Energy coaching for business
Apr 23, 2020 02:27 · 296 words · 2 minute read
[music] -We had an energy coaching and site visit here at Molong RSL Club which I found very informative. One of the things that I found interesting was seeing if the cool rooms were running at the right temperature which will save you money as well. The energy coaching and site visit is free so you should use it. Any savings on energy could be used to update the club for the patrons. Bingo is very popular. [chuckles] -Centa-Pak is a small family run business. We manufacture cardboard boxes.
00:44 - Our biggest thing that would use energy in our business would be the compressor, the machinery, the air conditioning, and the lighting. Especially around the LED lighting. That’s definitely something that you can do straight up that you can see an impact on your energy bill. Then solar would then be the next biggest I guess which we’re halfway through. I’d encourage all businesses to look at their energy use. It doesn’t cost you anything. -Our business would be joinery, commercial and domestic joinery here in Orange.
01:22 - Machinery and technology are a big part of our business. They’re large consumers of electricity so electricity becomes a big component of our expenses. Jason reviewed our whole operation looking at how much power each machine is using. He then looked at our power bills. He’s then gone away now to review that. He’ll come back with a report. Probably the biggest thing I took away from that was the benchmarking of where we sit within the marketplace and what are some of the things we can possibly do to improve our power usage. There’s always stuff that you don’t know and to have access to people who do know is a good thing. [music] .