[GOING SEVENTEEN 2020] EP.38 천고마비 (Bungee Jump) #2

Nov 9, 2020 13:09 · 5751 words · 27 minute read getting paralyzed empty words hey

[The 1st bungee jumping completed] What did you think guys? [Certainly a coward] It definitely feels real now. [Awakened 1 / Awakened 2] Have you been awakened now? Sure, I absolutely have. [Comments please] Do you feel relieved? Yeah, I do. I think I can do it again though. [Hasty] The first time is always the worst. Do you think you’re gonna survive that? [What do you think?] Uh-uh.

00:26 - [High sky and plump horses] [Speed emceeing] So, now the 2nd round. We forbade a word earlier and this time [The 2nd round - forbidden action] Will you be okay with discluding Dino and Jeonghan? [SEVENTEEN is always considerate] Let’s leave them out. They can join us in the end when doing the group stuff. [Dino and Jeonghan got exempted] What’s the group stuff in the end? Each of us has a mission and according to the mission, other members except the one who gets the mission will have to guess the action [Boring] for the mission. [Dull] You come up with the action. [Getting paralyzed] So make the egg mixture…

in the egg mixture 00:57 - How should I put this? - Did you get it, or what? - What are you talking about? [Former MC of the match made in past life] Hey, MC. Do you understand the game? [He’s a singer] You’ve gotta explain it better. [2ROUND - action forbidding mission : the person has to bungee-jump if he does the forbidden action during the mission] [Like nothing happened] Now we need to decide what action we’d like to forbid. Mingyu, you first. [Always starting with Mingyu] - Me first again? - Let’s start off with Mingyu. [Surveillant role] Think about a mission that would be good for Mingyu.

01:11 - Give us the mission first, then we’ll decide. [Mingyu loves ramen] What about ‘eating all the noodles in a cup ramen’? [Snug time] Finishing the noodles? [Forbidden action for Mingyu] Would that be hot noodles? I believe so. What if he blows air out? [What a genius] No blowing air out. [So peaceful] He’s gonna do that for sure. [A coward worrying about another coward] That’s so harsh… I feel bad for him…

01:26 - [Forbidden action for Mingyu - No blowing air out while having hot noodles] [Rationalization] He might see this coming so let’s go for it. He could possibly guess this if he really hates doing the bungee jump. [I don’t wanna do it] Please, not today. The mission for Mingyu is [Mingyu’s mission - finishing noodles of a cup ramen] [Considering his taste] - You’re fond of ramens. - Why don’t we get started? Can I shake this a little? [Think hard] That might be the forbidden action. Like, no chopsticks allowed… He’s not allowed to use chopsticks, huh? [SEVENTEEN is very considerate] We’re not cruel people.

01:47 - [King of consideration] How about pouring it on the floor and letting him have it through his mouth? Just kick it like this. [They’re very hardworking today] We’re gonna give you some time to stir the noodles. Whoa, he’s got chopsticks. Mingyu loves ramen. [Cooking the noodles] Are you ready? - I’ve never seen his face like that while eating ramen. - Me neither. [When the ramen is not salty enough] He really likes ramen… [Easier said than done] Just take your chances. - Alright! - Here he goes! Mingyu, step forward please. [Giving him pressure] Don’t feel pressured. Ready, steady~ [Forbidden action : No blowing air out] [Mingyu’s mission has begun] Come with me. [Using the chopsticks instead of him] That’s safe. [Noodles are not fully cooked] [Suction] [Eating show all of a sudden] He’s gonna finish that.

02:28 - [Kim Noodle-gyu] [Hoping for failure] It has to be done within 1 minute. It’ll be funny to fail after trying that hard. [Too bad] [The most serious ramen eating show in the world] [Vacuuming noodles] He’s doing great. He’s done. x2. - He might get his palate burned. - Done. What’s the record? [Very happy for his success] 40 seconds. [Some lingering feeling for failure] - Nothing’s left. - He’s finished it. None left. He’s finished it all.

02:49 - [Mingyu completed the mission] We’ll accept it. Succeeded! [He did his best] [Turned the corner again] The forbidden action! It was no blowing air out. Did you see me [Got a hunch] try to blow air out, [Change of plan] Yeah, I saw that and just ate it. Were you gonna do that? I was like, Oh~. [Next person] I could see Mingyu’s determination… [Comfortable] Well done. Okay, then the next action.

03:04 - [The next mission] Peeling tangerines x2 Wouldn’t ‘peeling tangerines’ within 1 min be like a walk in the park for Wonwoo? [I just want him to go] We can make the action really hard. Like, using his hands? [Love it] That’s awesome. Just tell him to go. [Just go] He could do it with his mouth like this. Wait. He might be able to guess this, so let’s go for peeling with the mouth. Peeling tangerines with no hands. [Wonwoo’s forbidden action - Peeling tangerines with no hands] Right. Conversely. That’s what I thought.

03:23 - So he should use his hands, huh? [Not doing a good job explaining] He might try not to use his hands. [Simply put] We want him to use the hands, huh? [Additional explanation] He fails if he tries to peel them with his mouth. [I wanna add something] - Great x2 - Other than hands x2 [But failed] With other body parts… [Everyone understood] Hey, Wonwoo! [The mission] Wonwoo’s mission is ‘peeling three tangerines’. Or one tangerine? [One = plenty of time = He’s not gonna use his hands] I think one would be better.

03:39 - [Wonwoo’s mission - peeling one tangerine] One tangerine! x2 One is better. x2 It’s only one minute. [Decoy] Three would be too much to handle. [Forbidden action : peeling tangerines without using hands] [Wonwoo has begun] [Not promising] [It was so predictable] [Cut in 0.1 second] [Hit the buzzer] Bungee~ [Jump party] - Jump! x2 - You should’ve used your hands. Without using hands? [Happy] [Wonwoo got picked] I didn’t see that coming.

03:59 - [Congratulations] I wanted you to feel comfortable. SeungKwan, do you know what was great? It was originally 3, but he went ‘One is better’. That was really smart. [DK is waiting] He would’ve used his hands if it was three. [Basically a brain game] He saw right through Wonwoo. Such a good idea. What else have you got? [Choosing DK’s mission] - Ahh, wearing rose patterned pants. - Wearing rose patterned pants. With no hands.

04:13 - [He failed due to the hands] Without using hands. Without using hands for fun. [A coward concerning about another coward] That could be tough… [Conscience] DK is gonna fail… Well, he can use his arms and feet. [Not my concern] Guys, this is an individual match. Don’t think it’s harsh. Dino, you’ve checked it out [Review please] and do you think it’s okay to concede? [Today’s living point] You shouldn’t make it easy for him. - It’s all about survival. - You wanna avoid this, guys. [DK’s forbidden action - touching the pants with hands] What’s the game? [DK’s mission - putting on rose patterned pants] [Rose pattern] Putting on rose patterned pants? [King of consideration] You don’t need to take off your pants. Just wear them over yours. I won’t take them off. [What a shame] Thought you might. Let’s start it.

04:44 - [Forbidden action : touching the pants with hands] [DK has begun] [Buzzer] [Cut in 1 second] [Welcome to the club] Jump x3. [Bye] What was it? [Solemn] Touching the pants with hands… [Hey MC, what are you talking about?] [I have to bungee-jump] Wonwoo was not allowd to not use his hands so we though you’d figure it out. [One way or another] It could be sitting down to wear the pants. [Poker face] [DK got picked] He’s mad. [He’s just concerned] He looks mad~ - It’s nothing~ - No x3 [Extracted from WEVERSE] [The group that doesn’t blame coworkers or friends even if they are not good at games] I thought you’d be using some tricks.

05:11 - [Blank with nervousness] I can’t think of any tricks. DK. [A fashionista’s perspective] Nice shoes. [The season of high sky and plump horses] Is it Joshua next? [Next turn] Yes. [Deciding on the forbidden action for Joshua] [The MC’s out of control] Tell Joshua to dance freestyle. [Candidate #1] The caterpillar dance. [Candidate #2] That, or the other caterpillar dance. [Regular pick] He’s going to do this for sure. Nah, I think it’s going to be this. [Candidate #3] It’s this. - It’s this one. - Hey, guys.

05:31 - [Candidate #4] Don’t you think he’s going to put his hand in his left pocket? Oh! We get him to dance freestyle, and [Demonstrating] the moment he tilts his head, it’s over. Okay. x3 Alright. x3 But while he’s dancing freestyle… [The moves and where he looks are excluded] It’s only when he hesitates and tilts his head. [Forbidden action for Joshua - Tilting his head in hesitation] Looking embarrassed. [Can’t let go of this one] I bet he will do this. Joshua. Josh~ [Excellent speaking skills from the MC] The Joshua for mission (= mission for Joshua) is [Joshua’s mission - Freestyle dance] It’s for a minute.

05:55 - [Giving him pressure] You don’t have to dance that well. [Confused] You can just walk as well. There must be so many ideas in his head. So many ideas. ‘I need to dance, but what’s not allowed?’ [The one who said they need to survive] Good luck. Is there a song by SEVENTEEN that you want to dance to? [Dancing machine of the vocal team] Just play any song. [BGM’s ready] Ready? Go~ [Forbidden action: Tilting head with hesitation] [Joshua’s mission starts] Why are you so bad at blowing the whistle? [The 90s feeling] [Not SEVENTEEN’s Got Talent! Not an audition!] Are we judges? Are we…judging…? Shu-bot, shu-bot. - Joshua, you have to dance. - You fail if you don’t dance freestyle. Nice. x3 [Forbidden action candidate #1] [Predictor] Nice! x3 [So close!] You’re still on.

06:32 - You’re still on x2 [Forbidden action candidate #3] Why are you making me dance freestyle? [Almost had a new friend] Why are you making me do this? Nice. Why are you making me dance? Let’s go~ You can do it, Joshua! You haven’t failed yet. [What he mentioned before] [Just looking somewhere, not tilting his head] I don’t know what to do right now. [An unpredicted move] He’s getting annoyed. Another step. That’s it. That was close. [Joshua is exempt from bungee-jumping] I can bungee-jump, but…

07:08 - [Messy word choices] No, you didn’t do the forbidden action. But you did two of our candidates. [They know each other so well] You didn’t do the forbidden action though. You didn’t fall for it. If you tilted your head a bit like [Demonstrating] ‘Freestyle dance?’, you would have failed. You survived because you didn’t do this. He did it with confidence. Next, WOOZI. [Or, you can help each other play successfully] I need more members to fail. Otherwise, Wonwoo and I have to bungee-jump. [Deciding on the forbidden action for WOOZI] What should we pick for WOOZI? How about this? Is it too harsh? [Kindhearted] Standing straight for more than 5 seconds.

07:33 - Or, how about this? Taking a selfie, but if he’s alone in the photo, he fails. [Candidate #1 - Selfie alone] [Too many people here] I think he’s going to take the selfie with someone. There’s so many people both in the front and the back. [Seen anyone who takes selfies like this?] Doesn’t he take selfies like this? [Zooming in on his eyes] So that only he is in the photo. [Fatalist] Let’s leave it to fate. So what is it? [Candidate #2 - If he takes a selfie with someone, he bungee-jumps] [Okay, got it] [WOOZI’s forbidden action - Selfie with someone] WOOZI! [Empty words] Although we want to go easy, [Playing the game seriously] we can’t help but be serious about this.

07:59 - [The one who was the most serious] Why are we so serious about something like this? [The most serious content ever That’s how dreadful bungee-jumping is. So, WOOZI has to take a selfie. [Assistant MC] You need to take a selfie under a minute. [Life = one selfie] [Doesn’t want to think] I don’t want a battle of wits! [Forbidden action: Selfie with someone] [WOOZI’s mission starts] Just a second. [Quick selfie, quick fail] Did you take it? No, he hasn’t. He’s thinking. [Excited to have a new friend] [Everyone’s happy except WOOZI] How should I take the selfie? One selfie in under a minute! There’s no way out of this…

08:21 - How should I escape this? [Nature background the karaoke-style] He took a selfie! He took it with the mountains. He took it! Let’s check the selfie. [Decoying] - Mountain! - Mountain! [Selfie examination] What’s in it? What’s in it? [Clearly alone in the selfie] [WOOZI’s mission is successful] He failed. He failed. Oh, he failed. Oh, yeah. If there isn’t a single member in the selfie, [You need to listen till the end] it’s a fail. You failed. [Remembers candidate #1 only] A member had to be in the selfie. Come to the conclusion. What’s correct? [Memory falsification as a group] You’re successful if you take a selfie with a member.

08:48 - Seriously? [Lonely battle] His expression is saying something else… [Dysfunction of the majority vote system] - He’s confused. - They didn’t understand it clearly. [WOOZI fails] - He failed, right? - Yes. [Friend +1] Thank goodness. There are 3 of us now. [Deciding on the forbidden action for Vernon] What game should we pick for Vernon? Putting earphones on. Putting earphones on? [Together with a forbidden action] Without using hands.

09:03 - [Excited] Putting earphones on without using hands? How about this? If he puts the right earphone on first, he fails. [He likes games of chance] - It’s a game of chance. - Nice. [Fatalist 22] [The forbidden action for Vernon - Putting the right earphone on first] We have to leave it to fate. Vernon. You have to put on [Vernon’s mission - Putting earphones on] your earphones. [Kindly instructing] 1 minute is a lot of time. [The time limit is meaningless] You have to put it on your ears. Wait a second. [Fake bait] Would you like wireless, or wired? We’ll let you choose. [Excited that his idea’s chosen] Let’s just leave both here. You just need to put any one earphone on. [His brain needs to cool down] Wait, can you give me some time? - Nope. x2 - You have to do it in under a minute. [Forbidden action: Putting the right earphone on first] [Vernon’s mission starts] [So generous] I think 1 minute is a lot.

09:34 - - It’s going to exceed a minute if you go on like this. - You might fail while thinking too hard. [So fun when it’s not your business] He’s unable to get his hand out. [Mission difficulty level] It’s easier than finishing a cup ramen. Time’s ticking. He’s unable to get his hands out. [SEVENTEEN threw the bait] He needs to put one on in under a minute. Which one will he put on? [Vernon took the bait] Which one will he put on?! There’s no time.

09:53 - Battle of wits! [Puts them on together] He survived. [Totally unexpected] You succeeded. [Vernon’s mission accomplished] He survived. x2 What was it? You fail if you put the right earphone on first. I thought it was - about directions. - About directions. [He’s meant to be successful] What about directions? It’s amazing how he escaped from the trap. - It’s not easy to escape from this. - Yeah.

10:18 - [Using both hands unexpectedly] Sky high, fat horses Okay Hoshi [Hoshi’s forbidden action] How about this? [Honestly enjoys freestyle] It’s freestyle rap, but you can’t include ‘Yo’. [Hoshi’s forbidden action - ‘Yo’] Okay that’s good, that’s good, that’s good. [Tiger obsession] But he’ll think he’s prohibited from using tiger. Hey Hoshi. He’ll think it’s tiger. So are you excited? [Member recruitment] Please get caught, please. [Selected for personal taste] We picked the one Hoshi would like. For Hoshi, we chose freestyle rap [Hoshi’s mission - Freestyle rap] Hoshi, your rap is insane. [MC HiPass’ comeback] Freestyle rap? [Forbidden action: ‘Yo’] [Hoshi’s mission starts] [Some 8-bit beatbox] [Hip Hop - Yo = 0] [Caught right away] [Hoshi’s chosen] [Congratulations on becoming a member] Jump! Jump! [Season 2 jump party] Jump! Jump! [SEVENTEEN loves to party] A Yo, congratulations. [Feels great for having a lot of friends] Whoa I got caught right away You people are so scary. [But there’s one] You’re the devil, the devil. [The instigator] - You’re the one that did it, huh? - Yup it was me.

11:03 - [Jun’s forbidden action] [No need for discussion] Let’s just go with lemon. - Let’s make him eat a lemon. - Eat a lemon? - Eat a lemon. - Oh that’s good. It’s not sour at all. You have to eat a lemon within 1 minute. [The catch] If you eat it too fast, you fail. 20 seconds. If you eat it all with 20 seconds left on the minute, you fail. So from 41 seconds on it’s a success. 40 seconds. [Meanwhile, negotiating the time] 45 seconds. So the last 15 seconds. That’s good. [Jun’s forbidden action - Eating a lemon for 45 seconds] I’ll add this one as well.

11:26 - [Fake bait setting] How about we also add whistling after eating as well? [Immediately agrees] That’s good, that’s good. [Has to do another round] [SEVENTEEN’s working hard everyday] These devils, human devils. [Bait toss] It’s all luck, really. [Jun’s mission - Eat a lemon and whistle after] You have to eat a lemon. A whole lemon. [Thick obligation] It’s not acting like whistling, right? [Not easily pushed over] Whistling is just a command. [Whistling = No time = Hurry up and eat] Listen carefully. You have to eat a whole lemon and whistle.

11:47 - After eating it? Within one minute. It’s one minute. You have plenty of time. Start~ [Jun’s mission starts] [Forbidden action: Eat a lemon in 45 seconds] [A little nervous] Wen Junhui’s usually really good at eating sour foods [Mukbang content 22] [Mukbang intuition] Is it sour? [Being impatient] - You’re eating it well, eating it well. - Is it sour? [Good chance at winning] How is he able to eat it all at once.. Like a tangerine. [A new candidate for bungee-jumping] Whoa amazing. [Oblivious] He’s almost done eating it. Whoa he’s eating it so well. [Welcome] Isn’t he eating it too fast? He still hasn’t swallowed it. He still hasn’t swallowed it. [Easy mission] Swallow, swallow, swallow. You have a lot of time, a lot of time.

12:16 - [Confirm] [Bungee~] You have to push this button. Push it. [Hard sell] Push it. You have to push it. You have to push it! It came out! [Bitter truth] If you eat the lemon before 45 seconds, it’s a fail. Oh really… [Jun selected] Oh really~? Who eats a lemon in 20 seconds? Why did you eat it so fast. When I asked him for the 6th time, he got frustrated. [Professional copycat] I whistled! No, I whistled! I whistled! You’re all the devils, really.

12:47 - THE 8’s forbidden action] What should we do? We should make him do 30 push ups in 1 minute. [Personal standard] If he does 30 at once it’s a success 10, 10. [Yeah right] That’s vicious. I feel sorry for you. It’s okay Should we go with hit or miss? [Something THE 8 always does] No need for meditation If I can’t land it in one try, I’m out. Let’s do this. If you can’t land it in one try you’re out. [Little guilty] But that’s so mean. [There’s none of that] Yeah let’s do that. Let’s just do that. I like having a lot of candidates.

13:10 - No let’s just pick a number of times he needs to land it in one minute. We’ll have you toss the water bottle for a minute and you have to land it “As much as you can” And if you land it 3 times, you fail the challenge. So then you have to stop after 2. - So what about do the opposite and do less? - Then you win. Shouldn’t we say landing it only once is a fail? [THE 8’s forbidden action - Water bottle toss once] [Accent] Just one time [Picks it up] One time Just one time If you land it once it’s a fail, that’s how we should do it. This is that. This is that. [Please organize your sentences] - Toss the water bottle for a minute. - Like this.

13:40 - You guys are so serious [THE 8 mission - Water bottle toss] Toss the water bottle for a minute and land it. So it just needs to land up right,,, just once right? Tossing and landing it up right is right, right? The one Minghao does a lot. - This? - Yeah that, yeah that, yeah that. [Forbidden action: Landing the water bottle upright 1 time] [THE 8 mission starts] I’ll just do it. [Observing] [Heart skipping staring contest] It’s for one minute. You have to keep tossing it for 1 minute. That’s really hard.

14:05 - [Change of direction] - Even if you fail the mission. - It’s a fail. Whoa so close! How much time do I have left? You have 15 seconds left. He took it out, took it out. [The answers are coming] It’s a fail, huh? It’s a fail, huh? [1 success] [He showed as much as needed] You have 4 seconds left. 4 seconds left. [He doesn’t show more than necessary] More. You can do more. [Cool vibration] It’s over, right? Bungee~ Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! [THE 8 is chosen] You can do more. A lot of people failed this time.

14:33 - [Members caught in the 2nd round] Who got caught? [Wonwoo, DK, WOOZI, Hoshi, Jun, THE 8] - 6 people - This one was hard. - You’re right. - Yeah a lot of people failed. How should we do this? [Piggyback?] How about paper rock scissors? [Before bungee-jumping, paper rock scissors] Play or lose paper, rock, scissors Paper, rock, scissors. Paper, rock, scissors. [Heart drops] We’ll pick the order! Okay, instead of paper, rock, scissors! Okay, okay wait a minute. He said wait a minute. It’s already over. If we’re picking the order, just pick the order. The winners are out. [The winners are exempt] But I wanna play…

14:54 - [Trade requested] Do you wanna switch places? [Hold] Well let’s first play. [Passion for quick trade] Who lost the paper, rock, scissors game? [Second paper, rock, scissors] Us three. WOOZI is shaking. [Smiles] WOOZI is shaking. [Vibration mode] - Okay this is when your heart races - It’s okay, it’s worth a try~ [Gathering attention] Wait a minute. The person that was removed will pick another person to continue the game. - Oh~ - SEVENTEEN cleaning style? [Meanwhile one member] Okay. Okay.

15:13 - - We’ll go again - Play or lose Paper, rock, scissors. [Jump] [WOOZI is chosen first] [Vibration mode ended] [Silent mode] - WOOZI has been chosen - Firstly WOOZI has been chosen WOOZI is confirmed. [Experienced MC] The next game will be over there. [Before the conversation is over, they run!] To ‘food and coffee’ sign! [Members for bungee-jumping] To ‘food and coffee’ sign! [Jogging alone] - Hoshi doesn’t even try. - Hoshi will be the one to bungee, look, look at his shoes.

15:42 - You have to touch the billboard! - Oh this billboard! - Please touch the billboard, the billboard! [Success/Fail] - The billboard is too high! - Whoa barely made it! [Maybe should help each other win] Hey get out~ [Success] [Success] [Super fun] [Really giving it all this time] I really don’t wanna run! - Don’t fight! - Just climb on top of him! Next to it, it’s right next to it. [Success] Hoshi just wants to do it. [Physical comedy] Hoshi wants to do it. I can’t reach. I can’t reach. [Fighting alone] Nice try Hoshi, come back here now. Hoshi fail! So with that “Shoot me and leave” duo [Round 2 bungee-jump - Hoshi WOOZI] Just go without me. [Barely made it] - It’s fine. - I can breath now I can breath. [Sky high, fat horse] [Came to visit] Whoa it’s crazy here.

16:41 - [Like children] Mingyu, you should put your life on the line for the game! Stay there and MC the show~ Okay, but you two Put your life on the line for the game. [Speech] How’s WOOZI? [Substitute speech] - It’s good~ Shoot a video for me~ - Okay~ How come Hoshi doesn’t have any fear? S.COUPS~ I’m thinking we should all do it together in the end. How bout it? Including me? Yeah~ All of us together No thanks. [Bury it] Then I won’t do it either. [Bungee ready] I’ll go! [The photos are only things last] Tiger love! Whoa I think he’s really wanted to do it.

17:07 - I’ll count down now~ Bungee! Tiger love! So cool! [Just mesmerized] That’s so cool~! No fear, no fear. [Can’t understand] Why isn’t he afraid? Hoshi, dance for us. Dance! [Cool] Hoshi’s the best! Seriously it’s not scary. It’s not scary. Hoshi’s really the best. He didn’t even hesitate. It’s really not scary. I was pretending to be scared. You were really scared. [Sky high, fat horse] Whoa.. so crazy. I can do it! [Dragging time] [More excuses] I think God’s telling me not to jump, this thing is coming off.. We should say ‘glamorous’ when WOOZI jumps WOOZI glamorous~ Glamorous~ [Putting a spell] Glamorous, you must jump~ [Order taken] What did you say? Do what? WOOZI is really scared. I haven’t seen WOOZI like this before.

18:03 - [Bungee ready] [Super happy] [Same here] That’s right, that comes out. That comes out. Is there anything you want to say? [Anything you want to say : Whoa] WOOZI~ You’re glamorous~ Make it glamorous! [Deep breath] Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa, he’s getting ready. Glamorous~ Whoa it’s really scary. Really! [They already know] WOOZI are you scared? Yeah, a lot. Let’s go! You can do it WOOZI! Whoa~ You’re our team’s Lee WOOZI [Don’t come out my heart] Whoa~ my heart’s beating so fast! You can do it! We’re counting down. Bungee! So glamorous~! So glamorous~! So cool! It feels great after jumping.

18:51 - Is it cool? You look like a little fairy. [SEVENTEEN’s official fairy] You did great, WOOZI~ Whoa~ That was really scary. How are you WOOZI? - It’s really scary before jumping. - Right? It’s scary before you jump. [As predicted] There are people that cry too. I can see DK doing it. - WOOZI you did a great job. That was hard. - You did great. Before you jump, you stand right there. ‘How am I supposed to jump from here?’ Whoa just.. [Pleasant surprise] It’s really cozy. Just cozy.

19:17 - [Immediately got it] Cozy? Oh cozy. Cozy? What’s that? [Making lemon out of lemonade] It’s cozy. Like my house. [3rd round starts] All of us together? [MC included tact game] On the next round we’re gonna play tact game. If there are two people that get caught, both of them go up together [If two people get up, two people go up] If three people get caught, three people go up. We’ll do two rounds like that. Can’t we just do one round? We’ll get two people regardless.

19:33 - [Cheapskate] Let’s just jump more while we’re here. You really need to stop. - Okay. Okay. - Should we just go for one round? Three people can call it in one round This guy, really. [As if he’s doesn’t] This guy really hates it. You can’t make even the smallest movements. Let’s go easy, easy. [Bungee-jump last round] If you start, we’ll get going right away.

19:55 - [The most scared / Been there done that HOST] How many people have 3? [Thinking about the show] Dino, how can you get caught… [Gets caught and scolded] [Sad] [Really] [Really there’s another] Do you think I got caught because I wanted to? Yoon Jeonghan you’re really mean. [Something you use when you totally fail] - It’s DK. - Yoon Jeonghan [Something you use when you’re crazy thankful] - Did you get caught? - No, I didn’t. It’s because you didn’t get caught [3rd round bungee-jump - DK and Dino] It’s me and Dino, huh? [Whatever] Since I’ve decided to jump Let’s go! Let’s go! Whoa I thought it’d be four people…

20:16 - This is what I thought I should avoid it till the end. If I don’t get caught till the end and we play 12 rounds I’ll consider it my fate and jump. Whoa I’ve survived today. Hey Mingyu just go up a little bit. Should we? [A taste?] SeungKwan, do you wanna go up with me? [Taste of bungee-jump] Do you wanna go up to the top with me? Let’s just go to the top, us two. [Member recruit] Can you come with me? [Recruit 1/ Recruit 2] DK, we’re gonna come with you. They’ll come with you. [Member 3] I’ll come with you. Let’s go. [Full room] Even this is scary! Don’t lean. Don’t lean.

20:42 - [Elevator of regret] - I can’t believe I’m doing this. This is crazy! - I shouldn’t have come up. [Arrived] What’s this? [It’s 50 meters] - DK, don’t look down for now - Okay~ [Already dead inside] It’s a beautiful day to die. We can do this. Let’s crack you open, It’s gonna be really scary If you can’t do it just~ Whoa DK whoa ah… Mingyu’s legs went limp. But really when you’re up there, you can’t stand up straight. Mingyu’s already lost it. The legs lost some energy up there. Mingyu is so lucky, he never got caught. [Not okay] I really wanna do this. I want to break myself open too. Break! Break it open! From today on, you’ll win yourself. Let’s overcome ourselves. I can’t overcome myself. Please jump for both of us.

21:25 - [First time seeing this view] It’s really amazing. I still haven’t jumped. You haven’t jumped, huh? Please jump on behalf of both of me. - You can do it! - DK, you’re really cool.. [Bungee ready] DK this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Once in a life time! Whoa! This! Ah… It’s only once in a lifetime, DK. It’s just like Gyro Drop. It’s DK first? Whoa if DK jumps it’ll be amazing. I think DK won’t hesitate and will just jump. I think he’s going to hesitate a lot… If they put you out there it means they want you to jump. We can do it. We’ve done harder things than this Give me some energy! DK let’s go~! Let’s go~! You can do it DK! [If you can see this you can jump] Far away mountain! Far away mountain! [Pull] - Let’s go! - Right foot too [Slight] Oh oh his legs are out. His legs are out. He’s almost there. Good. Lee DK! Lee DK! [10 minutes later] DK’s going! Oh oh! Okay! Whoa so cool! Lee DK you’re so cool! [Legendary footage] I really have to film this. - DK you can do it! - Let’s go! Whoa I think it’ll be really amazing when DK jumps. If DK jumps I might cry.

22:39 - [20 minutes later] [Already crying] Sorry~ - No it’s okay, don’t be sorry~ - It’s okay! - You’re cool! - It’s okay! It’s really cool~! I can’t jump. Do it slowly. Slowly! Let’s go DK! I’ll do it~! I’m gonna do it for real! [Got used to the height] - Oh! - You can do it! Just a minute. DK just went back. [Just wanted to say something wise] It’s nothing. I’ll think of it as two steps backwards for a step forward. [Truth of the wise words] But that’s a minus 1.

23:07 - Oh oh oh oh he’s here! He’s here! He’s here! He came a step forward! Okay! What’s there to lose? Just go! [Change of character] - It’s okay. - If you do this, you’ll become fearless DK. - I really want that. - Yeah, you can do it. [30 minutes later] Hey members~! Do you think I can jump? You can jump! Really? Yeah~! Sorry I made you wait~! It’s okay~! So cool~! WOOZI can you do it? You can do it! Let’s go! You’re not a scared cat, you’re a cool guy! “HOME;RUN” is gonna be a hit! Let’s go! - I love you! - I love you! You said in “Just Do It”. Without barriers I go! What are you doing! Let’s go! Scream! Scream! - Good job~! - So cool~ Lee DK number one~! DK! - Good job. - Yeah good job, good job. - Relax, relax - Come slowly. So cool. So cool. You did it. [Recharging] But my hands and legs were flaring around too much, right? No, actually you didn’t flare around at all. [Sudden cooling] [Shooting failed] Vernon filmed DK for 20 minutes - 20 minutes - Really? He filmed for awhile Then he said he wasn’t going to do it anymore [Missed the legendary footage] Uh what’s that! [Forgotten HOST] Good job DK! It’s just Dino now.

24:44 - [Ending] Remember the line we had earlier? Do it now? Dino~! [Happy ending] It was a good content~! Let’s end it in a cool way! You’re the best youngest member! Lee Chan you’re the last and the star of the show! Sorry we’re always so hard on you! [Warm} I love you! [Ending line] [Not paying attention] Did you enjoy the show today? Hope you look forward to our next show~ Let’s meet again next time. Don’t be sad we’ll come back with more exciting GOING SEVENTEEN! .