first christmas in the NEW HOUSE! (vlogmas #1)
Dec 2, 2020 19:00 · 2993 words · 15 minute read
♪ I’m kinda old, true ♪ ♪ My life’s kind boring, also true ♪ ♪ But I’ll film it anyway, no one asked for this ♪ ♪ Hope you ready for it ♪ ♪ Cause I’m vlogging till Christmas day ♪ Oh my God please never let me do that again. Hello and welcome to vlogmas day one, numero uno. I am so excited. I can’t believe it’s another year of vlogmas. I think this is my fourth year. I’m uh, I’m not sure how we’re gonna do vlogmas this year. I’m still trying to feel it out as I go. I might do like I’ve done every other year and do a single vlog every single day until Christmas.
00:33 - Or I might do like a 12 days of vlogmas thing. I might take the weekends off. I have no idea, but I’m definitely going to take all of your suggestions and put my mental health first this year which is a fantastic idea. And thank you all so much for just your support and kind words. When it comes to things like this I know I can tend to like push myself a little bit hard cause I’m like need the content, like need to do it. But honestly like taking time for myself is hugely important during this time of year, it’s like a very heavy time of year for brand deals, it’s a lot of vlogs, it’s a lot of main channel videos a lot of Instagram content, et cetera.
01:09 - So just finding the balance is what I’m gonna try to do. But I’m actually dressed in the cutest little outfit. This is a two piece. I actually got it from Sheehan back over the summer. I talked about this in a vlog, but I shopped them before I knew about all the controversies and stuff but I’m gonna wear what I bought. So anyways, this sweater is from Maurice’s.
01:29 - I just filmed a video on my main channel where I compared plus sizes and straight sizes from Maurice’s and this is the one I kept. It’s the extra large for those of you that saw that video. But yeah, I normally wouldn’t be dressed like this on this day of the week. But I just filmed a brand deal for Instagram. So, I had to get ready and get all cute. So yeah, I’m wearing like my cute little outfit. It’s a little two piece gingham set and I’m also wearing my slippers. So today I feel like in order to start off vlogmas right, we have to decorate. We have to start decorating our house for Christmas because 2020, am I right? But also it’s been sitting here. All of this stuff has been sitting here forever. And poor Drew has been desperately waiting and I’m like “we have to film it.
” 02:09 - So vlogmas day one is gonna be, decorating our Christmas tree. It’s like one of my favorite times of the year. It’s now our fourth time since we’ve lived together, 17, 18, 19, 20. So we’ve decorated a tree for four Christmases in a row. They’re so plastic, all this TV, Oh my God. Why am I like this? All right, you ready to decorate? You’ve been waiting very patiently. - Let’s go. - Woo-hoo! So I guess we’ll do maybe like the Yule Log or something like that. That sounds fun. What should I type in Netflix? Just log? Fireplace for your home. Do you want Classic or Birchwood? - Birchwood. I like Birchwood, pretty. - Okay, here we go. - I love when fire sings too. - Yes and, the washing machine in the background really sets the vibe, for sure. And so it begins.
03:03 - First things first we gotta put up the tree, obviously. We got this tree, what like a couple of weeks ago, three weeks ago, something like that at Target. They were having a bomb sale. And I wanna say… - 75, 60% off? - Yeah it was like 60% off or something like that. I got it for 40 bucks I think. And it’s a seven and a half foot tree. So we’re gonna keep this forever, hopefully. Wherever we live in the future hopefully the ceilings are tall enough.
03:28 - And then we kind of gathered a couple new Christmas decorations, but nothing crazy. We have mostly stuff that we’re gonna be using from last year. But first things first let’s set up the tree. Go turn on my tree. - Come on Bo we’re going to get the tree. We’re going to get the tree, come on. Make it nice around the tree. All right, look at the tree. Hey get the hell out of here. Go turn on my tree. (Christmas carol instrumental) - We’ve cleared out this little section near our front door. We had a Birds of Paradise tree right there that we moved over. So, got it all cleared out.
04:04 - I think it’s like the perfect little corner for a Christmas tree. I’m so excited. - I think you need to start with the seat. - That’s so not correct. - Do we need the instructions? - No. - No. - Who needs instructions? - Not me. Except I’m pretty sure I’m having a flashback to last year where I did not follow the instructions and then we had to start over.
04:25 - (Christmas carol instrumental) - You noticed how in England, like the vibe of the trees, you know? - Yeah. - And they have like a different kind of tree over there. Like theirs are like shorter and fatter, and ours are like taller and thin. - I mean it’s probably a different type of tree. - Yeah. And theirs are like always really sparse. And it seems like in the U.S. like we’re obsessed with like… - Giant tree. - Full, giant tree. It’s just interesting, the difference. Whatever country you’re from, comment below what kind of tree is popular there because in America we like things big and thick. - Big and thick. Made with butter.
05:07 - (Christmas carol instrumental) - Are you racing me? I’m faster. (Christmas carol instrumental) - I mean, I’ve seen worse. I’ve definitely seen worse. Hey, the skirt I guess. This is our skirt from last year. I think it was from Target. It still got the flocking, like all over it from last tree. I know, that tree was cute, but it was so messy. Need some presents under here. - Yeah, where my presents? - Where my presents? - Cute. - That is cute.
05:47 - Next we have to go into our Harry Potter closet. Have I shown this? I feel like I’ve shown, I showed it in the apartment tour for sure. But we have this Harry Potter closet under our stairs that is pretty much the size of our old bedroom in L.A. - Our closet’s taking some side of it. - Yeah true. (chuckles) So it’s in here. This is where we keep all of our storage. These were a disaster from target. I’ll talk about it some other time. We did hang out outside lights but I don’t really want to show the front of our house. So we had outside lights on the front of our house.
06:14 - Those are some extra lights that I’m returning and yeah, it’s just been great for storage. So we have our Christmas/fall decorations in here. - Oh hey, yeah gnomes. - Yay. Oh my gosh. This was from Leah because we all kept this tiny pineapple that we got at whole foods in Hawaii in Kailua. If you remember Kevin from the Hawaii vlogs. Oh, Leah got us this pineapple ornament to remember our trip and remember our son Kevin. That is so sweet. We have kind of like our sentimental ornaments in here. We got some beads. Got our stockings, I guess we’ll just hang them on the little media stand, yeah. Got some lights, some more lights. Some trees. Yeah, are like, oh, she needs woo, woo, woo, woo. She needed some batteries. This was some other stuff we pulled out. Some of this is new. We got a new tree topper this year for the first time in four Christmases, we have been using the same one and it’s just dead and not cute. - It is time for candles? - Oh, it’s time for candles. - Smell it.
07:20 - - You guys smell that? This is how much we burned last year. So we gotta, we gotta do more. - You’re like sniffing glue. - Christmas tree smell, is the best smell in the entire world. - We got more. - More? - Winter Candy Apple. - This is my favorite bath and body works scent. It smells like herbal essence. This smells so good. What’s that one? - Smells good. Kind of like the other one. - Oh, that one’s even better. Yum. Is that all we got for Christmas in here? - Yep. Five candles. - Besides wrapping. - Four candles. - We’re gonna donate this because it’s just tiny. - We got a better one. - We got better, got bigger and better. We’re upgrading after four Christmases. So I’d say that’s pretty good. Yeah. Let there be light bitch.
08:07 - (Christmas carol instrumental) - Wait, I didn’t remember we had twinkle lights. Like this is the most exciting discovery of my day. We definitely should have had two of these but you know what, we’re gonna make do with one, and it’s gonna be just right. Kind of looks terrible, but you know what? - No it doesn’t. - Okay. - Be nice to my tree. Leave it alone. You’re fine. - All right. - You’re perfect. - Let’s do this. Gonna do some garlands. I got these beads, these are wooden beads at Target maybe? I wanna say? (Christmas carol instrumental) - Next, just the basic ass ornaments. We have to do the basic ass ornaments.
08:44 - Where are the little ones? So we have some gold ones here. And then we also have some mixed metal ones. How cute. I just kind of want it to like stay neutral. We’re gonna do the big ones, and then accent with the little ones. How cute. Tadaaa! - Cute. Dangle dangle dangle. (cheerful music) - From one snowflake to another. - Aaw thank you snowflake. - You’re welcome. These are cute. These make it look very Winter Wonderland. I actually got some cute little flock pine cones. How adorable? They’re like 12 of these. - Oh we should have put up those. - What? - Smelly ones. - Oh my God we forgot. The most important imperative step to setting up a fake tree is setting up your smelly goods. If you don’t know what the smelly goods are here they are. They will change your life. I’m sure most everyone has these. But in case you don’t, what is this brand? Scentsicles. Scented ornament.
09:47 - It smells like a freaking real Christmas tree. - You just hide them under your tree. - And you hide them in you tree. They’re intoxicating. - They last a long time too. - We just bought new ones this year, and we use the other ones for what? Three Christmas, three years in a row. So they’re worth the hype. Trust me if there’s one way that you wanna upgrade your space and you can smell it too. I mean it’s like it wears off a little bit like after a while, but if you get up close and smell it. - You put in like three, and then, if they run out. - Yep. Great idea. Okay that one broke. Look how cute this is.
10:25 - Next up we have these ones that I got last year. These are little mini macro mays. These are the freaking cutest ornaments I’ve ever seen in my life. So we have six of these that we’ll spread out. But how adorable? How boho of me. Now all that’s left are our special ones, right? - Yep. - So for our like kind of, Oh my God I almost dropped it. (laughs) For our sentimental ornaments we have, as I showed you this one here which is from sweet, sweet Leah. She got it for all four of us girls. So myself, Alexa, Jess and Leah all have matching pineapple ornaments. Next we have, we didn’t get this in Japan. I’m not gonna lie. We just got this at World Market a couple of years ago.
11:04 - But this is to commemorate our trip to Japan. Such a special memory. So got our little cat. So a couple AZ ones. This one was from it’s called Citizen Home Decor. They are a local Arizona crafting shop. And this was just so cute. We couldn’t say no. Got our little AZ. Our little blue state, look at her. - Oh, she’s so blue. - She is so damn blue. This was a gift from Drew’s mom last year, for our new home in L.A. I’m so sad I don’t wanna talk about it. Let’s just, lalala. Sad.We miss her. We don’t miss our neighbors but we really really miss L.A. And now for the fun ones, I feel like I show these every year but it’s just so important that we show them.
11:48 - We’ve had these for, I think three Christmases now, maybe more. First and foremost, we have to, put on our parents. - Oh they go on the top. Our parents go at the top of the tree every single year. We have, forever my president, Barack Obama and first lady, Michelle Obama. Obviously, a.k.a mom and dad. If I find their shop I’ll link it down below. There’s no like branding on it anywhere. But we got this at a local market like probably 2017 or something like that. Then we also went back. This was probably like either the next year or like later that Christmas season. But we went back cause they have tons of faces on ornaments, like so many different, Buddy the Elf, movie stars, like everything you could possibly think of, just hilarious. And we decided to get two of our icons if you will. So I got Prince, who is like one of my biggest musical inspirations ever. And Drew got David Bowie.
12:41 - So we got our two icons, two Kings of androgyny. We love it. All that’s left is these two. I think these are both from 2018. Yeah, they are. We didn’t do anything for 2019 or 2017. - You got us one and then my mom got us one. - I believe I got us this one, which is our low family for 2018. And then your mom got us this for Christmas, that same year which is the two of us. The most important step, in finishing it off is the tree topper.
13:09 - We got a new one this year wow she’s got a really big plug. Go for it. I think I did it last year. - Pretty sure. - Wow. Now it’s Christmas. Drew is the King of symmetry. He absolutely loses it if it is not symmetric and up to his standards. So what are your thoughts? - It’s good enough. - That’ll do. - It’s good. - Merry Christmas. Happy holidays. By the way we’re not like religious. So when I say like Christmas, we’re not we don’t like celebrate like “Christmas”, we just like open presents. - We just like presents. - We just like presents. (Drew laughs) - Happy winter solstice. - Happy winter solstice to you all. - Happy Hanukkah. - Yeah happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa.
13:51 - Now let’s do like a few little decorations around the living room and then that’s, that’s a wrap. We did it. We did Christmas. (Christmas carol instrumental) - Goodbye fall. Hello Christmas. Goodbye cedar pumpkin. - Hello? - Hello holiday spruce. How’s your sandwich? Oh, you haven’t had it. Looks so good. - Want a bite? - Yeah kind of. - Did you get everything? I don’t think you got. Oh you let me know. - That is so good. - Want more? - No, that’s your sandwich. Very good though, thank you.
14:36 - (Christmas carol instrumental) - Tadaa! Christmasy. (Christmas carol instrumental) - All right everybody. I think that’s gonna do it for me and vlogmas day one. I hope you enjoyed it. I’ve had so much fun so far. I’m so excited for what’s to come. No matter if I do like a few vlogmasses, no matter if I do every day I’m just really excited to celebrate the holiday season with you all, connect with you all. I know it’s not an easy time for all of us and hopefully these videos can just give you a little something to keep you company or distract you from life for a few minutes. That’s my goal for this. And I just love you all so so much.
15:43 - Thank you so much for supporting me and for watching. And if you’ve been here since the very first vlogmas I did I’d be so curious to know, or at least when you started watching vlogmas on my channel. Is this your first year? Have you watched for a few years now? Let me know in the comments. But yeah, if you have any suggestions of things you wanna see me do during vlogmas, leave them in a comment below for sure. And until then, I will see you very soon. For vlogmas day two. Bye. (cheerful music) .