My Nightly Routine How I do things at night
Dec 3, 2020 22:09 · 1111 words · 6 minute read
uh you everybody keeps saying that i’m not 18. look i’m a girl i’m five but yeah i am tall and i am 18. just i can’t i can’t move out i got other brothers and sisters that’s why i can’t move back i got other brothers and sisters and then i got my mom is dead but i still have a stepmom and my stepmom i’ll call her mom i don’t know why but i just do and yeah and then my dad but now i use this awesome so look um no i brush my hair in the bathtub my hair isn’t actually curly i can’t get it i can’t push this crack out so my hair is naturally curly thank y’all um i can’t brush it out because my hair is curly naturally and this is the like how it always is when i love that even when i get in the bathtub like this is always how it is i can’t i can’t brush it out because it’s hard to brush out um i usually uh this works very well i will be the first to say this is like the best stuff i can even um because i do this because my hair is naturally curly and frizzy i call them actually we kissed earlier so that’s how my hair looks like i can’t i can’t brush it i tried mostly earlier yeah that’s not working so let me go get my emotional clip and yeah okay so now um i’m gonna use my mousse and then i usually at night put some motion on like my face right here because y’all if y’all don’t know i’m gonna make it it’s almost out i’m gonna get more um because i use some on thanksgiving foreign foreign so nice uh okay so that’s that and that’s how i usually um do that so i’m talking about now my hair is like going so really really curly i didn’t brush it i did brush it actually i did brush i take that back i did brush it in the bed so i always brush it in the back to because um i don’t know i’m always used to that from when i was little and now um i brush my teeth so how my personal teeth is um so either i usually use this either use this i either use this this either use this or and then i use this oh yeah and then i use this um so now i use this so now um i’m done brushing my cheese so now i use my mouthwash oh so now um i use this now i use this and um it smells really good i usually just use this i know right here so so and now i’m going to use the now i’m going to use this it’s ointment and you’re about to get paused because i’m gonna use this summer and i’m not gonna show so now sorry i had to use that somewhere i wasn’t on a show and i don’t know if y’all do this but i know i do i wear socks to bed because um i just do so usually after i put lotion on my feet i usually like myself i don’t know why i wear socks today i know my mom used to do it oh me actually um my mom didn’t do it it was somebody that used to do it um oh mom it was so bad that i could really walk and i needed it for my brother the other day now i did when i tell y’all i have so many brothers and sisters it’s not funny i have so many sisters yeah i mean i’m done in the bathroom actually let me say it oh funny my sister said she’s a big oh my gosh and she said yesterday there is a such thing as a baking um can you don’t feel like being in the camera like there’s like i have like one big day so like yeah right now i’m sitting on my baby but um i have one big bag so it’s kind of like oh my gosh but i have one big bag so like that’s gone myself and that’s how she did it if there was one thing i could bring back some it’s never one thing if there was and one thing i can bring back from here my dad is my dad is still married is very close but me and my dad is also very close me my mom see i’m a girl and i had to tell my sister she was in the hospital i didn’t tell my sister she was like i want mommy you know children and teens um this is another video we’re just gonna add two videos because i don’t feel like making a video tomorrow and uh december 5th i don’t think i’m gonna be on for five days because i have schools here oh i was see now my hair is colored no my hair is supposed to be straight right now my hair is starting to get clean because you know my sister’s hair is curly and my hair is curly my mama’s hair was curly look and i pushed it too and it’s not going back to where it’s supposed to be um 8th grade i still haven’t put up on here um we’re both in eighth grade but i mean everything is good yeah me and him is invoking is i would still be talking to the same person i was talking to on instagram no you took me out of that because you were saying thanksgiving you say something and the person i was talking to was i don’t know hold on um name i don’t know his san francisco name to local small and hoping we don’t businesses to close the doors new york city plans to begin reopening public schools for in-person learning next monday after showing them all just over a week ago about rising infection rates and cbs videos openings followed um home improvement stores like home depot and lowe’s target expects to hire about the same number of seasonal workers as last year but this year they will focus on curbside right here but i’m about to come back to y’all like as soon as i hit this i see y’all love y’all peace make sure you like comment share subscribe follow us on our social media and this is about to be important to you love y’all peace .