China Amazing and Strange computer Part | Crazy

May 6, 2020 14:00 · 1726 words · 9 minute read usually tweeting teammates mozambique folders

I went on Twitter today and most of the time when I go on Twitter people are usually tweeting at me to give them a free computer or well actually that’s the majority of my job but this time someone tweeted at me something very interesting and that is actually the oh whoa graphics card now when I saw this I was just like okay this is a cool concept a graphics card that weebs would absolutely die for but I did a little bit more digging on this because I saw the Box in the background saying it’s an RX 580 and it’s actually a graphics card for sale on Aliexpress this video is sponsored by disk Oh let me start off by saying I really like this software disco is a program that allows you to use multiple different cloud services as folders all in one place on your computer now how is this helpful well if you look at my desktop I have a lot of crap everywhere so naturally I take advantage of cloud services to help free up my PC I have a few cloud services that I use so it’s a pain in the butt trying to open up a new tab every single time logging in with different credentials and sometimes I don’t always remember the user names and passwords so it just consoling me down and that’s actually the main reason I really like using Disco’s because I can actually open the program and add any single cloud service I want and then I can have it ready to use right here in the program right now I have my Google Drive account connected double click on it all of my files right here in a Windows Explorer tab and like a touch from before if I don’t have it in my Google Drive and I need to go to Dropbox I can just add right here it will open up an Internet tab for me and then all I have to do is allow it and login one time and then it’s done now if you’re someone like me that has a lot of files and needs help keeping things organized I highly recommend this it’s actually been a great experience and right now disco is actually offering a free three-month trial so if you want to figure out how to do that and get it for yourself go to the description follow the instructions click on the link and you will see how you can do it thanks again to disco for sponsoring the video now let’s get back to it now you’ve probably seen Aliexpress and some other computer tech youtubers videos and for the most part it is a hit-or-miss website now this card is made by yes turn which is actually a legitimate Chinese aftermarket manufacturer for computer parts but there’s no way in hell that I believe this graphics card is actually legit the more likely the pictures is thing the more it screams absolute scam I mean you scroll down to customer reviews there are Doc’s but you know what and Shay is this is it wouldn’t be a fun video if all we did was make fun of it we’re gonna buy this thing and we’re gonna see if this Lulu awesome dozen was a piece of crap actually works okay so first impression I’m not exactly thrilled this thing came dented half and honestly I guess I should be happy that it even came from China at all I’ve been surprised it took a month long shipping it said it would only take two weeks but it’s here some of the boxing is kind of faded off with the silver print but let’s just see if it’s actually in the box oh my god this looks so bad I don’t know why this thing smells horrible but it’s here and it’s actually just by feeling this right off the bat it feels okay I was gonna say it feels nice I’ll be honest this thing feels very cheap this is like super thin sheet metal and the casing just feels like I could snap it if I press hard enough I’m not gonna because I want to see this thing working and it’s full and final form but it’s not bad I mean to be honest this is definitely the cutest graphics card I’ve gotten to work with doesn’t seem to bet this thing really smells bad oh my god okay well we have a computer for this we’re gonna throw it in the system I have another rx 580 that we’re actually gonna be testing this against because here’s the thing I really don’t think this is gonna work as a matter of fact if it does work at all I’m pretty confident it’s gonna perform worse than an actual R x58 so we’ll see how much of a stand this thing I is nothing from the card yet motherboards lighting up Oh oh my god it turns on oh it has a face on top of the card okay so we have everything installed and the first thing we’re gonna do before we run any benchmarks is just make sure that this thing properly reads as an rx 580 what I mean by that is every graphics card actually has a chip inside of it that does the processing for the graphics so I want to double check and make sure that what I paid for is exactly what came cpu-z says it’s Knox by baby so now that we have confirmation let’s run some games okay so we have everything set to high setting except for the view distance which is gonna be epic at 1080p alright so we’re in it seems pretty smooth it’s actually very playable and we’re playing at high settings 1080p so I’m expecting to be stressing this card at least a decent amount so dropping down frames were consistent inside the house frames to be pretty consistent we’re gonna go try to fight someone and die really quickly and see if that makes it any worse Oh hit it once just hit it one time please please I didn’t touch that no wonder okay and just so you guys can see 90 FPS is pretty much where we’re staying at consistently the entire time we’re playing so four night is behaving like an rx 580 so just off this first test of lon I have I don’t know maybe I was wrong maybe this is actually a working rx 580 and China just makes some weird shit 206 kills hundred 57 - we got our wingman in a Mozambique this is a gonna be an interesting game truthfully I don’t really care about my teammates here I just want to go in probably gonna die and that’s fine but we want to check the FPS right now on the ground we’re actually holding indoors 120 FPS coming outside drop back down to 80 70 so the more we see the worse the FPS gets but it seems pretty solid whoa whoa whoa like you I knock someone down you want a thirst you I don’t care you are oh I’m gonna kill let’s go wait I’m not terrible I touched lava help and the last game we’re gonna be testing is actually csgo now some of you might know that csgo is more of a CPU intensive game which means it doesn’t necessarily utilize a graphics card as much as other games would however we’re going to leave all of the settings absolutely maxed out because csgo is an easy game to run and it will help utilize more of the GPU just so we see how much of a difference there’s gonna be between this card and the regular rx 580 right off the bat I’m seeing around 200 250 FPS it seems pretty nice just kill just kill literally anybody yes oh I’m smurfing so all in all pretty good I hate to say this but I think it’s an rx 580 honestly I’m actually starting to think that it might be more than fun I’m starting to wonder if this card actually performs better than the msi armor as a matter of fact okay so now we’re trying a more traditional rx 580 now this isn’t the msi armor card that i had earlier in the video i try to plug it in earlier and it kind of caught on fire only a little bit though it’s fine i’m just probably gonna stop buying parts off Craigslist okay so I have the numbers here and I’ll give you the Red Devils first and then you’ll hear the kitty cat for fortnight we got an average of 93 FPS with a 1% low which if you don’t know what that means it’s just like a moment where the graphics card dropped FPS to its absolute lowest was 22 the kitty cat graphics card actually had a lower score of 91 FPS with 1% low of 59 which means something might be wrong with this card but whatever apex Hudgins the Red Devil got an average FPS of 74 with 1% level 52 and the kitty cat graphics card got an average of 81 fps or the one percent level 48 and then finally csgo the Red Devil got an average FPS on 171 with 1% low of 69 and the kitty cat graphics card got an average of a hundred and ninety-eight FPS with a 1% low of 158 which means this guard is actually it’s that much better than the Red Devil which means that this is actually a better value by than an enthusiast a graphics card either I’ll say this on the off chance that you’re looking to pick up a brand new rx 580 which I don’t see why you would they’re a lot better options consider the yes 1000 graphics card because this thing it performs well and honestly if you’re a weeb weeb out food this thing actually works like moderately well I’m ashamed to admit honestly you know ok that’s the end of the video guys thank you so much have a great time I don’t remember my outro yet goodbye .