Unofficial End User Guide to Microsoft Ignite: Did you know there are LOCAL connections?

Sep 17, 2020 08:00 · 364 words · 2 minute read got 01 patchandswitch consultancy connecting

Welcome back. It’s the PatchAndSwitch Consultancy here with another episode of the unofficial end user guide to the digital Microsoft Ignite experience. Today we are talking about local connections, connecting locally. >> This is part again of the connection zone which you get access to is a fully registered member at Microsoft Ignite for What these are basically spread throughout the schedules. You can find these in the schedule builder when that goes live to put inside your calendar.

00:32 - But these are basically anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes long, so they’re slightly longer, but they’re localized for the region and the time zone that you’re in. You can find out a very specific country priorities and country issues that are going to be brought up. Each one of these are actually produced locally by the local people and local representatives that are taking place. They are teams live events. They have a very large capacity of people that can go up and see them. They do have the ability to have Q&A that takes place to them, but each one is unique.

01:05 - Search these ones out, they’re really cool for the content that’s available inside of these local connections. >> Yeah, you’ll be able to get things that are related to the country that you live in or the region that you live in. So that’s fantastic, and it’s in the time zone that you live in, so even better. Head right on over there. >> You’re going to find some panel discussions, you’re going to find some demos, possible videos with customer stories, stuff like that. Think about the [inaudible] just for your regions, for your time. >> That’s super cool. Looking forward to that.

01:36 - Remember, in order to gain access to this, you need to be a fully registered attendee at Microsoft Ignite, which is free. So is the place that you can get registered for that, of course. Boy, we’ve got a lot of connection zone videos and we’ve got more videos coming your way with the unofficial end user guide to digital Microsoft Ignite. More to come, stick around. [MUSIC] .