Best 400$ PC for Gaming and School | Guide

May 20, 2020 14:00 · 1774 words · 9 minute read 240 gigabyte ssd right 60

Right now there are gamers out there collecting a lot of this so they can survive the upcoming semester when you’re on a tight budget the assumption is there is no way you can afford a serious PC for gaming or homework definitely homework so normally I tell people on a budget to get on Craigslist or offer up go meet up with some shady dude in a dark parking lot to get a good deal but for whatever reason a lot of people aren’t willing to do that so in this video I’m going to show you how you can get a PC that can handle all kinds of homework for under $400 without having to leave your home ok this is what I believe to be the best bang for your buck for gaming for under $400 you can order all of this online so there’s no worries about second-hand parts being faulty or lack of warranties also between you and me there is a small chance this computer is barely capable of streaming so maybe you can low key start your eSports career while your parents think you’re becoming a doctor I’m not sure that we’ll find out later in the video so here’s what you have to get first is a rising 3 1200 right now on Amazon you can get this processor for $60 this deal as well as some others in the video require Amazon Prime so if you don’t have it or can’t afford it at the very least you can get a one- month free trial to order everything you need this processor is good enough for gaming however if you can afford to make a substantial upgrade and get a rise in 5 1,600 it was only $50 more links to all of what I’m talking about is going to be in the description next is the motherboard we are ordering the gigabyte a 320 M because it is the cheapest thing that we can get all of our parts into and will work correctly it’s only $55 and it gets the job done for the RAM we are using 8 gigabytes of Crucial Ballistix sport that is clocked at 20 666 makers this is only $39 now I don’t love only giving someone 8 gigabytes of RAM for a system however we’re broke so we’ll have to get by just make sure you don’t open a ton of tabs on this computer I’m looking at you chrome for the graphics card we are oh we are using a refurbished rx 570 the 4 gigabyte variants this is the strongest card that we can afford on this budget now don’t take that the wrong way this is a great card and we’ll put out some more than playable FPS when it comes to games however like I’ve touched on earlier we’re going to try to be strong obvious we’re trying to do that off of this graphics card so while we’re getting may be too big of a test to ask for oval City this is a hundred and five dollars on the way again honestly if you can find a better deal go for it next is our drive and we’re gonna be using a 240 gigabyte SSD from inland this goes for only $30 we’re using an SSD because we want faster boot times and load times when it comes to all of our programs and games I don’t work now if you really want to save an extra ten dollars for ramen or Tito’s you could actually get a 120 gigabyte version for only $20 however on this computer I imagine that you want to be able to install more than just windows and Rainbow six siege the power supply we are using the EVGA 500 Br I’m pretty disappointed with this because it is $45 in my opinion that is a lot to be paying for a bare minimum power supply but unfortunately this is one of the cheapest options online and it is enough to power our computer so we’re going with it and lastly everything is going to be inside this DIY PC Jack’s 11 case now if you already know this case then you know the bad news but for those of you that don’t I hate to break it to you you’re not getting any RGB with a budget like this I value getting better parts over how the computer looked your broke-ass can’t afford the shiny this time I’m sorry other than that the case actually looks pretty nice it’s got a simple design and it hides cables pretty well it’s a micro ATX eyes case so this build will be pretty snug and it only goes for thirty dollars okay so if you add everything up all the purchases from and after shipping and taxes comes out to three hundred ninety seven dollars and forty six cents like I touched on earlier there are some pretty substantial upgrades that can be made to this system for just a little extra cash that will also be linked in the description however for the sake of this video we want to show what strictly under four hundred dollars can do so now that we have everything we’re going to build it and install everything on it so we can test out the games as well as the games wall streaming all right it’s done I didn’t even realize it but we apparently got a pretty simple clean looking black-and-white aesthetic which I like I mean considering we’re not paying attention to looks at all it looks pretty good I think everything’s put together correctly let’s flip it on three two one they’re working oh wait we do get RGB look you guys get the Gigabyte logo yeah we got it okay so the computer works before we close this thing up I’ll let you guys get a quick look at it and then we’ll do the best part of every build saves let’s install everything okay so we have everything installed and the first thing we’re gonna do is test Unigine heaven minecraft csgo League of Legends for night and Cinebench r20 to get a general feel for how powerful the system is and then we’re gonna try it with streaming and see what games are even possible at this level performance okay so the performance of this PC is actually pretty strong especially considering we paid under $400 for everything brand-new now obviously if you can’t tell the graphics card is out of the system and we have another graphics card in the rig well the biggest concern I have with this parts list actually happened this rx 570 is busted it is a refurbished purchase but like I touched on earlier in the video the plus side to buying everything online is that we are protected by warranty and returns this can be returned now I highly doubt this is gonna happen to you because I’ve purchased a ton of refurbished products in the past and honestly it’s the first time it’s happened to me in the last year this is the worst case scenario and all you have to do is file a complaint and they will refund it will replace it for you free of charge inside the system we have the RX 470 which if you want to check on youtube the benchmarks for this card and the card outside the system that doesn’t work are almost identical the RX 570 has at best a 5% better performance on some games the performance you’ve seen in the benchmarks in this video so far are gonna be pretty close to what you would get with the working rx 570 but now it’s time to see can the system do what we are hoping it can do we’re gonna try streaming off this PC with the games and I will get the footage off of a separate computer so we get an accurate depiction of what the viewing experience is like okay now for the streaming this computer actually did a lot better than I thought it would reminder we are using the RX 470 not the RX 570s so when you do get this system and you use the RX 570 you’re looking at at least 5% better performance the lighter titles such as minecraft League of Legends csgo ran smoothly now keep in mind the settings we use for streaming we’re not incredibly intense because I’m afraid to push the system but it handled the settings better than I thought it would so you probably can go a little bit more intense if you choose to we used a 3000 bit rate our canvas was 1080p but we’ve decided to downscale it to 720p and we were streaming off of the GP you not the processor you rise in three 1200 processor in my opinion and I’m pretty sure you can test this yourself we’re looking up on another YouTube video is not strong enough to stream four cores and four threads is typically not strong enough hardware to get that done as for the framerate we were also only streaming at 30fps now I know most gamers and most streams like to keep it at 60fps but keep in mind this is a $400 system and you were expecting to stream off of it for the performance we got as you can see in the footage we actually did an excellent job and personally in my opinion I have seen streams at this quality and it’s not so low that it turns me away obviously if you’re just gaming on this system you were gonna have more than a fantastic experience and be able to push up to higher titles in case you want to do regular playthroughs of story like games and if you’re more of a streamer and you’re using competitive eSports titles which are typically a little bit lighter to run you will also be able to do that as well as stream this is my opinion is the best value computer you can possibly build for yourself if you were wanting to use all new parts or only order from online retailers so that’s gonna be it for this video and if you want to buy any of these parts for the system all links will be in the description anyways I hope you guys found this creative entertaining or informative in any way shape or form and as always have a great day .