Karin Tonderski – reflections on the Serious Game System by BONUS RETURN

Jun 1, 2020 11:45 · 374 words · 2 minute read example agriculture land session affects

One thing I find important is that when we initially set up the game during this session we had a lot of discussions about the importance of where an ecotechnological measure is implemented and the effect it can be expected to have since initially we were to rank the ecotechnological measures. So for example in Fyrisån if you implement a wetland then the effect of that wetland will depend on whether it’s very close to an agricultural field which has a high leakage of phosphorus and nitrogen or if it is put somewhere with more forest in the catchment we also discussed whether we were talking about the effect at the mouth of Fyrisån or if we were talking about the effect it has locally at the field where it is implemented. So we talked about the scale, what is in focus, are the stakeholders more interested in what happens very close to where they are or are we focusing on the mouth of Fyrisån or are we maybe talking about the Baltic Sea, because there is a lot of retention as the water travels upstream to downstream and then that affects the actual calculated effect of a certain ecotechnological measure and also we talked about the importance of the way the catchment looks so for example if you want to implement the buffer strip then if it’s going to be effective it assumes that there is a certain slope of the fields and Fyrisån for example is quite flat – the agriculture land there, so then buffer strips may not be of any real use until maybe when there is a flood maybe then it would be really good to have buffer strips there to prevent flood water, the surface runoff that may happen on the agricultural fields it’s complex I think it’s interesting that at certain points we found that we could identify win-win solutions so even though we were contesting each other it could still be that something I needed to do like implementing an ecotechnology would benefit a fellow contestant but I would still do it because I really needed to do it for my own sake so it was kind of a win-win solution which I found interesting. .