Dec 20, 2020 17:46 · 1800 words · 9 minute read
Hi, I’m Marielly, welcome to Ponquecitos and Cakes, today we are going to make some sighs or meringues for Christmas Today I bring you another of my Christmas favorites which are meringues, also known as sighs or as meringue cookie, ideal as a gift or also To decorate your Christmas table this time we are going to make some meringues in the shape of a gingerbread man subscribe to the channel and activate the bell so that you receive the notification of all my videos these meringues can be filled with a chocolate cream or with the cream of your preference, I like it to be a dark chocolate so that it has a contrast between the sweetness of the meringue and the bitterness of the chocolate so we go with the recipe meringues or sighs with shapes or meringues cookies the written recipe as well as the answer You can find the frequently asked questions in the Ponquecitos and Cakes blog and in the Ponquecitos and Cakes ice cream APP a link in the box scription of this video this time the base of these meringues is a Swiss meringue. We start by placing the whites in a bowl and sift or serve the icing sugar. It is very important that this bowl does not have any trace of fat and is completely dry so that your whites Assemble well, the other important thing is that the whites are at room temperature, stir well to mix, you can also use granulated sugar if you don’t have icing sugar and add the salt, stir well, and put in a double boiler when you put this water in the water bath, it should already be hot. and it is important that it does not touch the bowl now we must bring this mixture to 63 degrees Celsius if they have a thermometer this will be ideal because you can better control the temperature otherwise be careful that it does not boil and that the icing sugar or granulated sugar is completely dissolved, remove from the water bath and with the electric mixer we are going to beat it starting with a slow speed and l We are gradually increasing until we achieve a very bright flexible meringue.Now we incorporate our cornstarch that will allow us to have an even more stable meringue and once it is incorporated we can incorporate the essence at a slow speed.
This time I am using an essence of transparent vanilla so 02:02 - that it does not incorporate color I am going to separate four tablespoons of this wonderful meringue that will serve me for part of the decoration of my meringues and to the rest we are going to incorporate a tablespoon of cocoa powder this will not only give flavor It is also going to add color to our Christmas men, it is super important to incorporate this cocoa at a minimum speed so that our meringue does not go down, remember to download the APP so that you always have the recipes, videos, tips and many more things at hand Now we take our meringue mixture to a pastry bag or freezer bag I am using a nozzle of one centimeter in diameter two tablespoons of the meringue I have placed it in a sleeve with a 2- millimeter nozzle and the other 2 tablespoons I have had with blue gel coloring and I have placed it in a pastry bag with a 3-millimeter nozzle I have drawn a small template for my men to make Christmas milestones all the same size so I am sharing it with you through a pdf that I have left on the blog I have left a link in the description box of this video so you can print it and make your little Christmas men exactly the same as mine to bake you can use baking paper or greaseproof paper or you can also use a whistle we hold our baking paper with tweezers to the tray so that it does not move while we draw our men milestones with a pastry bag and a centimeter nozzle we are going to make a small circle for our little man’s head, keep in mind when you apply pressure, It from one of the sides and when removing the pastry bag, stop squeezing and simply withdraw it very gently towards one of the sides so that no peaks form, this we will do in the same way on both the legs and the arms if You get to make a mistake or some of the pieces are not provided, you can use a silicone brush that is my secret tool so that all the details that these meringues have we can solve and if some of the pieces have been too big You can remove the excess with this silicone brush that is magical and will allow us to have almost perfect meringues, do not worry if the first one does not suit you since with practice you will acquire greater dexterity with the sleeve and each time you will still have them more beautiful with the light blue meringue mixture we are going to place the four buttons that will be the front part of our little men and with the sleeve that has the white color we go To draw some lines on the arms and on the head, try to do it without touching the meringue that we have simply applied from the air and make small points if you have some peaks, do not worry, we can solve it with our magic silicone stake once These figures are done, we must take them to bake immediately so as not to allow time for the meringue to come down, remove the tongs and take them to bake and we take our meringues to bake between 90 degrees Celsius and at most 100 the time will vary because it depends on the size of If you make your meringue the same size as me, it will take me about an hour and 40 minutes, it is quite long because the idea is not to cook them but to dry them, so the drying time that will be in the oven, the longer it is, the crisper they will be. your meringues so it is very important that the temperature is super low if it can be 90 or 93 degrees Celsius better and we leave the door at this time ity ajar because our figurines are chubby and then they will generate a lot of humidity, we leave the oven door ajar and thus all that humidity that is generated inside the oven will evaporate and in this way our perfect meringues will be left. I have used the fan with heat up and down and the door slightly open that you have a food dehydrator you can also use the other half of the meringues I have made them in the food dehydrator so the time will vary depending on the size of your dehydrator and the power it has but the temperature must being equally between 70 and 90 degrees Celsius the maximum temperature that has hydrated food averages is 70 degrees Celsius and I have had them dehydrating for two and a half hours you will know that they are ready when they peel off the paper perfectly a little trick if you live in an area with a lot of humidity is to let them cool inside the oven off so once your snack Gues are ready, turn off the oven, open the door a little more so that all the humidity continues to come out and let them cool inside on a rack and wait until they are completely cold.Now we can fill our meringues with the meringue party so that you can see how crunchy it is They are found inside and it really is that they are delicious once they are cold before filling them we are going to draw our faces for this I am using a food marker in black and with a fine tip we are simply going to place the eyes and the mouth I have left you some ideas of faces also with the drawings that are in the pdf as a template now we can fill them in but this is completely optional for this I have made some meringues with faces that is the front part and other smooth ones simply with the lines for the back part of the little man to fill I am using a 5 mm nozzle and I am giving him a craving for chocolate If you are going to fill them with a desire for chocolate, I recommend consuming them in a time of no more than 5 days, although to fill them can also be with dulce de leche some desire for white chocolate or simply chocolate or if you want them to decorate you do not need to fill as they are really beautiful and delicious fillings or without filling these meringues stay perfect depending on the humidity if you live in an area with a lot of humidity place them inside a glass bowl covered with hermetic closure or inside some cellophane bags well closed like this They will stay perfect between 15 to 20 days and if you live in that hour where there is almost no humidity because you are in luck because you do not need to have them so closed but I do recommend placing them inside a glass bowl or a can and they will stay perfect for up to a month you can keep them inside a glass bowl and offer them to your guests because they look beautiful they are also a wonderful idea to decorate your table of Christmas or placing them in a cellophane bag with a large bow is an excellent gift I hope you are encouraged to make these meringues they are ideal and super fun to enjoy this Christmas if you like meringues as many as I do, let me know in the comments section And so you will keep in mind to share many other recipes because I have a variety of ideas for your sweet tables or to enjoy I hope you liked today’s recipe and if so, remember to like and share with your friends subscribe to the channel and activate the bell so that you receive the notification of all my videos and although this is a somewhat different Christmas we are going to make it very special and very fun among all of us at home so don’t waste a minute of this Christmas to celebrate and celebrate. soon with another video recipes bye .