New Music Release Party! (free stream links in the description)

Nov 27, 2020 18:45 · 1061 words · 5 minute read short tell basically really lean

hey i’m nathan and today is black friday so let’s go shopping yeah what’s up? oh okay… so if i’m not gonna shop till i drop like i don’t always do what are we gonna do? oh is it video number 10 so we can open one of these? no? okay so what else should we do should we talk about why this popcorn bucket says 2020 bring it back? oh! i know we should talk about how my new ep is out now right now! you can stream it now! in fact there’s a music video and it’s for the song say my name what if i was happy? what if i could wear what i wanted to wear? and what if it would fit me? oooo i’d feel pretty or not even care but that wouldn’t make me happy it would only show that i am happy i don’t even know who i am i barely even know my name as a consequence of codependence will we get past the shame? i’ll say your name you say my name what if i was human? so they didn’t say a thing at all no sir or madam, oooo or fat, thin, or short, or tall but that wouldn’t make me human it would only show that i am human i don’t even know who i am i barely even know my name as a consequence of codependence will we get past the shame? i’ll say your name you say my– what if we could dream together? what a freakin’ dream! i didn’t know it’s be sad! i didn’t know! why didn’t he warn me? so i thought i’d use this video to talk about my writing process and how i approached especially the music for this ep i always write lyrics first i always feel like that’s a good basis for creating something because then your lyrics aren’t dumb i feel like at least for me the times when i try to write something music first and then i try to put words to it the lyrics are just the most basic and boring thing ever so if i approach the song first as poetry hopefully the lyrics can stand on their own and then the music can just reinforce those lyrics as far as the music composition i’ve always had this goal to create something that is accessible and you can sing along with it but is also interesting and not conventional of course i always look to the beach boys and brian wilson for inspiration in this because these are the most sing-along songs of all time and yet you look at the chords and the structures behind it and there’s just crazy key changes and weird rhythms happening and it’s just totally disguised by how poppy and beautiful it is and i think that in this case i actually got pretty close to that goal so i’m pretty happy there i think i snuck in a couple key changes that you might not even notice happening did you notice the key change in say your name? back in february when i made we are the empress the instrumentation was pretty complex i was using xylophone and banjo and a synthesizer and everything and on this recording it’s just guitar bass and drum and all the guitars are just this guitar right here so let me tell you about this jaguar this is a guitar i’ve been longing for for a really long time i love my jazzmaster and that has basically the same configuration with different pickups and i’ve just been excited to play a new version of my best friend so when i finally got this thing and started playing it – it’s terrible! so it’s a small guitar but it’s super heavy probably because it has like so much metal all over it the playability on this is pretty junky i don’t know if it’s just a poor setup but this one also definitely came off the line bad because there’s a cool thing that happens with the spring inside [sproing sound] why? why would i want that? i’ve totally disassembled this tremolo and tried to get the sproing out of the spring and no matter what i do it doesn’t fix it not only that if i really lean into the trem it does this… [snap sound] which is just so sonically pleasing just like, you’re laying into a solo and then [snap sound] oh yeah so this guitar was just a huge disappointment and i was all ready to sell it and i was like what else is a huge disappointment? oh yeah me! and so that’s when i realized that before i sell it this is gonna be the perfect instrument to play on this album that’s all about self-loathing and i think that keeping it to just simple instrumentation really helped and with all five songs clocking in about 13-ish minutes it’ll be a fast listen for you guys that you can enjoy in maybe less time than it takes to watch this video so now that it’s done and i’ve kind of purged my creative energy of all that like self-loathing and nastiness i wonder what’s next i’m so excited to find out where i’m gonna go with this and what the next creative project is gonna be and if you’d like to find out along with me i hope you’ll like this video and subscribe to the channel thanks for watching and i’ll see you next week after this video for the song 2021 five years and five knives and next year just dulls lives but now new found misery and heartache and agony and all of the blame on me all of the blame on me realistic or masochistic or fatalistic, whatever i long for sunny skies, praying for bad weather triggered by new news and triggered by social views then triggered by ill deeds and wretched humanity and all of the blame on me all of the blame on me realistic or masochistic or fatalistic, whatever i long for sunny skies, praying for bad weather blame all of this on me blame all of this on me please blame it on me boo! okay all of the guitars on this are just this guitar right h–are– .