The Can Hear You in Heavens Q&A 🕋⭐Sufi Meditation Center

Jan 28, 2021 21:30 · 7058 words · 34 minute read

Do we remove the ring when we use the facility? Yeah let’s go on the questions, it’s always important and never to not ask them but a lot of, a lot of what’s being taught has an immense amount of just common sense.

00:30 - So when we talk about this [ring] is a sunnah (traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) this has power this has a nobility, yes.

00:42 - Anything that has power anything that has a holiness anything that you hold as a reverence and you revere it as something holy don’t take it to the toilet, so that means then seal it and cover it, put it into your pocket, take it off.

01:00 - And same with the Naqshbandi turban that’s why our turban is designed not like the other tariqahs (spiritual paths) that this is a the made up turban for more formal [shaykh points to his turban] but our style was to have the taj and the wrap, why? And the wrap was just a simple you would wrap it yourself quickly so that if you use the facility you don’t go into the facility with the turban, you’re talking about the crown of and the representation of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, common sense is then you wouldn’t be seen in a toilet wearing that crown and that nobility.

01:35 - So that’s why it was supposed to be made as unwrappable [the turban] so you quickly unwrap it put the turban cloth aside and you go with the cone and it’s preserved and your head is covered.

01:47 - So anything we think we’re going to go into the bathroom with if it’s holy, don’t go.

01:54 - You hide it and put it into a pocket and don’t take holiness into that region.

02:00 - And the taweez (amulet) it’s wrapped so that’s the same concept as they would say that put the ring in a pocket because as soon as you put in your pocket it’s wrapped and sort of not an open for everyone to look at it.

02:13 - The taweez is already wrapped, it’s designed for the bathroom.

02:19 - So you’re wearing the taweez as a protection from going inside the bathroom for the shaitans that are there, that’s when you need it the most.

02:27 - So that’s when you wear extra taweez to go into the washroom because that’s where you’re going to get attacked and a lot of sohbets are going to come to you because that’s where his khutbah is standing there amma ba’ad (after this). … And then he start teaching you teaching you and you come out with all sorts of difficulty, but it’s not waterproof the taweez.

02:47 - As Salaamu Alaykum Seyyidi, I’ve been wanting to get an imamah sharif and I wanted to ask if the Naqshbandi cone hat is necessary? I want to get a Naqshbandi cone? And is it necessary the imamah sharif? Yeah you can wear anything you want but it’s designed by Shaykh Nazim (Q) and the ones that we all get is a very hard cone so that it’s not flopping over otherwise if you try to just put your topi or your kufi that’s soft as soon as you wrap with your turban it’s falling all over the place.

03:31 - You can wrap your head without even that if you’re like traveling or for umrah or for hajj we just wrap it regular with a regular kufi because it’s coming off all the time but this this style [Turban with cone] is meant for us to be able to lift it and put it off and take it off and wear the kufi under for washing and put the turban back on, but if you don’t have access to it then any top that you put on and wrapping the turban and the holiness of the sunnah of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is in actually wrapping and putting a turban upon the head and then it multiplies the salah (prayer).

That anytime you revive a sunnah and bring out its realities it multiplies the salah.

04:15 - As Saalamu Alaykum dearest Seyyidi, my lack of ignorance but could say expand on nafas ur rahmah? How should a beginner practice breathing especially during meditation and daily zikr practices? The question was nafas ur rahmah (The Breath of Mercy) and how to, how to breathe? Yes for a beginner.

04:46 - Yeah for the breathing and actual steps of that you just have to breathe and concentrate, we can’t go too deep into all the different steps of the meditation otherwise we’ll be here for a couple hours talking about the different practices but we have if you email us at ‘helpme@nurmuhammad. com’ we send you a link for the meditation which has the basic steps of how to make the tafakkur (contemplation), how to sit and to do your breathing, and you breathe in and breathe out be conscious of the breath listen to some salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) or Qur’an so that you bring a power to your ears and quiet the mind.

05:28 - And then bi zikrullah (Remembrance of Allah) zikr e hu (chanting of hu) that you’re breathing in and out and feel the energy of and the positive light and the life force that everyone breathes in and that see all type of bad character and darkness breathing out.

05:42 - That, ‘Ya Rabbi send this light in and every type of bad character let it to come out,’ and then you practice your conscious breathing and keep practicing and practicing until the breath becomes more and more energized with every breath coming in you feel it’s gudra (power) and its energy and then that simultaneously you’re connecting with the shaykhs and asking that, ‘Let the light of the shaykh to come and enter my heart.

06:07 - That, ‘Please bring the light into my heart,’ and Allah (AJ) is saying, ‘Ittaqollah wa kono ma’as sadiqeen. ’ Anything that Allah (AJ) is asking you in Holy Qur’an Allah (AJ) doesn’t care about physicality so then what does Allah (AJ) mean by, ‘Have a consciousness and keep the company of truthful servants. ’ People think, ‘Oh that Allah (AJ) is asking us to keep the company only in the physical world. ’ If Allah (AJ) doesn’t care for the physical world then He’s drawing our attention to something much more powerful than that, is that you should be with them spiritually at all times.

If it’s the heavenly kingdom you want and you love, then why aren’t the heavenly servants all around you? Have a consciousness means all you’re your five senses should have been geared towards the unseen servants, that ‘I want these shaykhs I want their ruhaniyat and their spirituality and I want to connect with them and I want all these senses you gave to me my lord I want to use them to be with them, to be with your servants. ’ And then you use your hearing and shut the hearing so that you can hear them and feel them in front of you and you can begin to hear them even teaching you and talking to you and that’s what Allah’s (AJ) drawing importance is from malakut (heavens).

07:33 - Why Allah (AJ) would said, ‘Only for you know, keep the company of pious servants only while you’re on earth,’ or the people whom are trying to excel they use their earthly time to make their heavenly connection so that when they leave this earth they’ve already made their connection and all the relationship that they have made of the heavenly kingdom those are the ones who will be greeting them when they take their last breath on earth, inshaAllah.

08:04 - Seyyidi how may I make baya I have been practicing the awrad and this is my first khatm e khwajagan? Yeah you can email us at ‘Helpme@nurmuhammad. com’ and inshaAllah in the next few days we can recite again the bayah (allegiance).

08:22 - I think every, every couple of weeks we recite the bayah out loud, you make intention to take the bayah and the. . hamdulillah.

08:29 - You email me and we will also send you the words for the bayah, you recite the bayah asking, ‘Ya Rabbi I want to be with Naqshbandiya under the sultanate (kingdom) of Sultan al-Awliya (King of saints) Mawlana Shaykh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani (Q), Sultan al-Awliya Shaykh Muhammad Adil al-Haqqani (Q) and his representative on earth right now Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Adil (Q) and the big awliyaullah (saints) like Mawlana Shaykh Hisham (Q) and Shaykh Adnan (Q) that their nazar (gaze) to all be upon us and that we’re intending to be under their nazar and to be in the Naqshbandiya way inshaAllah.

09:01 - But for you to be watching you’re already Naqshbandi, now for your nafs (ego) to accept that’s a good step so you can email us recite the bayah and then remind us in a few nights and maybe we’ll recite it again, I think we did last week so we’ll recite it again in another few days inshaAllah.

09:19 - Seyyidi if it’s important to know can we absorb other people’s anger? If it’s important to know?.

09:32 - Yes, I think we. . this is the whole theme of being energy beings.

09:39 - I was talking with somebody the other day and said that You know that all of this creation are energy beings these poor animals in the zoo you know more and more aggression and more and more angry animals because they’re energy beings, can you imagine that all day long, and they’re so super sensitive to energy, that all day long violent angry bad character people visiting visiting visiting taunting haunting and ridiculing these creatures you don’t think that they’re absorbing all the energies of these people and that is it’s shocking to people when the lion wants to go out and eat everybody in the audience or the elephant breaks the village and says, ‘That’s enough.

’ Allah’s (AJ) showing us that you’re all energy beings and you’re going to either give off energy and you’re going to absorb energy, so that’s it.

10:41 - That’s the main reason for teaching all of this tafakkur and contemplation because from what people see, and unseen are far more dangerous in the last days when the immensity of negative energy is everywhere how are you combating that negative energy? Are. . what are people thinking that they’re going to go and get a shot and as a result of that shot everything is finished? Because these are drive-through philosophy that, ‘I don’t have to do anything I don’t have to pray I don’t have to make wudu (ablution) I don’t have to do anything to build my energy.

11:19 - I merely will drive through somewhere they’ll give me a shot and all the punishment of the earth will stop. ’ Probably not, you just open yourself to a different type of punishment.

11:35 - But the reality is that these are the signs that Allah (AJ) has given that Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ has explained and I should be following the sunnah I should be keeping my wudu I should be keeping my salah I should be doing all my practices all my readings everything that I possibly can.

11:52 - I should be meditating for an abundance of power and energy to be dressed upon me to push away and to combat every type of negativity and as I do all of that then Allah (AJ) to bless me and dress me that I at least took the steps necessary and that Allah (AJ) is sufficient for the believer.

12:15 - But if we do nothing and say that you know, ‘Hasbunallah I’m relying on Allah (AJ). ’ Allah (AJ) say, ‘How come you don’t hold to respect the sunnah of My Most beloved? You don’t cover your hair you don’t have the ring you’re not keeping wudu you’re not doing all the things that my beloved Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ came and struggled to develop upon this earth as a protection. ’ And we do that as a ihtiram (respect) and a love for Prophet ﷺ and when you do things with love that’s why you do them.

12:48 - When someone doesn’t want to cover someone doesn’t want to do someone doesn’t want to perform they think that it’s just you know, ‘I could do what I want. ’ It’s really what it’s saying is that you don’t hold Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ to a very high degree.

13:03 - They don’t care what your mouth says but when you do what you do out of love that you brought it, ‘I’m going to do my best to live and die by it as a sign of my love for you as a weak servant I don’t want to die without my beard just so that I can greet you and say that on this earth I tried I struggled.

13:25 - That you do what you do out of love and leave for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ to reach to us and to and grant us a forgiveness as we said before when your children copy you and they say they want to be like you it’s from a love and you would do anything possible to protect them because they’re showing and telling their love to you, what could be deeper and greater than thinking that, ‘I’m not doing it to be boastful but I’m doing it for my love for you Seyyidi Ya Rasulul Kareem (The Most Generous Prophet).

14:06 - Grant me a strength grant me an honour, let me to die in a position of honour.

14:12 - When now they’re people are dying and being burned and putting through every type of difficulty don’t let me to be in that type of difficulty grant me an honour.

14:22 - Save me, save me for the sake of my sunnah. ’ So it has an immense reality, that let them to find my body with a ring upon it let them to find me with a sunnah upon myself and that’s how that I would be raised to Allah’s (AJ) Divinely Presence.

14:40 - So we do what we do out of love and try not to use your head and say, ‘I can shorten this [refers to beard] I can cut this [refers to hair], I can leave this [refers to beard]. ’ Is nothing about anything to do with that this is about muhabbat and love that, ‘I don’t know what condition this earth is coming into but for my love Ya Rabbi grant me a protection shield me from things I can’t even imagine to begin to pray for, but all I know is I’m doing what I’m doing out of love and I know that your power is immense and your love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is immense.

15:12 - And let that love guide me protect me and shield me from the things I know and mostly from the things I don’t know that are after me Ya Rabb (O’ Lord). ’ Seyyidi, how to think about Jibra’il (as) in meditation? The angelic reality of the meditation, first you have to have connected with the shaykh so I think somebody emailed about the same thing and then, ‘Sayyidina Jibra’il’s is Ruh al-Quddus or what’s his name?’ Those are nice to read about it at one level but first level is to make the connection with the shaykhs, if you don’t establish that relationship and the chain, what happens is that people become like a Fir’aun and they start to say you know, ‘I’m talking with Jesus Christ I’m talking with this I’m talking with this one and that one,’ and the mind has taken over their meditation and their spiritual practices.

16:14 - So it’s more important that I’m sitting every day and I’m trying to connect with the shaykh I’m asking for the faiz (downpouring blessings) of the shaykh to enter into the heart.

16:22 - I feel the energy that entering me I’m asking to be dressed by that reality then I’m asking for the muhabbat and love to begin to emanate within my heart and then I ask to be nothing.

16:33 - That I’m asking to be in the fana (annihilation), I’m nothing I’m nothing I’m nothing.

16:37 - Dress me from the light dress me from the light,’ and in that nothingness they’ll begin to train and through that spiritual training then they’ll begin to teach you then to read the levels of the heart and when you read the levels of the heart [shaykhs book] you focus on the qalb (heart), the level of the qalb, and you ask for lights and these lights to come into the heart and that you’re asking first because you’re in the connection of your shaykh you’re in the fana of the shaykh and asking from your shaykh that, ‘Please let us to connect with Sayyidina Jibra’il (as) and the light of Sayyidina Jibra’il (as) to enter my heart.

’ So it has a process if you just pick it up and say that, ‘I just want to talk to Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) and how do I do that?’ That’s something different and that you run the danger of everything you do becomes nafsani (egocentric).

17:23 - You know the most imitated Prophet on earth right now is Sayyidina Isa (as), they’re not connecting with Sayyidina Isa (as) when they think they’re speaking to Jesus it’s just the ego has gotten in to their practices and before you know it they start to say that they are Sayyidina Isa (as).

17:40 - They say they’re Jesus and they’re walking around and that’s why it’s called the ‘Dajjal (man of deceit)’ and it’s called the Anti-Christ because there’s so many anti-ones of him and that’s the danger, when they teach the muraqabah (spiritual connection) and the tafakkur is first - make the connection with the shaykhs, annihilate yourself in the coordinates like a GPS.

17:59 - That, ‘I feel the light of the shaykh is in me I feel that I’m going through all these testings and difficulties and I’m consistent I have control of my anger I have good characteristics and I feel that I’ve entered in now to the fana of the shaykh and when I’m gone and I disappear and I feel the presence of the shaykh very much present within me.

18:18 - He sees through my eyes he hears through my ears he speaks through my tongue. ’ InshaAllah.

18:24 - As Salaamu Alaykum Seyyidi, is it okay to pet a dog is it haram also I’m a Muslimah, and woman I don’t know oftentimes want to hug me and I don’t mind but is it safe for me energy wise? Can we repeat that again I didn’t hear that.

18:54 - They want to. . is it okay to pet a dog and to be hugged by a Muslimah? [shaykh laughs].

19:08 - Is it okay to pet a dog is it haram (forbidden).

19:11 - Also I’m a Muslimah and women I don’t know oftentimes want to hug me and I don’t mind but is it safe for me energy wise? Oh okay okay I thought yeah that’s something different all right.

19:22 - Yeah that didn’t make sense at all. So you’re a. . it’s a woman she wants to pet a dog and is it okay for other women to hug a woman.

19:35 - And I think it’s better just phrase it, ‘Is it okay for people to hug each other?’ And probably not, we’re in the midst of a pandemic so that’s even more that Allah (AJ) wants us to keep a distance and there’s an energy convergence on everyone whether they feel depressed they sad they’re just mentally not well, they’re energy beings that’s the whole theme of all our talks every Thursday Friday Saturday.

20:01 - As a result of energy beings, then the more that we interact with people there’s going to be now a conveyance of you taking on burdens and they taking on your good light, especially if the other person doesn’t practice anything and you’re doing a lot of practices they’ll take your light and you’ll take their burdens as an exchange.

20:21 - So it’s, you have to be sort of cautious of that.

20:24 - Family and relatives you maybe can’t not do that so you have to do that on a family basis but even during the pandemic it’s best just to keep some sort of a distance so that to have a protection from difficulty.

20:41 - As far as the petting of a dog, Al-azhar came out with a fatwa and they ruled that the dog is not haram (forbidden) and that the part of the dog to avoid was the saliva and that if it does touch you to go and wash inshaAllah and to not have that saliva on you before you pray.

21:06 - But as far as the petting of the hair of it then it shouldn’t be something that would negate one’s ability to pray and this is from Al-Azhar they issued their fatwa on the dog that it’s not something haram and but. . you know there’s other opinions in different madhabs.

21:28 - If you find it to be something questionable and you don’t want to then try to abstain from that.

21:35 - If you want to pet the dog and just wash your hands before you pray.

21:39 - As Salaamu Alaykum Seyyidi, it was announced about storing food for 90 days, is it time? Can we spread the word here in Pakistan.

21:53 - however I told this to many people and they say let it come.

22:01 - And who announced to store food for 90 days? Um, Sheikh Mehmet (Q).

22:09 - Oh just recently? I don’t know that’s what the question is. .

22:17 - I don’t know if, if that. . he issued for them to store food for 90 days then they can go around and say that Shaykh Mehmet (Q) said to store food for 90 days.

22:28 - I don’t know if spreading anything in Pakistan would make you to be popular because they have so many shaykhs so many different you know ulama (scholars), it’s best the tariqah, something individual for ourselves.

22:46 - That if it’s something I believe I have to do I do it myself and it’s important for me just to live by what I believe.

22:55 - It’s not my ability to propagate you know these types of things that ‘Do this do that do these orders like this,’ because somebody may become frightened and buy things that they don’t have the ability to afford and then if something or nothing happens then you’re going to have a lot of controversy but if it’s something you believe then it’s important for your faith to come alive and to do what you believe inshaAllah, that’s what’s important.

23:22 - But Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s (Q) philosophy was to live your house always with food so it’s… I don’t know about if you can do 90 days’ worth of food but to always have your house stored with supplies preferably supplies that are non-perishable canned goods crackers different food items that you can eat you store a certain area and from what you take of it you always replentish always replentish and make sure that your supplies are always there so that your house is like a little bit of a market and has all of the essential items that you need inshaAllah to keep you safe.

24:06 - But as far as spreading you know, ‘The shaykh ordered this shaykh ordered that,’ and start spreading that around this is. . you’re in the land of too many shaykhs and you’ll get all sorts of difficulties back from other people that ‘Don’t tell us what to do,’ or try to question it and debate you and if you’re not versed on how to debate that then it can create a difficulty, but what you can do is take our videos and share them because then let me deal with the people.

24:37 - You send the video they don’t like it they can contact us but at least the teachings are right out there, send the videos share the links go to telegram make a group send it out to all the different groups and spread the teachings of the ones who already are teaching but when you try to spread it yourself then you’re going to have a little bit of difficulty and pressure upon yourself that maybe you’re not prepared for so it’s best to always just take the link and share it.

25:04 - InshaAllah. As Salaamu Alaykum Ya Seyyidi with all respect I want to ask what kind of attar and bakhoor can be used to get rid of negative energy? What type of attar and bakhoor can be used to get rid of negative energy, we have an article on esphand and the power of esphand, the wild rue seed it’s called the wild rue seed ‘R-u-e,’ and the bakhoors that were used for ridding and cleansing an area for energy.

25:40 - That the mu’min (believer) beings they like that smell and a result of the mu’min beings coming the virtue of them being present pushes away every type of negativity.

25:52 - So fragrancing the house with frankincense with myrrh with the different bakhoors with the wild rue seed which is the esphand, esphand.

26:02 - Then these are the sunnah these are. . and oud, the oud that the non-favourable entities they don’t like the scent of oud so all of those have an immense importance and to take these ouds also and you can put them in spray bottles and the attars that are so, you put a little bit in a little spray bottle you mix it up nicely and you fragrance the area so that everything has a sort of beautific fragrance and beautific smell inshaAllah.

26:32 - And that any particular area that you feel something is not good the energy is not good or they’re coming upon your being and you don’t feel the energy positive upon your feet and then you put water mixed with tea tree oil and again these beings don’t like tea tree oil because of its fragrance and what it does to them.

26:54 - So you put tea tree oil in a little sprayer with water so this much tea treen [small quantity] this much water [double tea tree quantity] shake it up and you spray it on certain things and you’ll feel the energy of the negativity is dispersed.

27:06 - As far as bakhoors and smokes then the fragrances and the bakhoors.

27:11 - The esphand and the frankincense, myrrh, oud inshaAllah all the traditional religious fragrances and none of the sage and none of the rosemary none of these Indian things they all have incantations upon them that bring very bad spirits.

27:32 - The spiritual world lives within these fragrances so everything has to be from Islamic sources never from Indian sources, they have incantations into their incense sticks and into their products that Sai Baba was a big shaitan (satan).

27:52 - so anybody who were buying those things they were putting incantations into those products and distributing around the world and anyone from spiritual teaching understand those beings hide within those and when the person ignites them it’s a ceremonial sort of bringing of them and when they come they’re very difficult to get rid of so everything with us hamdulilah is from a halal (permissible) source that to get from the Islamic sources and Islamic fragrances and not, definitely not from them their temples and all their insignia upon that inshaAllah.

28:28 - Seyyidi what is the reality of rabitah sharif? The noble connection.

28:35 - The what is the reality of the rabitah sharif, is the noble connection.

28:40 - And there’s articles on our website and you know the NurMuhammad [Nurmuhammad. com] is an immense like encyclopedia of spirituality and you go to the search engine and you just type in the words that you want you type in, ‘Rabitah’ and you get the articles on the madad (support), and the rabitah sharif is the noble connection.

28:56 - How to connect with this golden chain is then the madad and on the app [MuhammadanWay App] it has the recitation for the madad so you get the app and recite the madad on a daily basis.

29:07 - Every time you recite it it’s like you’re hitting the chain that goes all the way into the heavens of these shaykhs that you’re calling their name and you’re asking for support and that support then is their nazar that they say, ‘Oh a student is calling my name and my, my nazar upon them my souls gaze upon you and from what Allah (AJ) gave to me I dress you and give you. ’ And then making the muraqabah and how to make your connection and connect your heart so that you can gain the faiz of that chain.

29:37 - That if you’re connecting with the shaykh who’s teaching you he’s the link that links you to an entire chain, so they send him out and whom connect he’s connecting them to that entire chain because that faiz is already coming through him and going out.

29:56 - So that’s what keeps the shaykhs protected is their rabitah and their connection with the chain.

30:04 - So imagine like a deep sea diver and everybody of this dunya (material world) is on the bottom of the ocean so when the shaykhs send out representatives and certified representatives of the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ they’re all safe in the heavens so they’re the people on the boat on the top of the ocean, so as a result they throw that one into the water but because he’s connected with the tube to breathe and to be supported he walks the bottom of the ocean picking up all the people and dealing with them and through that faiz and through that power that reaching to him he’s able to do that work otherwise he wouldn’t be at the bottom of the ocean doing all those things.

30:51 - So that’s one way of us to visualize that the shaykhs are at the top and they’re sending support sending the knowledges sending the realities to gather all of these people whom are dispersed.

31:03 - They’re at the bottom of the ocean because they’re not alive they’re actually dead to this dunya and they’re coming down to revive people and lift them up and remind them of the heavenly kingdom that lies above this ocean of this dunya.

31:20 - Seyyidi can women wear these zikr rings also and can we wear more than one? Yeah for the sunnah for the women can be different.

31:33 - They can wear they zikr rings they can wear the rings for protection but the sunnah of the teaching of the stone is still the same so when they wear the firauz and the turquoise and they try to wear the turquoise jewellery and necklace it has an immense healing has an immense power for nazar and protection from the bad energy that affects us in everything.

31:59 - The reason things don’t get accomplished the reason that we have difficulty the reason we have all sorts of sicknesses and ailments is enmity and envy.

32:09 - So when Prophet ﷺ is teaching that, ‘If you wear this stone it has a zikr and a reality that Allah (AJ) has given it its reality,’ then it has an immense protection.

32:22 - If it takes away the nazar you may feel yourself more energized to accomplish what you have to accomplish.

32:28 - The nazar of people is so powerful that people don’t understand it, they don’t know why they’re getting sick all the time.

32:37 - They don’t know why they’re not feeling good or they’re feeling down or their eyes are red and they have headaches.

32:42 - So we are energy beings until we understand the depth of our reality and what Allah (AJ) has given to us of tools-our wudu our salah our. . the sunnah of wearing all these things, covering of the head.

32:59 - These are all an armour in which for us to deal with each other and deal on this earth.

33:06 - You armour yourself and fortify yourself as a spiritual warrior so that you can go on this earth you can deal with people not be affected by people you do your work and accomplish what you have to accomplish in life but when people leave all of those, leave their understanding of energy and then they’re just like, ‘I don’t know why I feel sick all the time I have a headache my eyes are all red and I’m just, I don’t feel like I want to do anything. ’ InshaAllah.

33:39 - Seyyidi how to keep the way of gratitude and being thankful in the times of severe testing and difficulties? How to keep the way of gratitude and to show ourselves to be thankful in the time of severe difficulties, I think we talked it was last week, that that was the talk on gratitude and that was the understanding that we show gratitude in everything that we do and don’t, don’t be silent.

34:12 - Don’t sit and be silent and watch a video and not say, ‘Thank you,’ not say ‘Hello’ not give a thumbs up and just you know this world then just kind of passes us.

34:22 - Allah (AJ) wants us to show our thankfulness wants us to have shukr (gratitude) because the opposite of shukr is to be naskhur (unthankful) to be not thankful.

34:33 - Then Allah (AJ) is, ‘He’s not even thankful for whatever he’s learning whatever he’s being taught whatever I give him, what…’ Everything will carry through to that servant to be a non-thankful servant.

34:44 - So I don’t know if anyone has children when. . and that’s why having a family and having children was half our religion because whatever I’m. . my relationship with Allah (AJ) I will see that in my relationship with my children and I can understand Allah’s (AJ) position to a degree by interacting with my children.

35:06 - If all day long I give my children everything, everything they ask for, ‘Here you go here you go here you go here you go here you go,’ not one ‘Thank you’ [in response] and then not even a thank you at the end then to even come against and, ‘This was that this was horrible this was rotten you did this again it’s like this. ’ Then you say, ‘Okay you know I know how to punish you and I’m not going to give you anything for a week. ’ And then we understand, ‘Oh my gosh that this is the interaction I have with my children am I doing this with my lord?’ And that’s when the servant to be understanding that what I’m asking for my children why I’m not doing it for Allah (AJ)? All these parents that their children, ‘Don’t listen to me my children don’t listen to me my children you know are rude to me.

’ I asked them to come back and say that have you listened to everything that Allah (AJ) asked you? ‘No, I don’t pray’ [person replies].

36:02 - So why were you expecting that your children would listen to you but you didn’t listen to anything from Allah (AJ), because our life is very reflective so at least the purpose of family was for us to get a sense and understanding, ‘Oh my gosh how I’m dealing with my family with my children what I want from them and what I would expect from them and the gratitude that I would expect from them I should be first doing that always to my lord.

36:29 - Thank you for what I have thank you for this knowledge you gave thank you for this money you gave thank you for the food you gave thank you for the people in my life thank you for everything and thank you for all the bad you kept away,’ because you don’t know what kind of storm is really heading towards people that Allah (AJ) kept away with “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. ” We only saw some of the things that got through but the greater part of the iceberg Allah (AJ) has kept away that would have obliterated our lives and our, all that is dear to us, but with “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” Allah (AJ) kept everything away.

37:05 - So our life is a continuous, ‘Shukr, shukr, shukr Ya Rabbi.

37:08 - That if I’m not shukr enough that forgive me forgive me and put into my heart to be conscious of everything Ya Rabbi so that I show my thankfulness to you and have pity upon me and mercy to be dressed upon me. ’ InshaAllah.

37:23 - And little steps it’s the little things in life that have the greatest reality not the big things, the detail is in the little little little things in life that we should be very thankful and make sure that all those little things are done because we don’t know what Allah (AJ) will grant from these little actions.

37:44 - People think, ‘Well I pray and Allah (AJ) is happy with me. ’ No, Imam Ghazali (Q) was praying all his life trying to reach all realities all his life and you know thinking, ‘Well it’s not really happening I’m not feeling what these other shaykhs are talking about I’m not feeling these things,’ and it was milad un nabi ﷺ (celebration of the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad sws) it was the night of the mawlid e nabi ﷺ, but before that he had a great amount of doubt that how come things are not opening not opening I’m doing this I’m doing that I’m doing this and for mawlid e nabi ﷺ Allah (AJ) sent him a fly and at that time there was a inkwell where you would write from not a fountain pen it was an ink well you had to dip it and then write and dip it and as he was about to dip his pen a fly came and began to start to drink from the ink and he said, ‘You know that you’re an amazing creation of Allah (AJ) and I’m a creation of Allah (AJ) and for the sake of mawlid e nabi ﷺ,’ he thought to his heart ‘I won’t disturb this fly’ and he let the fly to take his drink and take his fill before he put his pen.

38:52 - As soon as the fly finished and went and he went to put his pen he said this action that you did today was very dear to Allah (AJ) and everything that you had asked from Allah (AJ) will now be opened upon your heart and he says from that point on his heart opened and flourished with all its realities.

39:10 - So it means Allah (AJ) is looking you know, for the greatest sign are the small ones because they show the true character of somebody not you know lining up only for salah everybody is watching you to pray that’s maybe you had to do that but what you carry of your real character that nobody sees and it’s the small actions that you sort of dot your eyes and you cross your t’s and those are just between you and Allah (AJ) He finds those to be very dear and those are the actions that open the reality for many awliya (saints).

39:44 - And there’s another story of a wali (saint) who was going for hajj he wasn’t a wali yet but a pious servant.

39:50 - He’s walking and doing many good things and walking and going all the way for his hajj and accepting and hoping that Allah (AJ) is going to accept this hajj he came across a well and put his bucket down and began to drink the water making his zikr (Divine remembrance) and a dog came and the dog looked like it was had been famished in the desert and was in serious need of water and that servant of Allah (AJ) looked at the dog and felt the sorrow of this creature is going to die without water.

40:22 - He put the bucket immediately down and began to give water to the dog and that was before the thinking that, ‘You know the dog who cares for a dog what’s the importance of a dog,’ and this is a man going to go see Allah (AJ) and again as soon as he gave the water to the dog a voice that came into his heart that this action made all your hajj to be accepted because Allah (AJ) saw the sincerity of your character and the goodness of your character that when nobody’s around you felt a sadness and a pity for this creature.

40:56 - So this is tariqah’s teaching it’s the small actions that Allah (AJ) is at a continuous state of vigilance to see if that character is really really of the nature that Allah (AJ) wants before he opens his heavenly kingdom upon their heart inshaAllah.

41:14 - InshaAllah. Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha.

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