Mar 9, 2020 12:56 · 281 words · 2 minute read
Climate change is the global variation of the Earth’s climate It’s due to natural causes and human’s actions, and affects temperature, rainfall, cloudiness, etc. This climate variation is not positive, because the consequences can be devastating and even irreparable. In fact, some of these consequences are already happening such as temperature increasing, which has increased 1.1 ° C since pre-industrial times. Due to temperature increasing, the climate gets hotter and drier which favors the spread of fires and makes harder their extinction This has happened in Australia where fires in the last year have devastated 52400 square kilometers and 400 megatons of CO2 have been emitted into the atmosphere. On the other hand, oceans with higher temperatures are oceans that melt ice from polar ice caps causing sea levels to rise This can produce that some islands with low altitude could be engulfed by the oceans leading to the disappearance of large territorial areas and even some countries.
00:57 - In order to survive we need immediate measures because time is running against us The union of political measures with individual actions will be the ones that will achieve this objective. For this, we need to reduce the greenhouse gases through international agreements that commit countries not to exceed the limits established between nations. All of us can do actions that help fighting the climate change such as having a shower instead of having a bath which saves not only water but also the energy needed to heat it use the public transport since the private car is responsible for 10% of the EU’s CO2 emissions or recycle We still can stop the climate change but only if everyone collaborates. .