Ben is a loyal Republican, but he feels no loyalty towards Trump. He cast his vote for Joe Biden.
Oct 29, 2020 14:55 · 449 words · 3 minute read
Hi folks. I’m Ben. I’m a lifelong loyal West Virginia Republican. I wasn’t going to make one of these videos. I’ve already voted for Joe Biden. I voted for him cause I think Donald Trump is a fake. I think he’s a fake billionaire. If he were a real billionaire he would have showed us his tax returns. I figure he’s going to be broke when his administration ends. I think he’s a fake president.
00:25 - Real presidents don’t cuddle up to dictators in China and Russia and North Korea, and they don’t annoy our allies in Europe and our neighbors in Canada and Mexico. Real presidents reach across the aisle and do the hard work it takes to govern. They don’t just watch television and tweet. More importantly, for our purposes, I think he’s a fake Republican. He was never much of a Republican in New York when he was giving money to Democrats, and until he decided that he could use our party to meet his need for personal gratification.
01:01 - Real Republican president would oppose the kind of deficits he’s run up. Would favor the kind of free trade he’s interrupted and would have a party convention where he actually adopted a platform, which we didn’t even do. On top of that the guy can’t spell for beans. So I’ve thought for a long time that he is figuratively destroying our party, killing our party, but today I’m making this cause I think he’s literally killing our party. Coronavirus is on the rampage. It’s growing, it’s expanding all over the country in particularly a lot of Republican States.
01:37 - And this guy has spends more time on his Corona hairdo, I think, than he does on the Coronavirus. It’s his virus, we named it after him. But what he’s doing is turning our party into the sad party. Sickness and death. He’s asking all of you to come to these live rallies where we know, which we know will be super spreader events. People will bring the virus, they’ll share it with each other. They’ll take it home and share it with their families. We can do better, we got to do better.
02:24 - For the sake of your families and your communities and your state and your country and, in fact, the world. Please. Don’t go to these rallies. Don’t vote for this guy. Use words that we as Republicans understand. To Donald Trump, just say no. To Donald Trump in his own words say, “You’re fired.” And pray to God that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can take this mess Trump has created and actually Make America Great Again. .