JT de la mobilité électrique dAvril - Inmotion V11 - Kingsong Ks S18 - Weped - Inmotion L9

Apr 10, 2020 06:17 · 1621 words · 8 minute read already see wheel really spread

Electric gliding friends hello, welcome in the news of April, I’m sorry we didn’t do any news in March but with the recent events it was a little bit complicated, but this month there are what you need in news, especially side of the Gyroroues. On the program the Inmotion L9 a Scooter, 2 The Inmotion V11 and the Kingsong Ks s18 and finally we will find Jérome to tell us about the Weped a Scooter top of the line. There will be blood on the walls and brains on the ceiling in the match between Inmotion to Kingsong. To retrace you a little what it is past… Inmotion made us Friday 3 April a nice press conference with 2 announcements, 2 new features with a scooter entry-level high, the L9 and a new top of the range gyro with the V11. I will start with the announcement of the L9.

01:20 - Inmotion announces this new scooter direct competitor of the Ninebot Max G30. Rather well finished, it embeds a system front and rear suspension, and a system disc and electric brakes. 3 adjustable driving modes on the LCD, an automatic lighting system for lights is a pretty cool option, a intelligent flashing system with a led bar under the Deck which lights up when we shoot, the most beautiful effect. A new rather pretty dashboard and well integrated at the top of the column, wheels 10 inch tubeless tire and motor front of 1000W. Inmotion announces a range of 95 km and 721Wh battery, yes at inmotion on speak in Wh, it’s a distortion of the environment of the wheel.

02:21 - Recharging is 7 hours with a single charger and 3 and a half hours with a second, and yes there is a second charge door this is pretty good. Top speed is 30 km / h without bridle Weight side the information is not yet available and rated maximum load it is announced for 150 Kg. Pre-orders are already open and the price is displayed at 999 €. Let’s go to the news expected time at Inmotion coté Gyroroue. We were waiting for the V12, Inmotion surprised us with the V11, with and it’s new in the middle of the wheel, a suspension system.

03:10 - We have a whole new Design to accommodate a new ventilation system and the system air suspension travel 70mm, Inmotion is not really spread out on the subject, we can already see that the pedals its mounted on a sliding system of each side of the hull, which gives thought to a mono shock absorber, it would be air and adjustable in the upper part. Characteristic side, the V11 is an 18 inch with a 3 inch tire advertised as Off-road, this is also a novelty, she is embarking a 2000w motor with 3000W peak, a 1420wh battery capacity for autonomy of 120km. No doubt rather optimistic too, we will probably be more around 90 to 100 km. Charging time is announced at 5 a.m. it’s rather fast, it’s improved 40% compared to the V10F, and a speed max on private land of 50 km / h. The weight is announced at 27 kg, it starts to make a beautiful baby everyday or in transport.

04:37 - Listed big innovation, so this is the system of suspension that we are all impatient to test, a powerful headlight system of 7800 Lux, it will be day by night… A beautiful rear light perfectly visible and well integrated with a correct author, a trolley also perfectly integrated on the top of the wheel, wide pedal, USB port, cooling system greatly improved oily motherboard the passage of air on the upper part of the wheel and a redundancy system of these main component for added security. Much less likely to have a cut, it’s pretty good. The little detail that kills is a system of integrated stand which unfolds and which allows to put the wheel in position rest. It’s pretty silly and well thought out on the part of emotion. Listed price and release date, inmotion announce 2290 Euros, pre- orders are open on their site with currently 300 € discount on the first 50 reservations which gives 1990 € and a planned delivery in August normally.

06:00 - Personally I am looking forward to testing this new wheel i will follow it ready upcoming announcements, and by the way you can follow them on Facebook on the new group that we just set up, by typing Inmotion group France like here, I would put the links in the description of the video. But it was without counting on the reply almost immediate from Kingsong, since Monday April 6 Kingsong posted on its page official event for Wednesday at the everyone’s big surprise. And yes the war of the manufacturer and of the novelties is raging this year in the midst of wheel builder. And so Kingsong unveils the S18, the first image suggests a wheel still in test phase but the features we started to leak. Design is completely different from the Inmotion V11, also with a system here shock absorber on the rear upper part of the shell, it would be adjustable and even lockable for purists with travel of 90mm against 70mm, for its competitor the Inmotion V11.

07:23 - We see a very small fire positioned in upper part, thin and not very visible at at first. A perfectly integrated trolley but the width direction. It would be offered in 2 colors, white and a most beautiful black. Characteristic side, we are also on an 18 inch wheel with a 3 inch tire, everyone’s been going 3 inches for some time. A 2200W motor probably the one that equips the 16x and the 18xl V2 in 84V but with 4400W peak (rectification 5000W), therefore 200W (800W) peak of more of these little sisters.

08:09 - Kingsong announces that it will literally climbed slopes at 40 ° crazy thing…, batteries in 1110wh, personally I am super disappointed with the battery capacity and I know i’m not the only one, an ability down from 1554Wh at which Kingsong had accustomed us on the 18xl and 16x, a announced autonomy of 100km, but probably will you have to expect 70 to 80 anymore km in daily use, speed on private land of 50km / h no change on this side. And finally Kingsong decided to provide 2.5 amp chargers for one charge complete in 6 hours, it will be fun to more than one, including me, hoping that will be able to plug them into our old machines. But on the other hand bad point, with only one charging port announced, probably in 5A maximum. No but alo what… how do we do on the road trip us… for the record, kingsong had had the brilliant idea of ​​putting 2 on the 16x and the 18xl were great.

09:31 - And weight side it is announced at 22Kg for a maximum load of 120kg, personally I a little hard to believe seeing the system suspension with the fixing arm in aluminum, knowing the 16x and the 18xl make 24 Kg and the Inmotion V11 makes 27, the story we will confirm it. And the time when we had beautiful LEDs on the sides, moreover at inmotin also, no photo with side leds … Pity. For the Tariff it is displayed at 1999 Dollars on the first info, I thought I saw 2290 € for France and € 2,190 in pre-order for a delivery here everything is fine in August. The battle is raging, these 2 machines are going probably still cause a lot of ink to flow among the wheelers before they arrived in thatched cottages… Hopefully before Christmas… Now we’re going to join Jerome, our specialist in Scooter chain electric he’ll tell us about the Weped a highly anticipated high-end scooter. Hello Jerome, can you hear me? Yes Mika, hello I can hear you.

10:57 - So today we’re talking about what, we’re talking of the Weped. We’ve been waiting for such a long time, it’s a scooter that comes straight from Korea, which has a pretty interesting design, with a round, openwork steering column, which is not at all by today’s standards, Tires, square tires, but we say how we are going to shoot, and here we say that we’re going to have to test. We are waiting for something to be received. What we already know is the characteristics, there are several models. We have a given speed between 85 and 130 km / h, that’s phew speed.

11:40 - Then we have an autonomy between 70 and 120 km, then we have a weight, a weight which is given between 35 and 50 kg, but hey it’s still a big hike so it’s quite normal. Then in terms of price however we is between 4 and 6000 euros. Here, good listening for now, I have no more info, but I think it’s a hike that makes you want. We wait for one thing to receive it so we can tell you more. In any case, for the moment we are in confinement, uhhh we take advantage, and then I give you back the antenna, come on kisses Mika. Thank you Jérome.

12:22 - The Jt is over, thank you for following us, as usual for newbies, thought to subscribe there is a link that flashes right after. You can leave an inch it’s always been pleasure and that helps us for the referent and or a comment. I wish you a good slide. take care of you and your loved ones. And see you next time, ciao. .