Mohawk - Western Film - Türkçe Dublaj Full İzle
Mar 4, 2021 05:26 · 6525 words · 31 minute read
Aunt. Cynthia… They are beautiful. - Aunt Agatha…
02:36 - At my age, there was no reason to hide his admiration for men.
02:41 - This is Cheyenne? - The Iroquois. Are they peaceful? The rattlesnake is it nice. When he does not bite you? Jonathan said they are peaceful.
02:51 - This is an artist. He?? sees things his way.
02:55 - A snake is a snake. They will not attack us, I hope.
03:06 - You never know what they’re up. We do not know what they have in their head.
03:09 - Especially their friends, Tuscarora. One must be careful.
03:13 - You said that they were Iroquois. - They are all Iroquois.
03:17 - Is called like that Mohawk tribes. Oneida, Tuscarora, Cayuga…
03:22 - They all alliance. Here is the Mohawk territory. It is those who have their heads shaved.
03:27 - They welcomed the Tuscarora, who were expelled from their land.
03:31 - The Mohawks fought like lions. So far, nobody has come to end.
03:38 - What time are we going to Fort Douglas? Around noon. If everything goes well.
03:54 - Here is the box. Am I pretty enough, Aunt Agathe ‘29 ‘.
04:00 - You look like a lady in the world. Something you dislike? A woman who daubed for love is more dangerous than Mohawk.
04:10 - If you were scalped by a Mohawk; You do not say much.
04:52 - Sergeant. At your orders. Take your truck basically near the arsenal.
05:01 - You’ll lose a corporal, with two men on guard.
05:03 - At your orders. A precious cargo? - Muskets and powder.
05:13 - Here that seems even more valuable. Thank you.
05:21 - This lady is well guarded. Her chaperone was not very ferocious.
05:31 - Let me introduce myself, ladies. I am Captain Langley, the commander of Fort Douglas.
05:35 - Magic. My niece, Cynthia Stanhope. I am Agathe Stanhope.
05:39 - We came to see Jonathan Adams, painter. You know? Yes, ma’am. - Where can I find it? Do not take this so embarrassed air. My niece is his fiancée.
05:54 - It awaits you? - No, this is a surprise. That’s right. - Where is my boyfriend? One moment, please.
06:05 - Clem. Clem Jones. Will you come? Yes, Captain? These ladies want to see Jonathan Adams.
06:13 - All ladies are there… Miss Stanhope is his fiancée.
06:24 - Wow, this is crazy. E… waiting for you? We did not come here to discuss the meaning of our visit.
06:30 - All you are asked, is where can I find Jonathan.
06:36 - Okay, ma’am. Clem Where is Adams? - Somewhere in nature.
06:42 - Amid these fierce Indians? They are not fierce, miss.
06:47 - We even almost friends now. How can you let out without escort? It is not alone. He?? has a cow with him. And my daughter, Greta.
07:14 - Jonathan. I’m getting tired. Sorry, Greta. Let us pause.
07:28 - I find it very beautiful. And the cow? As a cow.
07:35 - Why are you laughing? When I see you laugh, it makes me want to laugh too.
07:38 - This is perhaps my nature. And when we cry? A woman always has as much fun crying to laughing.
07:58 - You masses beautifully. I know. I often have to massage my father.
08:07 - You know you have everything you need to make a man happy.
08:11 - I do my best. And if a man wanted to kiss you? I kiss too.
08:43 - You have an exceptional nature, Greta. I am very happy.
08:47 - If we got married, we both? You’re cute as can be, baby.
08:52 - But you deserve better. I am too simple for you.
08:55 - May God protect me girls too beautiful and too frivolous.
08:57 - Even if they only think about you? In ten years, I am as big as my father.
09:03 - I’ll marry a farmer as simple as me. We have many children. We will live happy and uneventful.
09:09 - You’re the smartest beautiful girls I’ve ever known.
09:12 - And you, the man who best embraces. I want to see the head Kowanen.
10:00 - The hare can not speak, man, yes. This is the highest branch that croaks the raven…
10:05 -… to feel dominate the world. Will you answer me? Only when you’ve told me why you want to see.
10:24 - Since when revered Kowanen allows it children to choose their visitors? Your tongue is too long. - It’s not up to you to shorten;.
10:32 - This is a friend that I come to your town. Your own laws protect me.
10:37 - I Keoga, the son of Kowanen. I will bring him your message.
10:41 - So tell your father that I’m here. To warn.
10:44 - Against what? Everyday arrive many armed settlers.
10:58 - Butler just to warn you. He?? said that armed settlers arrived.
11:17 - Hi, Kowanen. My son says you bring a message.
11:22 - The numbers speak louder than words. Today, 68 settlers and a trolley full of muskets…
11:27 -… arrived at Fort Douglas. And how it looks at us? Who are the lands that will settlers to settle there? There is plenty of land.
11:37 - Against that new muskets will they run? A true sage increases its strength to impose peace.
11:43 - They say that tomorrow there will be more soldiers, more.
11:46 - The eagle is not afraid of sparrows. Is exactly the words uttered by my father.
11:52 - And he was killed. And that’s how the Tuscarora were decimated by the pale faces.
11:59 - And have come to beg hospitality Mohawk, hand trembling with shame.
12:04 - For alms of a piece of land or expand their coverage.
12:07 - Your father went to war despite my opinion. - Peace was impossible with them.
12:12 - They came one after another, like ants, and took our land.
12:17 - We had to leave or submit. There was no other choice.
12:20 - This is the same here. I understand their ways.
12:24 - The Great Spirit led the Iroquois to the tree of peace.
12:28 - And teach them to listen eagle whose eye sees far.
12:32 - This is hand in hand we are really strong, said Sage.
12:35 - And it is only when we will be bound to each other, nothing will make us more harm.
12:42 - The pale faces not destroy us if ourselves one day forget our links.
12:45 - And let our passions divide us. I do not want to war with pale faces.
12:55 - Why do you want we fought your people? This is not my people.
13:07 - Previously, there was no more brave warrior that your father Keoga.
13:10 - It’s getting old. - His spirit left him. I no longer recognize.
13:15 - I thought he would tell us to go fly the muskets, it would be a good precaution.
13:19 - Onida. Help us fly muskets. . You’re crazy. You’d kill him.
13:29 - A Mohawk is always ready to die for his land.
13:32 - Listen to your friend Tuscarora. Our old mocked us when did not want their peace.
13:37 - They followed up with fine words, then one day, it was too late.
13:40 - These muskets would make us stronger. You heard what your father said? This is the advice I’ll follow, flying muskets.
13:46 - My father said ‘a wise increases its strength to impose peace. ’ Me, I obeyed.
14:12 - I beg you, Mr Jones. This is the biggest fort woman who will buy it.
14:16 - She never will, but may shout across her waist.
14:33 - The door must be closed at what time? - From sunset.
14:36 - This is it already layer. There’s there a way to enter the fort after closing the door ‘29 ‘.
14:42 - No, we reopens at sunrise. Your daughter is out, too.
14:47 - Usually, they come at the last minute. Usually… ? The sun has set. No Indians within the fort.
15:10 - I let my coverage there. I will return and I go out.
15:14 - Go. But be quick. Close the doors. Trolley in sight.
15:46 - Reopen. My cow gives thanks you. I’m tired of waiting every night to close.
16:04 - Do not be hard on the animals. Poor forget the time when he made his portrait.
16:11 - Close the doors. Poor Langley… It amuses me to exasperate.
16:20 - Cynthia. Hold this. Cynthia.
16:31 - Which cloud did you come here? I gave him a place on my broom.
16:35 - Dear Aunt Agatha… Always so aggressive. Dear Jonathan, always fickle, in the desert and in the city.
16:43 - This is Greta, she poses for me. I thought museums you waiting landscapes, not portraits.
16:49 - Worry on each table; I painted a cow and a tree. .
16:52 - I’d love to see your paintings. - Willingly, Cynthia.
16:55 - But we must first install. My paintings wait.
17:00 - I like to see them now. As you wish. You come? I’m not interested in your paintings only my future niece.
17:09 - My work you reveal the bottom of my heart. I expect you things less trivial for me to pronounce.
17:15 - Painting is my job. If you have made the long trip just to…
17:18 - Mercy, Jonathan. I can not wait to see your paintings.
17:23 - This will not be very long. Long journey and fatigue to further discuss without even…
17:31 - But where are we going? - See your landscape.
17:35 - They are there. Greta, take care of animals, please.
17:50 - So you… model? Yes. I willingly pose for him. It has a lot of talent.
17:57 - Come on, you’ll see. This is. . you? I am very beautiful.
18:15 - Yes, and very pointedly, I think. Very original.
19:00 - Jonathan, how can you live there? The mistake is to believe that I saw. I stay here, that’s all.
19:05 - I spend my days outside, as it is light. You need to go there two months.
19:10 - The concept of time is lost here. We know just that there are seasons, there was Christmas, Easter…
19:14 - I assure you that the painting takes me away from everything.
19:18 - Jonathan. Tuck with me before winter arrives.
19:22 - And return to the paternal business? Oh no…
19:24 - No, darling. I do not like the trade, I love painting.
19:27 - So you leave me alone. You’re a capricious child. We must end this life.
19:37 - You’re a beautiful girl, Cynthia. You made a grueling journey to tell me that…
19:42 - That I love you, that’s all. I am very flattered, but…
19:50 - Marry me. You have decided so… I chose a beautiful villa near Boston.
19:56 - Important people will order their portrait.
19:58 - The idea is Aunt Agatha? This is not very nice.
20:02 - Forgive me. I am very hungry. You think only of eating, what I told you? In your presence, Cynthia, no could think of things so down-to-earth.
20:14 - Here I am more. Course. Where would your self-esteem, if you follow me? And become a woman quality without his precious self-esteem? Anyway, a sated fiancé is easier to convince.
20:38 - This is your woman of quality. And the Devil pride.
20:41 - Cynthia… Bon appétit. Beautiful Fort Douglas.
22:53 - This is a girl to keep him in prison if we want peace in the household.
22:57 - You have a joyful spirit, madam. Mademoiselle.
23:01 - It is precisely this spirit that made me…
23:03 -… giggle nosed men who wanted to marry me.
23:05 - If I am old daughter, I owe to my mind. Finally here you, Cynthia.
23:13 - Mr Butler. - Enchanted. You’ve seen Captain Langley.
23:17 - As for you, gentlemen, I think you know. It is difficult not know in a small community.
23:25 - A few tables newsworthy? There are several very nice invoice.
23:31 - Mr Adams has always denied to let us see his paintings.
23:34 - I thought that you were not interested. Anything related to Mohawk Valley interests me.
23:38 - You lived there long? - I’m not even there, miss.
23:43 - My family was formerly the first to settle there.
23:46 - Then the settlers began to arrive. When I was young, I thought that Valley mine.
23:52 - But, Indians were before you. The Indians are savages. They have no more rights than animals.
23:59 - Spanish were right to enslave. I doubt we can make a slave Iroquois.
24:03 - There are only massacre. Before they kill us.
24:07 - But nobody listens to me. It plows his field and digs his own grave simultaneously.
24:13 - The settlers arrived. Then the priests, then the soldiers.
24:17 - And finally the gentlemen of the painting…
24:20 - They make this great valley a small farm province…
24:24 -… where you dare not even breathe. Idiots.
24:33 - Here is one phenomenon. I never knew what this man hated most, Indians or settlers.
24:39 - I begin to think he’s crazy. It is always wrong about the Indians.
24:44 - Let’s get them peace, and they leave us alone.
26:19 - Why you stayed here? Will you fight. They will fare well without me.
26:29 - Stop. You will eventually kill you each other.
26:37 - They should be long gone now. Forma patrols to search the fort.
26:42 - You let them take the guns. Bravo, Captain.
26:46 - I shall find good. Sit down, and finish eating.
26:58 - Eating at such a moment? You’re right, you better go to bed.
27:02 - How to sleep with all that racket? There will be nothing before nightfall.
27:07 - Jonathan is right. Come to bed. I would like to be sure that an Indian does not expect us to scalp us.
27:14 - Come along. There are Indian, there? You’re crazy.
27:40 - The trip was tiring. Do not you up too early.
27:42 - What will you do tomorrow? - I will paint. Also this girl…
27:47 - The cow also. I have not finished the canvas.
27:50 - Sweet dreams. Good night, Aunt Agatha.
28:04 - I think you should resign. Needless to head. In these regions , there is the powder talking.
28:49 - Magnificent. - Let me go. So kill me.
28:54 - You’re too beautiful to be killed. I like you better paint.
29:01 - Anger suits you. Your eyes flash. It’s beautiful.
29:09 - They come here. Hide yourself quickly. Hurry up.
29:26 - This is. We built this tunnel there 10 years, to bypass in case of Indian attack.
29:34 - Hose debouched here. If they have been there, it was necessary that the reopening.
29:38 - You received Indian today? No more than usual.
29:43 - Not a case of powder. We are at peace for too long. We almost forgot the tunnel.
29:48 - Why did they attack tonight? I know.
29:51 - They are beasts. They kill for pleasure. Must skinning alive, these hypocrites. They should respect the treaty of friendship.
30:01 - And you keep their land after killing. You are what odds you? - From mine, I am a painter.
30:07 - Looks like you their friends, Mr. painter. I have no reason to hate them.
30:11 - And what they did earlier? - It may be your fault.
30:14 - If you do not like our ways, you just fuck off.
30:17 - This is not smearing paintings that will help us to clear the area.
30:20 - Put?? it in the tunnel. Sorry. Beware, I’m going to double guard.
31:27 - You have nothing? - No. Thank you. You’ll have to stay here until tomorrow.
31:33 - I’ll try to get you out into the carriage. - Why? There are no other solutions. - You’re different.
31:40 - This is always said to me, and I have never believed.
31:43 - It is rather the ones who are not like me. - Yes, it’s a shame. .
31:47 - Do not be so wild. Let me look at your profile.
31:54 - Magnificent. I’ll have to do your portrait.
32:05 - Excuse me, but I do not have much to offer you.
32:08 - Good night. Hello. - Hello. Jonathan went to get the cow.
33:09 - Why does it bother paint the cow, too, while you are already in the landscape? Management museums wants to see cows on the canvas.
33:18 - I, he painted me a bonus. Is it true that in large cities, girls are courting boys? Hello, Greta. Hello, Cynthia. - Hello, Jonathan.
34:00 - Beautiful day, you should take advantage. Can I accompany you, Jonathan? - After the incident that night? No, we do not know what the Mohawk in the head.
34:08 - Why do you go then? I have an infallible talisman, but it protects me.
34:14 - Greta, you stay there, too. I will not describe the cow.
34:18 - Ace evening. Who will bring you to eat? I trairai cow.
34:34 - Open the gate. You exit at your own risk. The captain did not take responsibility.
34:40 - Okay, I will be solely responsible. This is good, you can go out.
35:16 - Both girls were angry. - It does not matter.
35:19 - Which is your love? - None. And they give you their lips? - It amuses them.
35:25 - Here, a woman never gives his lips a man for fun.
35:29 - Come to me, you will be better. Onida, I want to kiss you.
35:50 - Why are you laughing? Your face lengthened, and your mouth was round as if you ate a lemon.
35:56 - You have to close your eyes when you kiss. But they remain open when I admire the sunset.
36:01 - It has nothing to do. A sunset is beautiful as the fields, woods, flowers, the reflection of the moon on the river.
36:09 - Eyes open at the beauty. This is the ugliness that made him hesitate.
36:14 - This is ugly to kiss me, then? You have a way of putting things… Which is ridiculous.
36:24 - Are you married, Onida? - No. Why? Pretenders abound. - There are many, there are none.
36:31 - And then, I’m afraid. - What are you afraid of? Faces pale. And what will happen to us.
36:38 - I heard this man speak, yesterday in your room.
36:41 - Your words are wise, your heart is good. Come to our village and get to know us.
36:48 - You want to be able to say that we are made to live in peace.
36:51 - You let me paint what I see? Go back. - Nothing.
37:07 - Why are you with the pale face? Because my brother and these brave Tuscarora dropped me.
37:14 - We could not… - You explain to our father.
37:19 - You can take your place with me. The fire is extinguished.
37:22 - The smoke itself Groundboom, like a frightened dog.
37:26 - You can come back. Do you always talk about? They are wasting their breath if they panent me. I’m not a Mohawk.
37:52 - You’re an Iroquois. My father is the chief of all the Iroquois.
37:58 - When a young fire burns so fiercely, that flames reach a tree, must trample quickly before it burns the forest.
38:05 - Instead of trampling must bring burn where it is useful.
38:08 - Supposedly for Peace they disobeyed orders.
38:10 - Rokhawah the Tuscarora has misguided. Is that respect hospitality that I give him? The envy and hatred poisons the heart of youth.
38:18 - The Tuscarora no longer hungry for revenge.
38:22 - We must understand Kowanen. It hurts. - Be less brutal, Onida.
38:27 - The pale face is soft. He?? cries lesser evil.
38:33 - Rokhawah only listen to his stupidity. A man who told me it would be already dead.
38:36 - So you’re as stupid as bad. If you’re a man, Arise, Keoga.
38:43 - That is brave, Rokhawah. You challenged children now? Are you hurt? You’re a good boy, Keoga.
40:00 - But you must grow a little before cause a man like him.
40:03 - You’ll have to teach me. - If you want. Ýnvite must apologize when creating upset when he was offered hospitality.
40:16 - I beg you to forgive me. Thy wrath is not heavy.
40:21 - I did not fail, in my childhood, whenever I was at fault, remind my father that he had been young before me.
40:26 - And he left there to take. I told you I brought a friend.
40:31 - I think so too. You’re welcome in my tent, and wherever the fire burns a Mohawk.
40:39 - I want to paint the manners of the great Kowanen and his village.
40:42 - I show them my people, so that you know better.
40:50 - Those who boast finally bite the dust. No truck on the horizon, Sergeant? - Nothing, Captain.
41:05 - Close the doors. Is it already taken too late? - Never. That worries me a lot.
41:15 - He probably was killed by the Indians. What ignoble character.
41:22 - Should never say things we are not sure. Why does not he home? So there has so many beautiful women in the valley? I insist again. You should put yourself in his search immediately.
41:32 - And where would you look? Go search the Mohawk village. - They never leave us.
41:37 - Then, burn the village. We are not at war with the Mohawks.
41:42 - So what does the visit last night? If you refused to send soldiers, I myself will go with the settlers.
41:47 - Nobody out of the fort before tomorrow. Neither you nor anyone.
41:53 - There is no reason to think that Jonathan was killed ‘by the Mohawks.
41:56 - He may have lost his cow, and he looks everywhere.
42:12 - What do they sing? The story of Degah Wide, who brought love, gaiety, and the tree of peace to the ‘Iroquois.
42:22 - I have always believed that the Indians did not know gaiety.
42:25 - The bird did not want to sing when the hawk flying above its nest.
42:30 - As for love and peace, you want me to admit that Indians are angels? Why your people know he love? Falcon he thinks of love, when over the birds? So you know what love is? As far as you know peace and joy.
42:51 - I’m happy. And from the bottom of Ontario, where Hurons live.
42:59 - Came Degah Wide, father proud Iroquois… … to plant the tree of peace on the banks of Onando.
43:09 - The Tree of Peace whose roots are in the sky.
44:09 - Returns to me. - Mens fetch. No, return it.
44:14 - Come and get it. Go get him. I start to worry. He?? had to get him something serious.
46:13 - He?? knew he should not leave the fort. This is an artist. He?? did not mind discipline.
46:19 - He has no idea of?? the danger, Captain. It has however warned. There are months that he is here.
46:23 - He laughed us when we took precautions. I hope he understands now.
46:30 - This is shameful. Shut up. They are all afraid to go into the valley to find Jonathan.
46:37 - I will not rub me the Indian for a painter to lack.
46:40 - I’m not risking my life for him. - I prefer to take care of crops.
46:43 - Let them free rein, and you keep or crops, or life.
46:47 - Buttler, I forbid you to come preach war against the Mohawks.
46:51 - They are already at war, Captain. This incursion, the other night, and now the disappearance…
46:56 - Hypocrites take the measure of your courage.
46:59 - If you do nothing, they will be emboldened.
47:01 - They will surprise night and kill men, women and children.
47:04 - Really? - No, this is wrong. It is crazy. The Iroquois thousands, and we, no more than 200.
47:10 - It is better to do nothing. You will manage without us; We go back to Boston.
47:16 - This is wisdom itself. I do not leave the fort before to know what happened to my fiance.
47:23 - It will kill me, this small. But where is he? Captain commanding the fort wants to see you.
47:55 - Between it. Is that the face pale welcomes Kowanen and his family? I beg you to forgive me, Kowanen.
48:17 - This madcap painter is gone for days without giving news.
48:21 - I thought my and buried. I was surprised to see him paint your portrait.
48:26 - Instead of laughing, you should be angry against him.
48:29 - It will come. With your permission. If I do not restrain myself, I would break you well Fig.
48:37 - What HI-done? - All this is serious. The settlers have prejudices about Indians.
48:44 - This crazy Buttler terrorizes with its forecast massacres.
48:49 - As Jonathan has not returned, he said that the Indians had killed.
48:53 - At the moment he preaches a war of retaliation against you.
48:56 - People are upset. I must soon return to strong, that they see me safe and sound. .
49:03 - Will you come back? - At full gallop. Keoga. You’ll accompany him.
49:09 - He who walks the path of war, Could he let his son in the hands of the enemy? This the tranquillisera.
49:19 - Whenever I talk to Kowanen Minikah and his wife, thank God.
49:23 - They are brave, good, and wise. May your life be long.
49:26 - Yours too. Hail. You come with me? I’ll bring my canvas and equipment. I take the truck, and I am you.
49:34 - It is better to bring the cow, too. So I do not expect you. Try to get home before sunset.
49:42 - We will return tomorrow at dawn. Watch your words. Words hurt like arrows.
49:51 - Yes, mother. I do not understand. He?? promised to return before nightfall.
51:08 - Provided it is him nothing happened. I do not know what to say.
51:12 - The town was quiet when I left. This is Jonathan. He?? had forgotten the hour.
51:19 - It is better to go to sleep. Good evening.
51:32 - Funny idea to hide in the shadows when we feared an attack by Indians.
51:35 - The Indians? Why? I thought they were peaceful.
51:39 - You said earlier. I’m sure you know them well.
51:44 - Evacuate the fort. Down in the valley or you will die in the coming hours.
51:48 - Do not worry, Mr Buttler. You could have an upset stomach.
51:59 - Here that date, my unites us. This is the Great Spirit who has appointed day.
52:07 - And on this day, a child is dead. Death is our destiny, Spirit decides.
52:17 - This is the land that he was born which will now young Keoga.
52:25 - Women, wipe the tears flowing. The tears are vain. He?? is dead, it’s over.
52:33 - But the tears continue. The child screamed before being struck in the heart.
52:39 - Our men hear the words to say. But men can not talk.
52:48 - Something stop words in their throat. They know that every day, men die and be laid to rest.
53:01 - Then their wives and children, and their children’s children.
53:05 - And they dream of sitting in the blood, crying with fear.
53:12 - Thus said the spirit Tuscarora. But, do you hear? With him panait God proud Mohawks.
53:21 - They were all killed. Kills as Keoga was. Cowards. Cowards who kill innocent children.
53:29 - Death pale faces. The spirits of our dead wander on Earth until the last day.
53:35 - For the pale face was plowing ‘ funeral plains ancestors.
53:39 - And it is no longer to rest them. They are the ones I see, I hear, looking Keoga, kill ‘by the pale faces.
53:47 - No voice crying for the blood of these murderers…
53:51 -… pays the blood of young Keoga. You weep because you do not have the courage to fight.
53:57 - You are already dead. The Tuscarora still breaded revenge.
54:07 - For once, with good reason. But neither he nor I can not declare war.
54:14 - Only our board decide. And you shall speak peace. Because your wife governs your place.
54:21 - And the pale face steals your daughter. I saw with my own eyes.
54:31 - Onida, leave us. The pale faces have killed my son.
54:40 - They did not kill my daughter. I love your daughter.
54:43 - White does not know love. Only conquest. Whether you go searching for all chieftains to the council of war.
55:11 - Why my brother he was killed? I do not know, Onida.
55:16 - I can not explain it. I knew we would avenge the murder.
55:22 - What would be to start a war? The moon Does book battle to his brother the sun? The stars they chase in the sky like mad dogs? These pale faces who want war are worse than rabid dogs.
55:35 - What do they have in place of the heart, men who betray their own brothers? One of my brothers has betrayed his own? Your friend, Buttler. He?? warned my father of the arrival of ammunition.
55:43 - Buttler? Why? He hopes that we will war against settlers.
55:50 - Jonathan, you need to leave the valley. If the council decides the war, which I’m sure…
55:57 -… you’ll be the first killed. Why… Buttler?…
56:00 - This is more important. Jonathan, save your skin. You’re a good man.
56:05 - Eye for an eye. They do it for Keoga. They will kill you and throw your body go: Mutilated in the fort, to declare war.
56:15 - This is war, he must flee. I shall prevent such madness. - No, Jonathan.
56:20 - They will kill you, save you. Kowanen.
56:46 - I’m your friend. - You’re white. I am first and foremost your friend.
56:51 - All mine have to be responsible for the murder? Let me first find the madman who killed him.
56:57 - I offered peace and blood flowed. This war they wanted.
57:01 - His body door flaming arrows into the camp of the pale faces.
57:06 - So be it. Mother. Jonathan is their prisoner. - He is our enemy.
57:21 - You know he’s sincere. - Today he is our enemy.
57:24 - Whether he was sincere or not, now it is too late.
57:28 - I refuse to believe you’re still my mother.
57:30 - This is the mother who Keoga pane. - I liked Keoga.
57:34 - Today, you love the pale face. And I want to hate all who do not like it.
57:38 - I want to kill those who kill. I avenge my father, if necessary.
57:42 - If you need a life for a life, I also want to obey the law.
57:45 - These are the men who make the law. Kill and die, nothing glad all the souls of warriors.
57:51 - They know that women continue always transmit life.
57:54 - What other replace war dead. What do you expect? Will deliver and return him home before it is torn to pieces.
58:52 - Do not move. This is too good to kill you once.
59:15 - The flames will burn. It will tear nails and strips of skin.
59:20 - You will die very slowly. You will die piece by piece.
59:26 - You’ll see. Cut the rope. Vite, it may be heard.
59:50 - Climb this tree, and jump the fence. On the other side, there is grass, we do not hear you.
59:54 - Onida, come with me. I belong to my people, and you to yours.
59:57 - I do not go without you. What you serve it to die here? You have to go warn your people.
60:03 - I love you, Onida. I will not give you. You see, Jonathan, I close my eyes when you take me against you.
60:14 - And I know why. - Tell me. When you love, everything should be clear around.
60:19 - One sees nothing but his love. Go now both I have the courage.
62:11 - A man comes running. He?? continued. Say Colonel I planned an attack. We can have a little.
64:26 - He must hurry to send help. Well, Captain.
64:31 - Close the doors. Open, I have to leave.
64:37 - Nobody leaves the fort. I am not a prisoner. Do not hold me, Captain.
64:42 - I need everyone. I warned you, though. But you do not listen to me.
64:46 - I’m sorry, but I do do not kill me with you.
64:48 - I’m not crazy. Open this door and let me out.
64:51 - Buttler. Where to go do you have? Against what have you warned? I warned, this is sufficient.
65:06 - You said that the attack was imminent. I just saw, I think.
65:10 - The son of Kowanen was mysteriously shot just yesterday.
65:14 - Were you aware Buttler? I’m not close to an Indian.
65:18 - So, you knew that was my Keoga. I may have seen in a dream.
65:22 - How many shots were fired in your dream? It takes some to kill an Indian.
65:25 - A ball is sufficient for a shooter who is not armed;.
65:27 - There may be double the fun. It is also pleasure you said has Kowanen the new muskets were arrived? Liar.
65:35 - This is a Mohawk who told me. If we start to believe Mohawks, is that it goes wrong.
65:39 - Mohawks never lie. And you know it. You killed Keoga… - They’re coming.
65:52 - You will be leaving, Mr Buttler, since you insist.
65:54 - Open. Tell Mohawks we are sorry to use muskets.
66:00 - If you leave time. Open. Let me in.
66:18 - Lock. Greta, go get my gun. Open me. Please.
66:33 - Open. Quickly. Alla help nurses, miss. It is much better for you.
67:48 - Wait. Not yet. Fire. They go.
69:22 - They’ll be back. But they will in the same way.
69:26 - Bring wine. What drink for everyone. Liquors too. They could well drink, and it would be sad.
69:38 - This is not painful; This is nothing compared to childbirth.
69:41 - What do you know, miss? We put them to flight. They left without asking them rest.
69:48 - You think they’ll come back? - Yes, and many more.
69:52 - I hope that the troops relief will arrive on time.
69:55 - Do not think of the relief. Must be taken at all costs, without waiting for reinforcements.
69:59 - Jonathan should not go fight. If he lost a hand, or if he became blind…
70:04 - This is a painter, an artist… It would not be worthy of if not doing his duty first.
70:10 - When we fight, everyone should go. Even we women.
70:15 - Greta, I said some nasty, yesterday about you…
70:18 - Do not blame me. - I do not remember these things.
70:21 - This is not in my nature. Greta. Do you like Jonathan ‘R’? This is Jonathan who does not love me. This is what matters to you.
70:33 - This is often like that, love. Love command but does not obey.
70:38 - I’ll wear wine fighters. They crave. Aunt Agatha, you have nothing to do? The wounded need us.
71:28 - If we had the chance we take, would come back up to Boston? I do not think marriage, I hope for more.
71:36 - But to work ‘, you would be better. I do not know.
72:29 - There are too many. Replions us. Quick, Greta descend.
73:27 - Barricade windows. The dead litter the ground, like autumn leaves.
74:46 - They were killed for nothing. As one who has defeated in this battle, is neither pale face, nor redskin.
74:54 - This was your prisoner, Kowanen. The great Iroquois Nation is always free.
74:59 - Now, listen Iroquois lyrics proud Tuscarora.
75:02 - The flames of war burn beaches Ocean to the shores of the river.
75:07 - The pale faces are hunting land of our ancestors.
75:10 - We will be free again. Kowanen. Here is the murderer of your son.
75:22 - This man was nobody’s friend. Neither yours nor ours.
75:25 - He wanted us to kill them each other to stay in control here.
75:28 - Is that the man you would set fire to the valley? You really want to continue his work? Too many brave men have died for this man.
75:50 - This is the last, take good care. If you ever go through Boston, do not forget to visit us.
75:56 - You also, Greta. I am very happy to have known.
75:59 - I admit that I’m not unhappy finally find the civilized world…
76:03 -… away from your dear Indians. I count on you, Cynthia, to deliver my paintings to the museum.
76:10 - There are only landscapes, they will be happy.
76:12 - You’re not coming with us? No, dear Aunt Agatha, I really like this valley.
76:22 - Goodbye, Cynthia. I wish you bon voyage.
76:27 - Love command but does not obey. This is Greta who taught me.
76:32 - You already know, Cynthia. All women know it.
76:38 - I’ve always said, you’re the smartest women I have known.
76:50 - The joy is in our heart today. Mind makes us a son, instead of the that I was taken away.
76:58 - This is why, from now on, we will call Keoga.
77:02 - May you be happy as your spirit will be with us.
77:09 - Go to Onida. Farms Why are your eyes? This is for you to kiss me.
77:18 - Before all your people? Nothing is beautiful should be hidden from the world. .