Create and run a native Linux app using the Visual Basic Language, with Mercury.

Sep 2, 2020 13:52 · 241 words · 2 minute read run linux apps locally start

hi in this video we’ll have a quick look at building a native linux app with the Visual Basic language using Mercury. Windows 10 can run Linux apps locally so let us first check if we have the Windows Subsystem for Linux installed by going to the Start Menu and looking for “bash”. Run it. Before we can debug :inux apps we need to install GDB Server. We only need to do this once, so type in this command. You might need to enter your password. Once done, we can close this window. Next, launch Water. We have several language choices, but let’s use Mercury, our new Visual Basic implementation.

00:42 - Choose “Start New Project” and select the “Console Application” for Linux. Pick a place to save it. Our project opens and here you see our simple program: all it does is print a message to the console. But you gotta start somewhere… Up in the top right is our device picker. Water has detected that our Windows install has the Linux Subsystem so we can run apps locally. Of course you can also remote debug apps on a linux server via SSH. To do that just choose “Connect to a New Server” here, and provide the details. But we’ll skip that for now.

01:20 - Choose “Debug” and then “Run” from the menu. Water will build and then run our app on Linux. It’s as easy as that. .