Batch Replace China Milk Label in 3D Layer
Feb 7, 2020 11:34 · 170 words · 1 minute read
Here’s an example of a Chinese milk mock-up file. It consists of a 3D Layer. I am now rotating it to show you that it is indeed 3D. Let’s open the texture for the label. Look. Chinese layer names! Certified made in China mock-up. With the Smart Layer Replace extension, we will automatically replace the Chinese milk label with these images. Let’s get started. Click File. Export. Smart Layer Replace… Wait while the extension scans for all textures in the 3D Layer.
01:22 - Then select which is the texture layer to replace. Here are the new labels that I’d like to use. I don’t want to use the render option at this time. Time to unleash the power! The exported images are placed in a folder created by Smart Layer Replace. However, you could always browse for your own folder to place the exported files in. Here’s a closer look at the exported texture smart layer replacements. For more information on buying Smart Layer Replace, read description below. .