Best LIVE STREAMING software for church services

Apr 3, 2020 19:33 · 1434 words · 7 minute read listening processing might livestream right

Hey, what’s going on, you guys? I wanted to go live today because I just got a video testimonial from a friend of mine. And his name is Tyler. He works for a church down in Arizona called Trinity Church. He’s actually the video director down there. And I thought it would be cool for you to hear his testimonial. But before I do, I thought I’d give you kind of the back story of why you might be watching this in the first place, right? So, Tyler works for his church and he reached out to me, this would have been before November.

00:31 - Because it was right before the holiday season rolled out. He wanted to be able to take sometime off with his wife ‘cause as you can imagine, when you work for a church, you’re always working Saturdays and Sundays getting ready for your church service on Sunday, right? And so, anyway he was like, “Man I want to be able to have some time off.” And I said “Hey, I’ve been working “on a software called LIVEpigeon. “And in fact, this might be able to free you up, “from doing what it is you’re doing.” And so anyway, he said, “Tell you what, I will sign up for your software “and I will test it out.” And that’s what he did.

01:04 - And he just shared this video testimonial with me and I thought I’d share that with you right now. So you can hear in his own words, how they’ve been able to use live video to basically grow their congregation. And it’s really cool to hear in his words, and I wanted to show that to you right now. - We had a couple hundred people to start with. We’re now 1000 people strong every single week. And the live stream has been a crucial piece of marketing tool for us. It’s been a crucial piece of getting more people to our church. It’s been really the growth mechanism of our church. If we didn’t have the live stream, we just we wouldn’t have much influence anywhere and the more frequent you do that, you’re getting more people that are inviting their friends. If they miss a Sunday, they can keep attending.

01:53 - A lot of people don’t attend church every single week. And livestream is that mechanism that can keep kind of that, yeah, I think it’s something like, two weeks out of the four of a month people are actually attending your church. So, with this, they can see all four, you know, and you’re still giving them the content. They don’t feel like they miss something necessarily. And it just gives a lot more flexibility. Otherwise, you know, you’re sort of just, you know.

02:24 - If let’s say you’re in an immediate series, we’re in the book of Daniel right now. In every single week, we’re going through a different chapter, you know. If I missed two weeks out of that, you know, I just missed it. I could go back and maybe watch it online later, but the live stream is just really, it’s saying, Hey, you know, you missed this. Oh, you know, I can watch this now, today. So, it’s really just the best thing for our church and how we can grow. Our typical week looks like, we start kind of the week on our Sunday. We got two services nine and 11. I live stream live, live on both of those services. I will take that recording later in the week and I can actually edit it. We can take that now and push it on a Monday at six o’clock at night.

03:11 - And then people are getting off work, they can go home and hang out with their family watch the message, maybe they missed it. Maybe they were volunteering all Sunday, and they missed it, now they can go home and watch it, you know. And I’m re-reminding them through the live stream, through their notifications that are hitting their phone, it’s coming up at the top of their feed. And it’s you know, it’s good for them to watch and it’s just as easy as what you missed. Churches should be using as much live content as they can.

03:39 - It’s a better format, it’s quicker, you can get on there and respond to people. It’s a lot better than just posting a video and then it sort of gets forgotten. Finding something like LIVEpigeon has been a crucial thing for us and also has just allowed us to have more flexibility, where my pastor can have a week off. He can come in on a Wednesday, record. I can play that back as a Sunday rebroadcast. I can now have a weekend off. Where it’s just before, it just, it locks us in and I got to be here every single Sunday.

04:13 - I can’t miss it, otherwise people can’t get their Bible teaching. And to us, that’s a really high value. You can even shoot something on your iPhone and post it. Now you’ve just brought your church to a whole another level, that it wasn’t in that before. And it’s just given the people in your church a lot more flexibility to attend your church. I can do a whole week’s worth of work pre-scheduled out in one sitting.

04:38 - I can capture it, edit it, upload it to LIVEpigeon, and it just, my whole week is now freed up and it will just deliver itself. I don’t even have to worry about anything. You know, LIVEpigeon just does the rest. LIVEpigeon has just been so great to work with. They’re listening and the support is getting back to me. In fact, it’s an opportunity to even do a rebroadcast with media that I’ve already uploaded and now that’s a new feature already implemented, I can do that now.

05:04 - So it’s just been great, and the products is just getting better over time. - So that was Tyler’s story. And I’m so glad that he sent that to me. And how cool is it that I’m able to share that with you. So what I wanted to do next is transition and show you a demo of how to use LIVEpigeon. And I want you to be able to take advantage of doing these Facebook lives and how you can use a tool like this to help grow your church. So check this out. So this is how LIVEpigeon looks when you first log in.

05:32 - Now I need to connect my Facebook account. So I’m going to go ahead and click, Sign in with Facebook. Now that my Facebook account is connected to LIVEpigeon, I’m going to go ahead and click on, Schedule a Pre-Recorded video. Now I’m just going to pick my time. So, we’re going to go live on Monday. I want to go live at 9:00 a.m. Great, I’m going to go ahead and click Next. All I have to do here is fill out my title and my description. And then I’m going to click Next.

06:03 - If I click here, it’ll ask me you know, where would I like to go live? And I’m going to go live to my page. I’m going to click Next. I’m then going to choose a file and I have my church service here. So I’m going to click Open. So now the video is uploading and depending on how long your service was or the file size, this might take some time. But once the video is uploaded, then LIVEpigeon will start processing it. Now, processing what it does, is it’s basically optimizing it for Facebook.

06:37 - Success! Your pigeon has been scheduled successfully. Are you seeing the power of this tool? All I did is I picked my time that I wanted to go live, I filled out my title, my description, I uploaded my video file, and now LIVEpigeon is going to take care of the rest. Ooh! It’s so amazing. The fact that this is going to save you so much time, and I cannot wait for you to get started. So what I wanted to do next is I wanted to invite you to sign up to LIVEpigeon. Try it out for 14 days for free on us, see if it’s going to be a good fit for you and your church and I cannot wait for you to get started. .