Ancient Unseen Jinn Wars & Their Effects On Humans On Earth

Mar 1, 2021 08:05 · 4278 words · 21 minute read

Yeah InshaAllah for the question and answer there’s one question that that came in through email inshaAllah, and. .

00:17 - Lloyd why when I talk I hear myself so loud and then if I turn the volume I can’t hear his questions? “A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.

00:29 - Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. ” I just hear myself, if I turn the volume down then I can’t hear him talking.

00:37 - “A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. ” Somebody had emailed and asked that, that the verse in which Allah (AJ) said, ‘Don’t take awliyaullah (saints) as your protectors like the Christians and the Jewish people took their Rabbis. ’ And said, ‘Please explain this and how does it make reference to having a shaykh and a guide?’ Again these types of questions from the Wahhabi belief system and how it infiltrates Ahlus Sunnah (People of Prophetic Tradition) and usually through Qur’an tafsir (interpretation) classes that you should not take, in these days of extreme danger and difficulty your tafsir class has to be with someone strong in tariqah (spiritual path).

01:32 - Tafsir means somebody’s interpretation, and they’re not reading you a known tafsir they’re reading you the tafsir of Wahhabi scholars or that person is giving their own interpretations, it’s not something holy it’s the person’s interpretation of something immensely holy.

01:50 - So the example for us is that Qur’an like a beatific water that has no equal, but the cup is poisonous and that’s where you’re going to going to sort of suffer.

02:02 - Is that the cup has to be like gold, has to be a heart that’s like gold that’s sanctified and stamped by Allah (AJ) that would come from this person’s mouth will only refresh you and nourish you.

02:18 - And that’s the danger, as soon as somebody emails like that that’s. . yeah that’s a sign that be very careful, you know Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah (People of Prophetic Tradition and of the Majority) is very clear, we call wajib at taqlid (obligation to follow) and is mandatory in Islamic belief to follow and that you’re not by yourself, you don’t have the gates of making your own tafsir open for you, and you don’t make up Islamic law with you know one billion muftis.

02:49 - There is an Islamic hierarchy and there is an Islamic structure and wajib at taqlid means it’s mandatory to follow so as Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ showed a sign of humility and waited for Sayyidina Jibreel (as) and the holy companions they’re called Sahabi (Holy companions of Prophet ﷺ) because of their companionship with Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, and then the scholars who came after they were the companions of the companions, what we call tabi’een.

03:25 - And then the tabi’een they had also who followed that they came to Islam and they were tabi’ tabi’een.

03:32 - They were the talibs and the students of, the students of, the students of the holy companions tracing their route all the way back to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

03:45 - And Naqshbandiyatil Aliyya is then the unbroken Golden Chain that traces its lineage of teachers all the way back to the heart of Sayyidina Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (as) and that is the big Siddiq (Truthful) that traces back to the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

04:05 - It’s a school of teaching and a school of realities that has an unbroken chain what they call their shajarah of shaykhs that took from this shaykh, that took from that shaykh, that was taught by this shaykh, by that shaykh, by this shaykh, all the way back to the heart of Sayyidina Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (as) which is from then the secret of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

04:30 - So tariqah (spiritual path) is based on this Sunni belief that you have to have a lineage you have to be connected you have to be following the way of itiba’ (obedience) and to “Atiullah wa atiur Rasul wa Ulil amre minkum. ” That our life is about following Allah (AJ) obedience to Allah (AJ) but Allah’s (AJ) impossible to fully comply so then Allah (AJ) gives a understanding, ‘Then obey the messenger of Allah (AJ). ’ And the messenger of Allah (AJ) is not fully understood in its understanding for everyone so then Allah (AJ) gives another rope that comes down closer to us to “Ulul amre minkum” that the ulul amr (saints) and the scholars of reality that are like ropes from the heart and the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

Allah (AJ) then describes, ‘Hold tight to this rope and don’t separate. ’ “Tafarruk,” don’t make yourself into different groups and all by yourself and all by your loneliness, is hold tight to their rope and to their reality.

05:40 - And throughout the Qur’an Allah (AJ) is teaching ‘Have a taqwa (consciousness), ittaqollaha wa kono ma’as sadiqeen. ’ Have a consciousness, a taqwa, and accompany these truthful servants.

05:54 - And then many. . our whole our teaching is all of that so when the email comes like that means they didn’t even go through anything of the website [Nurmuhammad. com] any of the teachings and the tariqah is based on all of that and not one clever person can send an email and think they found the whole problem with everything, that’s ridiculous.

06:13 - The whole tariqah is based on all of that, all the tafsirs and teachings of Suratul kahf and the reality that Allah (AJ) gives an example for Kalimullah- the one whom speaks to Allah (AJ), He still said he needs to go and find a servant and the quality of that servant for the people who are looking for like professional Azhrai shaykhs and who have you know many degrees and many diplomas, actually Nabi Musa (as) was supposed to search for a servant that attained the rahmah (mercy) and then was taught Divinely Knowledges.

06:48 - It’s not he was taught knowledges and then we gave him rahmah which is exactly opposite that’s happening now, if you take too many fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) classes you’re going to be a very angry mean person and you’re not going to reach to rahmah because the law makes people too strict, too you know like having friends who are police officers you can never have a conversation with them.

07:17 - Have you ever sat with friends who are police officers, you can’t have a conversation everything is an interrogation, it’s like are we having like a coffee here or you’re interrogating me, I don’t understand.

07:27 - ‘Sorry just the way I am shaykh’ [friend replies].

07:29 - So that’s the nature of it that when you read too much law books you got too much information in your head and you’re not able to absorb it, understand it, and apply it to the appropriate place and action and where that law was necessary to be understood.

07:48 - So they become very hard, everything is forbidden, but then the dangers then they enter into the oceans of hypocrisy, ‘It’s forbidden for you but for me I do everything,’ because they know the law so they’re going to verbatim tell you the law but doesn’t mean that they even applied that law to themselves.

08:07 - So then once they enter into hypocrisy the heart completely flips from any barakah (blessing) and rahmah of Allah (AJ), then those scholars they’re complete munafiq (hypocrite) and that’s that madhab (School of Islamic law).

08:20 - They say everything, they’re dancing and they’re not inviting any holy people for mawlid (celebration of the birthday of Prophet ﷺ) but Beyoncé is in Saudi Arabia. .

08:30 - What are these people they are going to teach us religion? First they. . first kick out Beyoncé then come and teach what religion is.

08:40 - They’re a people who say but they don’t do and as a result they put every difficulty onto religion because they work for shaitan (satan).

08:50 - Shaitan want things hard to make people run away, so one of these scholars was debating them and said ‘Look can I ask you are you working for shaitan or for Rahman?’ And he got very angry he didn’t answer, he says ‘Because I tell you for Rahman I’m trying to take everybody to paradise but shaitan he takes everybody to jahannam (hellfire) and to run away from the gate of paradise.

09:17 - So what are you doing with this type of teaching that you have? You really think people are coming to your understanding and they’re entering into paradise or you’re scaring them from paradise and they actually running in the direction of jahannam saying, “I can’t deal with you people I don’t understand your rules and I’m leaving it. ”’ So these are the dangers of that madhab, their belief system, stay away from them.

09:43 - Stay away from their websites, stay away from their tafsir, stay away from all their readings.

09:48 - Your heart is your most precious gift Allah (AJ) gave to you, wuquf ul qalb means to keep your heart to be vigilant.

09:57 - You don’t give your children to eat from this person, eat from that person, ‘Let’s see maybe a stranger can give my little child something to eat. . ’ You’re vigilant that ‘No, nothing can come to this child my life is to protect them from every type of difficulty. ’ Then Allah (AJ) will ask, ‘Why you didn’t protect your heart? Don’t let somebody talk to you that going to bring a darkness into your ear and then begin to make a shak (doubt) and a confusion into your heart.

’ And that’s why when you love the shaykh stick with the shaykh learn from their books learn from their teachings, they got enough books enough articles to feed you 10 lifetimes of knowledges and that’s all you need, just absorb yourself into that reality and begin to be dressed by it and blessed by it and any type of person who wants to ask you about ‘Oh what about these things is this like a shirk (polytheism). . ’ And the main point of that whole discussion when they say ‘Don’t be like the Christians and the Jews who they took their Rabbis as their lords,’ we described that verse is in reference to somebody claiming to help you from Allah (AJ).

11:14 - If you find a guru or somebody on the internet that said, ‘You know I can take away all your problems.

11:21 - I can take away all your sicknesses. I can take away whatever Allah (AJ) sent you,’ that’s a shaitan and that’s the danger and we’ve given a talk before that don’t take anyone to compete with Allah (AJ).

11:38 - And that’s what’s meant by that holy verse is that Allah (AJ) saying that ‘Don’t think that anybody is going to negate what I’m doing, if I took away money from you nobody’s du’a (supplication) will change that.

11:51 - If I gave you sickness nobody’s du’a will give you a cure or healing. ’ And that’s why we talked that Naqshbandiyatil Aliyya understood very clear that they are merely Allah’s (AJ) servants and they’re here to encourage people towards good character and faith, they’re not in the business of competing with Allah (AJ).

12:15 - And that’s the importance, that whatever Allah (AJ) has destined for the servant that’s Allah’s (AJ) Will.

12:21 - The shaykh’s duty is only to encourage that ‘You should pray more you should give more you should be doing more you should be focusing on your heart you should be focusing on all these things and both you and me we wait to see what Allah’s (AJ) Will will be for you. ’ So it’s not about interfering with Allah’s (AJ) Will, changing Allah’s (AJ) Will, doing things that Allah (AJ) doesn’t want.

12:44 - So that’s the known fact that the turuqs (spiritual paths) and the true turuqs and the lineage of these immense schools of reality their only purpose is to be servants of Allah (AJ) and to serve Allah’s (AJ) servants.

12:58 - Means to encourage them towards goodness, teach somebody how to fish instead of just giving them fishes and that’s what’s important because whatever the student learns they learn for all of eternity.

13:11 - And they’re not here to take anyone’s test but to help you in your life’s tests and that’s the the role of the shaykhs and real shaykhs.

13:21 - But they throw those types of questions to confuse people and say, ‘Oh yeah what are you talking about. . ’ but no they’re not legitimate concerns for anyone to worry about.

13:32 - The effects of food on ourselves in relation to controlling our ego and our character.

13:41 - I think we talked many times about the energy and the practices of energy is that it’s all inclusive.

13:51 - That what we eat what we drink, how we wash, all our meditation, all our practices, everything has an energy in it and everything has negative energy in it and everything has positive energies in it.

14:09 - So most definitely the food has an immense amount of energy.

14:15 - So then imagine that the food that people eat is it food that we eat by people who are, one - the food is halal (permissible)? InshaAllah, Yes.

14:26 - And then the people interacting with that food are they clean? Because once you study energy we begin to understand that the people and our biggest contamination is from people, from ourselves, the energy that we have we put into everything we do so somebody who’s in junub (ritually impure), somebody who’s not washed, somebody who is doing maybe bad things having bad characteristics imagine they’re touching all the meat that you’re about to eat at the restaurant and they’re putting all their desires all their anger and not consciously they’re just putting it in there because they don’t understand their energy beings.

15:11 - And then you come and quickly eat it and enjoy it and go and you don’t know why a desire came into your heart, why are you feeling these bizarre desires or bizarre dreams and bizarre energies.

15:25 - So once we become conscious of our energy and conscious of our energy practices then yes, we try to safeguard as best we can with the energies and the times that we have to eat from other things then we mention our du’as above them, “Ila sharifin Nabi ﷺ wa aalihi wa sahbihil kiram, Wa ila mashayikhina fit tariqatin Naqshbandiyatil ‘aaliyah,” means ‘I’m saying by the sanctity and the immense blessings of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, his holy family, and holy companions, and then I’m reading the names of my shaykh’ for their nazar (gaze) to bless this food I’m about to eat, that from the abundance of lights, that dress these lights upon this to take away every negativity and that from any goodness in anything I do grant it to their souls as a gift.

16:15 - So alhamdulillah those things then help us to clean away negative energies of everything that we’re eating and consuming and drinking, then using our siwak, then using our meditation practices, breathing, doing our zikr (Divine remembrance) and then keeping our wudu (ablution) and all of our energy practices inshaAllah makes everything to be a whole program.

16:37 - If we’re doing certain things and we’re still having you know different issues and anger and you know bad visions and bad energies then we have to look at everything like a checklist, ‘Is what I’m eating what I’m drinking am I doing the meditation am I keeping myself in wudu.

16:54 - Am I doing my zikr, my awrad (daily practices), and keeping my connection?’ Because right now the energy becoming more and more fierce, that these negative energies are all around, all around flying in and out so if we don’t sort of follow the entire system, was like you know bugs coming in through the house you want to figure out where are they coming in or rats, it’s like having a rat running around your house you don’t know where is this rat coming from so you plug up all the holes.

17:24 - You go around the perimeter you go everywhere you put the mesh you put all these different things to stop the rat from coming in, so same thing if we’re having you know issues in our sleep and in our energy and in our vision, meditation, whatever conditions coming then we have to go back to see where is the hole in my practice where this would be coming through inshaAllah.

18:00 - What is it that insan (mankind) has that the jinn (unseen beings) would be jealous of and that make insan to be more regarded in Allah’s (AJ) Sight.

18:13 - It’s just hasad (jealousy), that the general understanding of hasad that, “Wa laqad karramna bani adam. ” That why Allah (AJ) put the. . an honoured status upon Bani Adam (Children of Adam) and that if Bani Adam exceeds and excels they are granted a tremendous amount of authority and power with Allah (AJ), and that’s just natural for any type of creation to be jealous and especially a creation that is of a fiery nature in which they deem humans to be very fragile.

18:53 - That they move in and out of human without a problem, they occupy humans without a problem so they don’t understand that ‘What’s this big deal of this insan (human being) that Allah (AJ) has honoured them?’ And that goes back to the talks of the four elements, that our earth our water our breath.

19:13 - Earth, wind, water and fire, that understanding these four elements then is the immensity of our reality and that they only have a state of a fiery and ethereal wind like, they don’t understand the reality of the earth as a grounding and that Allah (AJ) gave an earth within us as a mizan as an immense scale.

19:43 - The earthly nature of us is capable of holding both water and extinguishing fire, as a result of that scale that it can contain all the elements that Allah (AJ) want to put upon insan.

20:02 - So with a control of the earthly nature their water element which is an angelic reality that you put water onto earth and things grow and that’s the reality of how they can grow in all of their understandings.

20:19 - At the same time anything of a fiery nature that comes to them Allah (AJ) gives them the ability to extinguish the fire and put down.

20:29 - So they don’t have that ability because they’re of a fiery nature so they continuously in a state of flux and unstable condition so they’re always a nation in fighting in war.

20:41 - We described last week they’re always fighting and their lifetimes are a thousand, two thousand, three thousand years.

20:49 - There are nations of them that have been fighting for thousands of years and they don’t stop fighting and that’s why the humans are caught in all their battles and their fight can go generation in a human, in a human’s line.

21:05 - That from father to son, to father to son, that fight of that being is still attached to that family.

21:14 - And because of that nature that’s where they’re jealous that what Allah (AJ) gave to this creation, they can control their water and angelic reality and be stable and things can grow from them.

21:25 - At the same time they can control the fire and have a peacefulness, that fire if it becomes controlled becomes a himmah, becomes the zeal in which to conquer and not a fire in which to be angry and attack, it becomes the fire of their ishq and their love for Allah (AJ) and as a result Allah (AJ) blowed on to them from his spirit so they carry Nafas ur Rahmah (The Breath of Mercy), the spirit of Allah’s (AJ) Divinely Breath is being breathed into them if they reach towards their mizan and the reality of their scale.

22:01 - If they balance their water bring their angelic lights and angelic nature and nourish their angelic reality and that they contain their fiery genie nature, don’t give yourself to the fire for that will be then the destiny of where you’re going.

22:18 - Once they control that Allah (AJ) will send his Nafas (Breath) into them until they breathe from Allah’s (AJ) Divinely Qudra and power inshaAllah.

22:36 - Yeah some of these new age terms, ‘Is astral projection in tariqah?’ Okay, yeah some of the terms I’m not too familiar on how to equate it back to tariqah teachings.

22:53 - So we have our own teachings we don’t have astral projection, so yeah you have give me the exact tariqah understanding so that way I can give a more on. . a better understanding and towards tariqah.

23:11 - But main thing is important from that type of question is stick with the tariqah teaching, don’t mix all these different philosophies and read all these different books and you know go here, click there, click there, you’re going to enter into spiritual schizophrenia which is a very dangerous world to start mixing with and I think we’ve described before we went to a place in New Mexico that was a spiritual place and I don’t think I’ve seen a more spiritually schizophrenic community in my life because they had mixed everything.

23:51 - And every practice has many beings attached to it and when you do your practices you’re bringing the energy that you know you’re told to bring the mu’min (believer) beings that are there they’re also bringing their energy into your practices, you create a whole environment like a masjid you’re calling the azaan (call to prayer) they all know you’re ready to pray.

24:15 - Imagine now you pick up a book with four different understandings and philosophies and each of them have their own beings and understandings and energies attached and then you invite them to your living room and begin, they become like the a fist fight, was it fight club? Because all of them are. . they have no compatibility they’re not even supposed to be in the same environment, they’re wondering what are you calling you know if you’re Muslim and you’re doing these spiritual practices they’ll be very angry that why are you cooling this Hindu thing and why is this Hindu creature coming why are you bringing this Hindu smell where is this energy from this Japanese reiki and all of their spirit elements coming.

25:03 - So everything has something attached to it but insan he doesn’t see and doesn’t know so he says it doesn’t matter, so ‘I’ll put all of them on to me just to look modern and hip,’ but very dangerous because if these beings all come and they start to mess up the person’s understanding, thinking.

25:24 - And Islam is pure and clean and if you want from what Allah (AJ) wants to bestow the servant they have to be hundred percent in compliance and that they only want the gold from heaven.

25:36 - They don’t want to mix it with some garbage from Ganges and some garbage from another place and mix these things, they want only from what comes from the kawthar (Fountain of Abundance) from Allah (AJ) and then Allah (AJ) will test them, test them, test them, once they’re sincere and Allah (AJ) sees that sincerity and that they’re not going to mix from these different realities then Allah (AJ) begin to bestow upon that servant from that ocean and they become custodians of that reality.

26:06 - And they never mixed it with other realities and people who don’t understand that and hear them talk they think, oh this is mixed with you know other hocus pocus. .

26:16 - No, just they don’t understand the realities of Islam.

26:20 - People don’t understand energy anymore so you go somewhere and they say ‘Why you have this blue turquoise stone what is that going to do for you? You think the stone will help you?’ Say, “No why would a stone help me, but if you understood the colour of blue you knew that it took your eyes. ” And the eyes are very dangerous from what Allah (AJ) created of insan, the power that each person eyes have you have to be very careful of that.

26:46 - What you look at and what kind of energy that you’re sending.

26:49 - They say even looking at your own children you have to be very careful don’t look at them envious don’t look at people with the too much from your eyes, try to look down and look to your feet because everyone has an energy they put out and people don’t know that energy but the turuqs they understand the reality of energies inshaAllah.

27:10 - With that, Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen.

27:14 - Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha. .