The Office - SuperFan Episode Reaction 3x1 (Giveaway)

Jan 8, 2021 15:28 · 3388 words · 16 minute read

what’s up everybody this is your boy greg the game holic in today’s episode i am going to do the first super fan episode of the office that’s streaming on peacock now again it’s the superfan episode which is actually season three episode one it’s supposed to be like a few extra extended minutes so we’re gonna see some new content um but for those people who are brand new you know definitely make sure you subscribe um if you like this channel but also know that i do a lot of console giveaways that’s correct i give away playstation 4s xboxes and now i’m starting new ps5s xbox series x’s when they become available but if you want a chance to win make sure you watch this video all the way to the end because then i’ll go into more details and as you guys can see at the bottom uh those are pictures of my previous winners i’ve been doing this for years but now i wanted to focus on my youtube so i’m gonna keep it going but if you guys have any questions comments concerns theories hypothesis feedback conclusions or just want to say what’s up make sure you do so in the comments also if there’s any other suggestions whether it’s just other shows you would like to see me react to or other movies you know let me know in the comments and and i might do like a poll and then the more people who vote on a certain movie or or tv show that’s what i’ll do next um if you guys want me to i’ll do some more of these super fan episodes but without further ado let’s go ahead and get it started here we go yeah i’m not a temp anymore i got jim’s uh old job okay this is when jim went to the other branch okay i know where they at now ryan howard is a junior sales associate at a mid-range paper supply firm that’ll show him i know that had to feel weird for pam to look over and don’t see jim okay this was the last episode this is actually the season finale of season two you have no idea how long i wanted to do that i’m excited to see like the new content no jim you’re really good dwight is an idiot i swear to god sorry about that regional manager job to the best of my capabilities specifically you want details jan i will make it she got him on the short lease for real wanted to do and so it’s voluntary really even though she makes me oh man just hurting but things are going well with carol i’ve seen her seven times the last three months the casino episode that was a that was a good episode oh he don’t know the daughter’s name i don’t remember that i think that was new well i know sometimes you are and that you okay michael you gotta take a deep breath everybody oh man it’s crazy because like the movie shakespeare you know a lot of tv shows can’t get away with it using slurs like that oscar’s really gay exactly let me for real that crossed the line sexual look at his face and obviously he hopes he can count on your discretion oh man oh man listen man i’m so sorry i had no idea oh it’s fun i keep it down man i think if i don’t know how to behave kevin is like even i know even i know not to do that the opposite way you know i’m just i i can’t even ah you should just stop talking no just stop to another dude yeah babe that sounds like a good what do you mean wonderful idea let’s do that so much oh that answers that i’m not gay and i don’t understand why okay while you start lying at this point that i’m gay if buzz would just stop just quit while you’re ahead hold on i can’t say whether dunder mifflin paper kevin is an idiot well sir but i can assure you that it’s certainly can’t beat that view right hey that is a very beautiful view hey tune in yeah what that water you’re single right ed helms what’s up bro the gnar dog for open waters all righty then sure okay whatever you say buddy i super ambitious guy you know cut your throat to get ahead type of guy but i mean i’m not threatened by him it’s crazy to see where he started from and where he ended like that’s the great thing about the show was the the character development okay i don’t remember that they just locked the eyes he put that away nobody wants to see her utter he going to the utter she caught it at utter and i have a list of business startups i got from the chamber yes i am going to need someone to cold call them oh i can do that okay overachieving there you go what is that on there can you tell us gain who’s not of course my dad taught me wow the white lick shall shock not dressed in women’s clothes so there could be others i need to know i don’t want to offend anybody else that would probably be the best way to go yeah in this case probably everybody would want that hey what about angela she’s hard and severe she’d be a gay woman nope dude i don’t think so i don’t know yeah the white nose all by just looking at him jim told me you could buy gaydar online oh this show was so ignorant oh my god oh my god oh you know what i can check for you no problem it’s sold out of course something like that is sold out everybody’s gonna be buying that they are so serious that’s what that’s what makes it so funny they’re seriously looking online for a device protect gay people classic hey it’s roy what’s a beard so yeah have a good day excellent thanks good i’m glad no wedding ring or noah engagement ring a few days before and i can’t really explain it i just had to get out of that relationship we still have to pay for all the food that’s a that’s a lot of food they’re gonna have chicken and fish for months which for the next five weeks after pam dumped me i um i kind of stopped taking care of myself for a while there and uh yeah you got dumb bro sorry man whoa he looked rough oh man i got a winner back i got them a toast now you got two toasters my house has got two toasters can’t go wrong with two toasters it is so cool that you’re gay you’re kelly dumbass scranton much like sir ian mckellen i don’t know who that is sure he’s so talented oh my god this this drunky oh look at this alcoholic man she’s eating hand sanitizer has anybody ever eaten hand sanitizer let me know in the comments if you ever ate hand sanitizer i’m not gonna judge y’all i promise who put my calculator in joe promise i won’t judge y’all good one but you’re gonna own up to a gym i need to know who put my calculator in jello or i’m gonna lose my freaking mind oh man no don’t say nothing this day and age you could be so obtuse about hi oscar sexual orientation i watch the l word okay i watch queer he doesn’t even realize that’s how ignorant he doesn’t even realize and manner of announcing it gay pride right gay pride parade it’s not like gay angela might be gay could oscar and angela be having a gay affair no that’s not even possible what this is about no i don’t know that’s not even invisible right it’s not even possible he laughed your immaturity is extremely disappointing and may even lead to a lawsuit which is the absolute last thing this company needs ask about to get paid yes and how are those 10 calls coming yep get to it again michael may i have permission to remove that safe search block from the computer i don’t remember that every kind of person you could think of really but i’ve never known a gay or anyone from the south i’ve never met anybody from rhode island who’s from rhode island like a land of 500 people no um oh all right they know hmm damn it oh yep can’t tell brother hong kong i don’t remember that her playing a prank on him like that i put pranks like that on this guy named dang just don’t be such a suck-up that was the fakest yawn i’ve ever seen in my life i’m not his assistant that was new yep i’m painting my new apartment tonight oh good by yourself yes oh my god roy right i always say you know who and then say the name afterwards i think everybody should just stay out of everybody’s personal business he’s dead serious michael dwight’s looking at gay pornography on his computer uh michael knows pam he asked me to do this just for him he has his own oh my god this is fine you know what gay porn straight porn it’s all good look at meredith but uh you know what look at meredith’s face oh my god she can’t look away dwight was about to give it to him did you know that gay used to mean happy when i was growing up it meant lame and now people i mean anybody oh she misses jim like antique dealers or hairdressers oh my god he’s an idiot you want to do it wow go ahead stand up i actually told michael during my job interview that i was gay and he laughed oh snap no [ __ ] i don’t remember that either yes i’m gay and look at meredith she looks horrified the 60s i made love to many many women often outdoors in the mud woodstock and it’s possible a man slipped in a good point she has a good point because gay marriage currently is not legal under u.

s well it is now straight men wish that applied oh my god this is so cringe-worthy yeah i think all the other office gays should identify themselves or i will do it for them no one else why this office is gay what about phyllis she makes abs bob vance refrigeration congratulations that is great and frankly kind of amazing see everybody has a chance thank you but still phyllis in college no she’s dead ass serious she’s dead ass and i take that as a compliment well with your ties and your matching that you are sending mixed signals about my being here no no no the only signal that i am sending is gay good wow look if i was gay oh my god just i’d be waving that rainbow flag this has been the worst oh yeah here it comes here it comes you ready what are you i’m going to embrace oscar you might want to watch this angela because oh my god catch anything here we go no we are going to make a statement you and i are going to make oh no no i don’t want to touch you ever considered that you’re ignorant and insulting and small and small hurt his feelings hurt his feelings i’m sorry that was a good idea come on standing like this [ __ ] right you’re a good guy michael appears to be gay too friend i guess i do have a gay friend don’t do it meredith has not moved because this is an image man i want you people to remember for a long time oh man look at them no don’t do it don’t do it oh oh my god i’m still here all right i gotta go back i gotta go back and look at everybody’s reactions i’m sorry hold on hello man this is great oh snap thank you hey look at kelly kelly was so stanley i’m still here kelly’s like oh my god this is so romantic oh man oh man anymore there are new roles oh man this is giving me a headache but we can’t lose the spirit of child oh man yeah they getting sued and or oscar and some guy life is short honestly empathy respect open mind oh look jim and pam missing each other social change that’s part of my job as regional manager but you know what even if it didn’t at least we put this matter to bed that’s what she said oscar’s traumatized after that i wonder if he knows oh my gosh idiot i was going to quit oh wow europe kids sometimes it pays to be gay get that money yo gotta get that money oh this is a dwight’s dwight’s gaydar hetero by homo don’t be hmm oh man that was great man let me go ahead and stop that so there was a uh some extended cuts in there a lot of them that i actually did notice some of them i didn’t um man this show is amazing um and here’s the thing like with this show it’s one of those shows that i can just also just play in the background so like if there’s nothing else to watch or if i’m cleaning up i’ll put this show on you know it’s it’s just amazing i just find it funny so if you haven’t watched the office give it a shot you know i always tell people give it like at least the first two to three episodes and you have to give it your undivided attention you can’t be on your cell phone texting you can’t be you know doing other stuff like in order to get into the show you have to pay attention because it’s the little things that that they don’t say that you have to pick like like for an example jim’s reactions you know when he just looks into the camera or stanley you know a lot of the stuff is not vocal you just got to watch their mannerisms you know so um this is by far like one of my all-time favorite shows but anyways um if you guys enjoyed it please let me know in the comments again also let me know if there’s any others episodes or any other tv shows or movies you’d like me to actually do a reaction to the other thing is i want to give out some shout outs as well before i get into the cons the the console giveaway details um i actually want to give some shout outs to some of my premium members now these people are actually in a monthly membership where they actually get additional uh benefits they get their own separate console giveaway and with this console giveaway it’s a trivia contest so anybody can win you know so what you do is you take a monthly trivia quiz and each month i give away a console so the winners can pick between a playstation 4 xbox one s or a nintendo switch and so far for this month i have six uh premium members let me go ahead and pull them up because i want to give them some shout outs you know by name i had it up all right so and again you can always become a member you can upgrade downgrade or cancel any time there’s different levels but the 20 level gets you a chance to actually take a turn uh take a trivia quiz and the person who has the most questions right out of that trivia quiz out of 10 questions automatically wins now last month we had a four-way tie you know so four people had seven questions out of ten right so from there they had to take another quiz and then there was one victor and that victor was derek sherlock so shout out to derek for winning that uh contest last month but i want to go and give a shout out to my six premium members for this month in order for me to do another drawing i need at least a total of ten so there’s four more slots that’s open so if you want to become a member make sure you click the link at the bottom and from there it’ll say become a member um but again minimum of 10 slots for this month if i don’t reach that 10 uh threshold then everybody who was a member this month um at that 20 level is going to get a refund all right so you you’re not going to lose out on anything especially in this case if i don’t reach that level of 10.

all right so first shout out i want to give a shout out to uh uh eurasiv um and then there’s derek sherlock who’s still a member he’s trying to win another console we got adam dorrington out of australia what’s up adam um also ellen howlin uh jason justice and then alexandria patton uh she’s also a returning console winner as well she actually won a console uh last like two years ago i want to say last year or two years ago she won the days of play blue limited edition so shout out to you alexandria thanks for coming back um and showing your boy support after all this time um but again if you want to become a member click the link if you cannot become a paying member that’s fine you can join you can join the free console giveaways that’s right i do a free console giveaway with that free console giveaway again click the link but with the free console giveaway instead of it been every single month it lasts anywhere from like 90 to 120 days so i want to say it’s like under 60 days left now uh but you’re competing against thousands of people versus just a handful of people you know so um and then you want to get as many entries as possible by completing more stuff like for an example like i’m a habit where you can watch this video you know multiple times to get multiple entries um there’s other stuff that you could do you could join my facebook group to get entries you can follow me on instagram to get more entries so it’s a little basic simple stuff but the more you do the more entries you get um but again you’re you’re competing against almost right now you’re competing against like maybe about 3 000 people so your chances are still pretty high especially if you’re one of the people who actually turn around and try to get as many points as possible um and then also i do like other gift card giveaways here and there for those people who like to rewatch my content and get those entries that way all right but again i just want to say thanks for the love thanks for the support and if you have any questions comments concerns theories hypothesis feedback conclusions or again just want to say what’s up make sure you do so at the bottom um if you have any other suggestions let me know with that being said i appreciate y’all i love y’all thanks for uh helping support me you know this growth has been fantastic but now i’m gonna try to get more content out hopefully i can get like an episode every day if not every day every couple days and i’m gonna try to alternate between you know movie content and tv show content and then also video game content as well alright well again thanks again hope you guys enjoyed and i will catch you guys later peace.