize the flow, adjusting parameters to appropriate values. Electric current in salt water is limited to 1 ampere per centimeter due to electrolysis, so that limited value requires a high magnetic field strength to compensate, around 1 tesla. MHD offers the possibility to cancel turbulent wake, which has been shown as early as 1976, downstream of a cylindrical obstacle. This result can be extended, with another configuration, to spherical objects.
10:29 - In fluid mechanics, the two sources of noise are, as a general rule, turbulence; and for supersonic regime, shockwaves. Insofar as witnesses tell they observed a totally silent flight, the relationship with the UFO phenomenon became more and more obvious. MHD machines are surrounded by a bright plasma. when they are equipped with electrodes, the increased brightness in their surroundings makes them appear like portholes illuminated from within (which is consistent with the accounts from witnesses) The shapes of such devices, called “MHD aerodynes”, are determined by the laws of plasma physics with strong applied magnetic fields. They no longer have anything to do with the shapes of conventional flying machines, which are governed by the classical laws of fluid mechanics.
11:25 - Around such MHD machines, the fluid is no longer left to its own devices, like it is on the left where its penetration into the fluid goes with a shockwave and very strong turbulence. On the right: the speed of the flow seems in total contradiction with the laws of classical fluid mechanics. This fluid is then forced to obey the imperative orders demanded by the electromagnetic force field acting on it. Everything in such flying machines may seem absurd. For example, this is what you get when you implement ionization control system by microwaves.
12:07 - We then obtain high-frequency arcing, that witnesses would describe as “truncated light rays”… Then, publications in high-level peer-reviewed scientific journals and papers presented at major international conferences will follow one another for years. Here is a Ph.d thesis, on the suppression of shockwaves, which is defended in 1988. This thesis presents all theoretical elements to cancel shockwaves with electromagnetic forces. A thesis that led to two papers published in the high level “European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids” in 1989 followed by a paper at the 9th MHD International Conference in Tsukuba, Japan in 1992. where everything is centered on this essential idea of maintaining the parallelism between all Mach waves.
13:10 - This presentation and its subsequent publication in the proceedings is accompanied by a mass of results, both theoretical and experimental. Here we managed to form spiral electric currents or “streamers”. Here you see the first presentation of the cancellation of Velikhov’s ionization instability by magnetic confinement presented at the 8th MHD International Conference in Moscow, in 1983. Here is the experimental confirmation of this concept. This is a major result. Indeed, without such a system, there would simply be no MHD for “nonthermal” plasmas i.e.
of moderate temperature, subjected to a very strong magnetic field 14:00 - because such non-equilibrium plasmas are very difficult to control. When one creates an electrical discharge around an object, the magnetic pressure tends to blow it away, like this. It was therefore necessary to create the concept of “parietal” wall confinement by inversion of the magnetic field gradient, which was confirmed experimentally. Here is the related scientific publication in the Polish journal “Acta Physica Polonica”. Bu I will not detail all our experimental successes, nor the work published in high level journals for almost four decades.
14:51 - The central question remains this shockwave annihilation by MHD. During the 1980s our “shock tube” wind tunnel where this experiment could have been performed no longer existed, as it had been dismantled. Another MHD lab where this setup could have been rebuilt was needed. Alas, this was not possible. It’s true sadly that in France, when one wants to innovate, it’s more of a handicap than an advantage. MHD research has therefore been totally abandoned in France at that time.
15:32 - Does this mean that it has been the same in other countries? No, it doesn’t. The proof came in 2018, when President Vladimir Putin presented new strategic weapons to deputies of the Russian federal assembly, the Duma. In this new arsenal we find “Kinzhal” (i.e. dagger), a nuclear- capable air-launched ballistic hypersonic missile, with a range over 1,200 miles, operating at Mach 10. And the hypersonic “Avangard” glider, capable of very large trajectory deviations when it dives towards its target, launched then dropped at high altitude by the “Sarmat” intercontinental ballistic missile, it has an approach speed of Mach 30. Like the Kinzhal missile, it is totally out of reach of current anti-missile systems. It’s extremely simple.
If they weren’t equipped with MHD protection devices against shockwaves, these weapons, at the speeds they’re supposed to be travelling at, would immediately burn in the air. But wait, to harness MHD, you need a lot of electricity! So for both Kinzhal and Avangard machines, what would be the source of electrical power? At the beginning of the 1980s, during an international MHD conference, in the United States, I discussed with two Russian researchers. It then appeared that the Soviets had come up with what are called “Pavlovsky generators” or “PAMIR machines”. These use a high temperature, cesium‐seeded exhaust gas from a powder rocket, which gives them a good electrical conductivity. It is then possible to configure the nozzles of these powder rockets as MHD generators.
17:27 - An ingenious self-excitation system allows high magnetic field values to be obtained. The limited lifespan of wall and electrode materials is not a problem for devices such as Kinzhal or the Russian high-velocity MHD torpedo. So that’s the secret of the Kinzhal hypersonic missile. “Avangard” is a glider so its power source is gravity. An MHD generator is fitted on its surface. This energy is used to limit the heat flow transfer by regulating the airflow over the leading edge. This corresponds to the MHD bypass system described in the 1988 thesis. Besides that, would the Russians have carried out some kind of retro- engineering by taking seriously witnesses of UFO sightings? The fact remains that the UFO phenomenon prompts scientists to venture outside their comfort zone and the conceptual field of their time. This may lead them to find solutions to problems considered impossible to solve before like considering a supersonic motion in the air without creating any shockwave nor turbulence, that is to say in complete silence. For more information, please refer to this video: https://youtu.
be/22oFoWcg1qs 19:11 - The hypothesis that UFO sightings correspond to alien visits leads us to reconsider the problem of the feasibility of interstellar travel. The Janus cosmological model represents the result of thirty years of reflection about this important question. You may refer to the French version of this video: https://youtu.be/RXKONGBClY0 or its dubbed version that will be available in your language at a URL that will be shown here. Here is a summary: This model shows that there are two types of masses in the universe: Positive masses (of which we are made) and negative masses.
20:00 - According to this model, in order to move from point A to point B, if the object that is moving is made of positive mass, then its speed is limited to 300,000 kilometers per second. On the other hand, if this object is made of negative mass, for example if it represents a vehicle and its passengers whose masses have been reversed, then this speed limit is increased to 3,000,000 kilometres per second, i.e. ten times higher. In this Janus universe, between two points A and B, there are two ways to calculate the distance. I refer you to the video quoted before. If we move from point A to point B using a positive mass vehicle, the distance is then AB⁽⁺⁾ but if we now move with a vehicle having a negative mass, the distance is now AB⁽⁻⁾ i.e. 100× shorter… By combining these two values, we find that the travel time can be reduced by a factor of ten, which is multiplied by one hundred, which gives a reduction of a factor of one thousand.
Travels that are 1000× shorter! 21:16 - Assuming someone can master mass inversion technology, when inverted, such vehicle and its passengers seem to disappear from witnesses’ view. It seems to dematerialize. Once it has reached its destination, all it has to do is perform another mass inversion to return to our positive world. It then seems to materialize out of nowhere. This is consistent with the accounts of witnesses who say they suddenly saw a UFO appear, as if if came out of nowhere. Unless a little later that same object seemed to disappear in their eyes, just as mysteriously Let’s imagine a vehicle along an interstellar journey. Here it is evolving among the world of negative masses. An extremely rarefied medium.
22:17 - In the distance, hundreds of millions of light years, passengers see huge conglomerates made of antimatter, anti-hydrogen and anti-helium of negative mass. Spheroidal lumps of antimatter, they are similar to immense proto-stars emitting faintly in red and infrared spectra. If it reverses its mass again, the negative mass conglomerates disappear and the billions of stars populating our known universe become visible again. Like a submarine resurfacing, such interstellar vehicle can locate itself using various known radio sources in the universe, and plot the position. It can then if necessary adjust its trajectory, before performing another mass inversion, and continuing on its way full speed ahead.
23:04 - According to the Janus model, this negative world, that is to say “the backside of the universe” is an extremely rarefied medium. During its journey in the negative world, after its mass inversion the craft is made of negative mass matter. On its path it may encounter very rare negative mass antimatter particles. It will therefore need to protect itself from them with a magnetic shield, in the same way that the Earth protects itself from the solar wind emitted by the Sun with its own magnetic shield. This question of the existence of negative masses, which have negative energy states, is a problem that emerges directly from quantum mechanics.
23:57 - Within the Janus team we have started to investigate these questions and a first paper has been published in “Journal of Physics Communications”. Therefore, this mass inversion technology will emerge from a quantum theory extended to negative energy states. When? I’ll remind the principle of the Janus team: What is possible, we do it right away. For the impossible we ask for a delay :) To be continued… .