Jinn / Unseen Beings Feed off of your Anger? Excited about Qiyamah? End Times Islamic Eschatology

Feb 10, 2021 23:03 · 4195 words · 20 minute read

A lot of question regarding Imam Mahdi (as) and the dajjal (man of deceit) energies and the dajjal movement upon this earth and the just of that is that we have to bring that reality into ourselves and to make ourselves from that reality otherwise all the locations in the world and understanding this location, that location. . nothing saves us but the good character that we put upon ourselves that Allah (AJ) by virtue of those realities dresses the servant and grants them a protection inshaAllah.

00:49 - Do we have any question for tonight? Sayyidi, just a few personal ones.

00:58 - Personal questions? Yeah, they’re probably better for the email.

01:00 - Yeah, better that the… anyone has a question that would be more of a personal nature then ‘Helpme@nurmuhammad. com [email]’ inshaAllah, on specific issues of that they would be related to only their person and not to a general question on the meditation, on the practices, on the wazifas and… Nothing else? [shaykh asks in regards to questions] As Salaamu Alaykum Sayyidi.

01:31 - Wa Alaykum As Salaam Is it possible that one is facing difficulties often due to not having a strong connection with the shaykh? The question was, ‘Is it possible that one faces lots of difficulties because they don’t have a strong connection with the shaykh?’ Wa Alaykum As Salaam inshaAllah that always can be a possibility, that the connection and we say that why Allah (AJ) for Nabi Musa (as) appeared as a burning bush and had Nabi Musa (as) not been in a condition of cold he probably wouldn’t be looking for a burning bush.

02:20 - Had he been hot I think the last thing he would want to approach was something hot.

02:27 - And for us is a symbolism that for every condition that we’re in Allah (AJ) has an opening.

02:34 - Many people are in difficult conditions and Allah’s (AJ) granting an opening that ‘Go to these shaykhs’.

02:41 - So, they become like a door in which and most in their time of life would not search for a reality, a solution, a group of people who are maybe more in love with Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ than themselves.

02:59 - Whatever they were perceiving, they probably wouldn’t have looked for that without the difficulty that has come into their lives.

03:07 - So, for many it’s an opening towards a door.

03:11 - Now once they enter into that presence, enter into those associations for them to have continued difficulties and for many that we’ve talked to and given advice yes, they didn’t actually take the practices; they never tell you that too.

03:29 - They just keep saying, ‘Oh what I’m doing is. . so many difficulties coming, so many difficulties, so many… ’ And then you talk to them later and communicate; not talk to them by phone because we don’t take phone calls.

03:40 - A lot of people ask and we have a WhatsApp and make a phone call with you.

03:44 - Can you imagine thousands of phone calls where we just have to have a switchboard all day and night twenty-four hours a day taking phone calls? The easiest way is through the email because there are people who can filter it and give us something so that we can respond to.

04:01 - So there’s a whole system that’s been built into it.

04:04 - But the understanding was that as soon as you communicate with the people, ‘Well actually shaykh you know I’m doing reiki and I’m not really doing your wazifa (spiritual practice) and my grandparents gave me these other three other things I recite so by time I get to those I don’t really get to this and I’m doing this and I’m doing all these different practices. ’ Only later they tell you that they’re not really doing the Naqshbandi practices.

04:29 - They kind of mix and match and make their own soup so of course it’s like a doctor’s office.

04:35 - If you go to a doctor and it’s you know like a Harvard med school, the highest school of medicine and then all its accreditations and you go to that office and you get the advice and you walk out and don’t listen to any of it, you can only blame yourself for the sicknesses and difficulties you face.

04:55 - And if you take their advice and mix it with five other doctors, a little bit from Karachi, somewhere from this one, somewhere from this one, yeah I can imagine what kind of you know again it becomes like a stew just mixed with everything, ‘My grandmother said to recite this, my brother in-law said to recite this.

05:13 - The mailman he came by he gave me a wazifa for this, and I threw in some other things that you said too shaykh. ’ So, [Shaykh laughs] that becomes the difficulty.

05:26 - Now if you’re doing all the practices and you’re sticking firmly to these wazifas, you’re doing the meditations, you’re building your energy and partitioning your time to make that connection and the significant difficulty has not ceased that would be pretty astonishing.

05:48 - So, that is a rare, rare case. And even the one’s who say, ‘No, no I stopped everything’ but no they really didn’t because then they go here, they go there, they don’t cover, they don’t keep the sunnah (traditions of Prophet sws), they don’t keep wudu (ablution), they eat from this, they eat from that.

06:06 - So, mean there’s all these places in which difficulties are entering and into people.

06:12 - But the main thing is you try your best in life and the rest is to be patient with what Allah (AJ) is sending of whatever testing Allah’s (AJ) sending.

06:23 - So, it gives us a sabr and a patience and if we have istiqam and firmness in our belief and we want to do more, want to be vigilant in doing the practices then that’s a grant from Allah (AJ) that we become firm.

06:38 - Some people need outside motivational forces to make them believe unfortunately, what we call proactive and reactive, is that the correct understanding? Proactive - somebody who doesn’t need any difficulty and would take all the steps necessary to make sure they’re good, they’re set.

07:04 - Reactive personality is the one who waits for something to hit them then they say, ‘Now it’s time to get up. ’ And then when they’re up, they wait for another thing to hit them and they say, ‘Oh now it’s time to move a little bit forward. ’ Those types of character are you know that’s unfortunately, that’s unfortunate that they’re like that.

07:24 - That it’s better to be more that. . proactive: ‘I’m going to take necessary moves so that nothing hits me. ’ InshaAllah.

07:31 - As Salaamu Alaykum Sayyidi Wa Alaykum As Salaam wa rehmatullah When a student sins in any way does it weigh on the shaykh in a bad way? Forgive me if I asked something wrong.

07:45 - JazakAllah khair! When the student what? When a student sins.

07:50 - Oh, when the student sins does it weigh upon the shaykh in a bad way? Yeah. . you know they say if the shaykh is the students who don’t like you and you say that on air then they all wanna go and do sins thinking they’re hurting you [shaykh laughs].

08:11 - But that’s not the reality. The reality is that it doesn’t look good for the shaykh and especially if the shaykh is not teaching anything that, ‘Oh, your students are all you know doing these crazy things, they have bad character, they’re angry.

08:26 - They go around and you know exhibit a character more like a gangster than a mureed (devoted disciple). ’ Then yes, then that would reflect upon the shaykh.

08:38 - So, we’ve given a example: if you go into a store and you see the employees are very mean, very aggressive and really bad character, I guarantee you the manager is bad because they’re reflections of his character or her character.

08:57 - That the manager has a disrespect for people and a inappropriate way to teach and as a result, all of the lower managers are picking up that same characteristic and they put it out onto anyone who comes into the store.

09:13 - And that’s human nature. And if you go somewhere and the people are so polite, so kind and so loving, I can guarantee that the manager is that way.

09:22 - And that hundred percent is the case, you’ll see the manager comes out and tries to resolve everything themselves.

09:27 - So, same understanding that if the shaykh is teaching with the good character, with love and with muhabbat and that’s why it’s you know ninety percent are not teaching muhabbat (love); they’re teaching usool (principles) and thinking that only the Islamic laws matter but they didn’t or they forgot that this law was supposed to lead you somewhere.

09:52 - The goal wasn’t the Islamic law, the goal was that if you applied these laws on you, you would have raised yourself, your resonance and frequency and energy to the oceans of muhabbat.

10:07 - And that’s why we talked in the levels of the nafs (ego), levels of the nafs from five, six, seven are all Allah’s (AJ) oceans of muhabbat and love in which Allah (AJ) dresses the soul with the reality of Divinely names, the reality of how everything is created from love and from this ocean of love everything is manifesting.

10:28 - So, that is important that the shaykh has to be of that character, that everything is based on love, with good character and the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

10:41 - As a result of that then they’re picking up those characteristics and that they’re constantly being disciplined and taught that, ‘Please have good characteristic, have good characteristics. ’ And we talked last night that a shaykh from a distance just teaching and no interaction with people is very difficult.

11:01 - So, in old times and not so old times you’d go to Mawlana Shaykh (Q) and he has a farm in Lefke and he has orange fields and sheep’s and the products that a farm would have and everybody who came had to go out into the farm with the products that they have.

11:24 - So, you went out into the orchard, you did your sheep, you did your grass cutting and all the other things that you do on a farm and the interaction with that student and now the shaykhs. . because the shaykh had his representatives out in the field for the guy who didn’t want to cut the oranges, the guy who didn’t do the sheep correctly, the one who didn’t wanna do.

11:44 - And all of that interaction was a way for the student that their characteristics and ‘Oh I came to sit with the shaykh and get knowledges why am I cleaning the sheep now?’ So, all of these were a way in which to test the student.

12:00 - You come to submit and you came to give your bayat (allegiance) not take bayat, because ‘Give’ means I’m going to give myself to this reality; I’m not going to take from it everything.

12:12 - So, there was a whole reality of the turuqs (spiritual paths).

12:16 - But when everything shut downs and people are following from thousands of miles across, Allah (AJ) opens a different way so that you interact with the center, you interact with the emails.

12:28 - You interact with the items that we have, we don’t have oranges and sheep and hay; we have online stores and online items and merchandise and whatever it is that we have, charity we have.

12:42 - All of these things that we have it opens for the ability to interact now with students.

12:48 - People get angry that ‘What’s like this and how come I emailed and nobody emailed me back’ that’s the equivalent of being in the field and saying that, ‘I didn’t come here to pick oranges for you; I came here to get you know answers from you. ’ And tariqah (spiritual path) is more about, it doesn’t matter why you came.

13:06 - Whatever you came was the reason and how they brought you but that doesn’t mean that’s what Allah (AJ) wanted for you.

13:14 - Allah (AJ) wanted you to be attracted to them, go towards them and now let them test you and show you what type of characteristics you have within yourself.

13:24 - Before they would come to the zikr (Divine Remembrance) and they would be angry that the food is late and we said many times and you tell people, ‘Look this is not a soup kitchen, you’ll get the food when the food is served. ’ And all this is showing is that you’re impatient and you have anger issues.

13:41 - And that’s what God wanted you to see at the zikr that, ‘You came to remember God but you’re impatient and angry’ and that was the medicine, that was exactly what was needed for that servant but they didn’t pick it up and they just got angry why the food wasn’t on time.

13:57 - So, every interaction with the tariqah at any level is a test for the student.

14:03 - It didn’t come on time, who cares? It’s all under Allah’s (AJ) permission, it’s testing sabr and patience.

14:10 - How can anything be on time in the middle of a pandemic where you can’t go five feet without the doors being closed.

14:16 - You know people are being closed in now with police outside saying that, ‘You’re not allowed to go out. ’ So, it requires immense patience for everything and if we want Allah’s (AJ) nazar (gaze) and we want our heart to be a Ka’bah then it has to be clean and pure.

14:32 - Anger is the opposite of faith. Every instance of anger it has to be destroyed until whatever sparks in that person is not from anger because whatever sparks of anger now. . are all ifrit (powerful demon) in the air, millions of shaitans (satans) are in the air of people, and that’s why when they breathe them in they’re dying.

14:54 - What you call COVID. So, when these shaitans are coming and into people, as soon as they have this fire of anger these shaitans completely override the person and make them to go amazingly crazy.

15:12 - And that’s the danger. Until that’s taken away and the servant’s heart is a Ka’bah, is the purity and the love of Allah (AJ), then Allah (AJ) will open for them the sincerity of their soul to have an immense love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

15:29 - And if they have an immense love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ then who do you think they would be searching for? Do you think anyone out there who has an immense love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ can be fed from something other than awliyaullah (saints).

15:47 - You want the most specific food Allah (AJ) has created, the most specific love that Allah (AJ) has created, all you want is to hear about a Muhammadan reality if you’re truly in love with Prophet ﷺ.

16:02 - There’s no food, there’s no knowledge that can satisfy you other than those haqqaiqs (realities).

16:10 - And in that type of love they seek out awliya.

16:15 - So, when they would sit with Shaykh Nazim (Q) the immensity of the love that would pour from his heart, the immensity that you look at him and say that, ‘This is a reflection of Prophet ﷺ and this is how I imagine Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ to be, that he would be so kind and loving.

16:33 - That people would be attracted by just the loving nature of that reality. ’ And that was what’s important.

16:40 - So, of course the love of Allah (AJ) would have guided you to love Prophet ﷺ.

16:45 - So, when you see somebody’s talking and he’s not talking. . we said now the masjids of Allah (AJ) there’s no name of “Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ” inside of them.

16:57 - There’s not a masjid you go to where somebody will stand up and begin to talk about Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

17:06 - Means the ahle-sunnah (People of Prophetic Tradition) is vanishing except in certain areas and certain countries alhamdulillah.

17:13 - Without mentioning Prophet ﷺ, without teaching about Prophet ﷺ, they don’t want to talk about the hadith that your head has to covered.

17:20 - They don’t want to talk about hadith that you have to have beard.

17:24 - They don’t want to talk about the good character and the good love, why? Because they’re not doing it.

17:29 - How could you talk about something to an audience that you’re not doing and you don’t look like it? So, they’re no longer ahle-hadith, they become ahle-Qur’an only.

17:36 - And so then 90 percent of the masjids just become Qur’an and the imam (religious leader) and the imam has no headcover, has no beard, has no example of the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and no more imamiya – he’s not representing the imam.

17:54 - He’s not representing the image of the imam and all he want to talk about is Allah (AJ) and the Qur’an.

18:00 - So, now already we’re at that stage that the Prophet ﷺ described, ‘In last days that the masjids wouldn’t mention me anymore. ’ And already we’re in that phase that it become less and less and less unless they’re strong in tariqahs and as a result they’re all strong in ahle-sunnah.

18:18 - If you look at the, all of them have shaykhs and as a result as soon as they go on mimbar (pulpit) it’s all talking about the greatness of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

18:27 - And they keep the sunnah alive, they keep the love alive, they keep the reality alive and that’s why they all went and levitated to the ulul amr (saints) and to awliyaullah and to be from ahle Sham as-Sharif inshaAllah.

18:43 - As Salaamu Alaykum Ya Sayyidi. Wa Alaykum As Salaam wa rehmatullah Regarding location should we seek to live in a location where we can practice our Islam easily for example in certain countries hijab (veil) is not allowed in school.

19:08 - Wa Alaykum As Salaam. Right now, you can’t move anywhere because of the difficulties and lockdowns and all the things that are coming.

19:23 - And in most Muslim countries they are not allowing even the following of Islam so that becomes more and more rare.

19:35 - As far as where can somebody go to freely practice their religion, so far, the freest now is the west.

19:42 - It’s where we’re all living, they have no intervention into the religion and people are free to worship the way they want to worship.

19:51 - For now, everything is safe wherever people are and wherever Allah (AJ) has written for them to be.

19:58 - Where can somebody move and know if that’s going to be a danger or that’s going to be a difficulty.

20:03 - Again, most Muslim countries they don’t allow even the true practice of Islam anyways.

20:10 - You can’t have a beard in some Muslim countries, you can’t walk around with kufi (cap) and all your belief cause they figured that ‘Why are you like this and why are you believing like this and why you look like this in this age. ’ So, these are very difficult times in which to find an island of peace but most important is that people find that peace within themselves.

20:35 - That to have their practices, their zikrs, to make their connection, to make the children to see the connection, to feel the connection, to do the zikr.

20:44 - That the children be raised be ahle-zikr (people of Divinely remembrance).

20:48 - When they hearing the zikr and they’re reciting and getting the PDF – the salawat book and print it out.

20:55 - And every Thursday, Friday or Saturday or one of the nights every week have the kids sit down with the salawat book and make the salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ).

21:04 - So, these lights enter into their hearts and into their being and the reality is more important than looking for a country that we can run to and you may choose the wrong one in the location and difficulty keeps coming to that area and region.

21:19 - So, best to for everybody to stay put until Allah (AJ) opens and makes things more clear as far as what’s going on and where things are going on.

21:31 - But everybody is good wherever Allah (AJ) has put them inshaAllah.

21:38 - Sayyidi is it bad to be excited about the end times and the calamities coming to end the satanic kingdom and kingdom of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ coming to earth? Yeah, I don’t know if it’s the term to be happy but we’re happy with the judgement of our lord.

22:05 - That Allah (AJ) said: the best of nations would be nations in the last days for the difficulties they would face and the immensity of love they would have for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and that they would be immense lovers of Prophet ﷺ.

22:23 - Prophet ﷺ described to his companions that, ‘The nation in the last days they would be my ahbab (lovers of Prophet sws). ’ And the holy companions they were shocked and they said, ‘I thought we’re your lovers. ’ He said, ‘No you’re my sahabi (holy companions of Prophet sws).

22:39 - I’m with you and of course you love me and following me, you’re with me.

22:45 - A nation is coming in the last days that they have never seen me and they would give everything in their life for one glance, once glance of me.

23:03 - They are my ahbab. ’ They give everything in the way of Prophet ﷺ.

23:16 - And that’s a title that Allah (AJ) has granted for the nation of the last days to be ahbab e-Nabi ﷺ – to be lovers.

23:26 - We pray that Allah (AJ) grant us that title, grant us that reality to make us to be from ashiqeen (lovers) and ahbab e-Nabi ﷺ.

23:34 - And awliyaullah come and teach that the time that Prophet ﷺ described that to the holy companions their spiritual ruhaniyat were at that time ordered to keep a nazar (gaze) because of their love for Prophet ﷺ.

23:54 - He described to them the immensity of love and their immense love for Prophet ﷺ to make him happy they all lent their ruhaniyat and their souls to keep their spiritual nazar on the nation that Prophet ﷺ had shown them, he showed them that these are the souls of the ones who’ll be coming in last days and they are my lovers.

24:22 - And as a result, those sahabi kiram their nazar is attached to those souls so from that time their nazar has been watching us, dressing us, blessing us.

24:34 - That ‘Prophet ﷺ loves you and you love Prophet ﷺ and we give our support for you to reach the destiny that you have to reach so that Prophet’s ﷺ rida and satisfaction to be dressed upon you. ’ So, it’s a immense blessing.

24:53 - That alhamdulillah anybody should feel as the highest gift that Allah (AJ) can give to creation is that gift of love and the attention of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, the attention of ashab un-Nabi ﷺ (holy companions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) to be upon us, the attention of ahlul-bayt (Holy family of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) to be upon us.

25:13 - For that, alhamdulillah and the only thing we pray that Allah’s (AJ) mercy and rahmah be upon any type of punishment and difficulty and the extent of difficulty that will be coming onto this earth, the extent of death and perishing that comes upon this earth.

25:32 - We pray that Allah (AJ) deal with us all and all our loved ones and children and family and communities with a immense rahmah and mercy and keep us under the intercession of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. InshaAllah.

25:44 - Ila sharifin Nabi (SallAllahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) wa ila aalihi wa sahbihil kiram, wa ila mashayikhina fit tariqatin Naqshbandiyatil ‘aaliyah, wa sayiri sadatina wa Siddiqin.

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