(SUB) VICTON diary EP. 75 (What I Said 뮤직비디오 촬영 현장 DAY 1)

Jan 22, 2021 10:00 · 1203 words · 6 minute read

Start! (Hanse starting the shoot. ) Hey everyone~! This is VICTON’s first album The main track of ‘VOICE: The future is now’ Music video location (applause) Today I got to shoot the first single scene of the music video, Today is November 9th, and we’re filming our music video on the day of VICTON’s 4th anniversary.

00:28 - Unfortunately, we can’t meet Alice’s because of the filming schedule.

00:34 - I hope you’ll all be able to understand. (We can say it now!) Actually, we’ve been working really hard.

00:42 - Hanse working hard (On behalf of not being able to meet the Alice’s) Lip-syncing to the strange movements of the camera.

00:52 - It’s called a ‘robot arm (camera)’ It was my first time seeing this sort of camera.

00:56 - (The route) is already planned; so, it just moves the way it’s arranged.

00:59 - I think it’s really interesting. I reviewed it on the screen, and I’m looking forward to it.

01:10 - (Hanse’s big idea. ) In the middle, the screen turns vertical.

01:16 - I should do this (move) there. (The creation from Hanse’s idea) Staff members applauding Hanse’s idea.

01:30 - (Hanse is excited too) (For the formation dance) VICTON gathering one by one.

01:54 - Checking the routine before the first formation dance scene.

02:03 - Hello everyone, this is the music video set We’re shooting this music video in a different way than before, so all of the members are confused.

02:14 - Rehearsal following the ‘robot arm camera’ route this time.

02:18 - (shoom) (surprised) (with such a good move) The ‘robot arm camera’ has shocked the members (especially Byungchan).

02:24 - Starts filming the formation dance scene. Charismatic and powerful choreography is the point.

02:47 - Reviewing with care You get it right? We need to dance like Hanse Yeah, dance like me.

02:54 - (nods) The first formation dance scene is over! Switching to shoot Byungchan’s solo scene.

03:36 - Taking pictures of each other while waiting.

03:39 - (clack clack clack) I should just type ‘Ohhhhh’ Byungchan is ready for his scene Byungchan handsomely walking through the members typing with straight faces Using a hair dryer for the natural wind effect (hello) (hello) It feels like…

04:33 - How should I say it? Feels like I’m on vacation.

04:37 - (At a vacation-vibe set) (Sejun takes photos first) (So photogenic) (As soon as the music video starts, the playfulness goes away) (Practicing ‘Dice has been rolled’ part) (Seungwoo enters with the OK) PD: Seungwoo should be looking forward, and Sejun is putting a jacket on him Seungwoo: Don’t throw the jacket, put the jacket on me! (Checking if he did a good job) Sejun’s filming part is finished Seungwoo continues filming alone (shrugs off his coat) (The coat just sitting on the floor) (Look forward to the final result of the music video) (It turned out like this) (The VICTON members got together to film the trailer) 1-2-3 Start! (Starts singing happy birthday song) (clueless members) Beloved VICTON’s~ Seungsik: Oh~ VICTON’s birthday? Celebrating VICTON’s 4th year since their debut The staff members planned this surprise event Make a wish! All the members make a wish (Foo~) Thank you! Aren’t be being too calm? We were startled by the surprise event.

06:56 - I thought it was Subin’s birthday because of the Pororo cake.

06:57 - (His birthday is in April) Byungchan: Me too (They’re not teasing him. Just trying their best to love on the youngest) (ignores) Anyway, this cake isn’t just for us, It’s also for VICTON, Alice, and the PlayM staff members.

07:10 - Think of it as a cake for everyone. Let’s work harder from now now, Seungsik.

07:16 - Seungsik: Wow~ I got well-wishes~! (feels touched) (The party is over and now it’s back to filming the trailer) (Filming the scene where the members follow the blue butterfly and disappear into the mirror) Members laughing out loud.

07:49 - PD: “You guys can’t laugh” (blaming each other) Seungwoo: Wasn’t it okay until the 3rd person? (but) all four of them were like this.

08:08 - I have a disadvantage! The members who left (earlier) are watching me like this and I have to walk out! (Has to stay until last) Unintentional ‘try not to laugh’ challenge “Action” (smirking starts) Corners of lips start moving (Contagious laugh) 2nd fail Byungchan laughed because of the rocking table. Everything is just so funny! Sejun laughing behind the camera Made it to Seungwoo’s turn without laughing Ah! Why were you laughing! Don’t laugh! (Seungwoo’s voice expresses the unfairness) Those two laughed so much! Why are you laughing~ It’s so funny~ Ah~ it was dangerous a couple times Exiting is the funniest part.

09:20 - We’ll film the part when you open the doors and come in~ (Filming the scene when they enter) (Entrance scene done on the first try) No…you shouldn’t be sitting… ! (Sighs) Okay, let’s try it again Cut, let’s get over with this quickly… (VICTON has had a hard time filming) I think I’m filming something alone.

10:24 - Q. (Some of the) members are done for the day, and you’re the only one left on set. Aren’t you lonely? I’m okay… The younger ones should rest first, right? (dim) I mean as an elder…

10:34 - the younger ones should rest first. I’m really okay! The member’s break is very heartwarming for me… (The members laughing out loud next to Seungwoo) It’s going to be remembered as a very precious time, so I want my precious members to leave and take a break.

10:57 - Sejun: Uh…that camera Sejun: could we not shut it off? Sejun: Please keep it on! Sejun: Keep it on forever!!! The members should go back, take a shower with warm water, in case they catch a cold… Everyone… Everyone worked so hard.

11:11 - (affectionate) Do you want a cup of coffee? (rubs) Hey Genie~ (The result of loneliness) (Quickly proceeding to filming for Seungwoo) Yes! Frame out! (Seungwoo makes a mistake) I’m so sorry!!! (embarrassed) Yes, frame out! (Thinking about being done makes the corners of his lips go up) (Seungwoo did it correctly this time. Finished with his solo scene. ) Thank you~ I’m done~ Hello everyone, it’s Hanse~ Today was the first day of filming the music video.

12:22 - I’m. . I’m the last one. I’m covering the first and last part of the music video (Hanse is at the beginning and end of the music video) Seungwoo just finished, and I’m the last (to film).

12:30 - (Locked in a chessboard, and Hanse is the Knight) (Hanse trying his best until the end) Done! The filming started and ended with me.

12:57 - It was a successful shoot. We’re done.

13:01 - And we have another music video shoot tomorrow.

13:04 - We’ll do our best tomorrow too. I did all the solo parts today, so I have a load off my chest.

13:12 - For the members who still have a lot of pressure, please wish them the best.

13:16 - (Please look forward to ‘What I Said’ Music Video Filming Day 2!) Let’s do it!.