5 Must Have Weight Loss Tips to Lose Weight for the VERY LAST TIME.

Nov 16, 2020 05:54 · 4098 words · 20 minute read sorry get rid wanted great

This was me 16 years ago. well good morning everyone it’s Silvestro known as the weight loss king, and for those who don’t know of me I help women lose weight for the very last time I myself had lost 80 kilos 16 years ago when I had my moment of truth, and I knew that I was ready to lose weight for the very last time and welcome to let’s chat which is episode seven things are going so quickly, and it’s Monday here in Sydney Australia, and we always have our motivational Mondays and how do we start the week in the right direction and I’m just thinking back when I was losing weight myself, and what was Mondays like and I used to dread Mondays Mondays were a day where you would just i would just punish me for the week that I just had now you do read Mondays thinking okay this is it I’m gonna go on another diet and I’m gonna stick to the diet, and you have all the right intentions to make amends of what happened over the weekend if you’re over eight or what the case maybe I think we all strive to have the intention to really make sure that this time it’s it this is the time that we are gonna finally stick and change our lifestyle and not go back to our old habits and start to create new habits and start behaving and making better choices and being prepared to be organized, and that’s it we’re going to make it happen, but for some reason, we fall back into that rotten, and by Tuesday or Wednesday we haven’t stuck to our promise so when we are going to lose weight for the very last time it’s all about sticking to our promise stick and tell our world our integrity that we are going to lose weight for the very last time now if you’re being on this weight loss mirror go around up and down up and down you really need to stop I mean stop and if you love this video you love my all my other videos I’ll put some links um down below and please subscribe to my youtube channel even though this is a live Facebook video which is on my group I do upload them to my youtube channel so please subscribe and like and I’m all about losing weight for the very last time I’m very passionate about helping people to finally get the roller coaster off the merry-go-round of the dreaded Mondays where we want to pick things up and so let’s work on that let’s work on the motivation because motivation is made up of action because action creates momentum and momentum creates the feeling that I call being inspired like inspiration and start today is doing just one thing that you can and will to make a change that’s practical advice I can really think of is that’s is that one what can you do today that one small step that one small action that you can take today that will give you the momentum to keep on moving forward so let’s go back to this Mondays you’re dreading Mondays, and we need to work on that moment where you feel inspired that you had this get up and go saying I’m going to do it, so you need to set yourself up that the benefits of losing weight for the very last time there are plenty out there there are plenty health benefits of losing weight for the very last time there are plenty financial benefits of losing weight for the very last time there are plenty emotional benefits of losing weight for the very last time there are lots of benefits of losing weight for a very last time so Why did we fall into the trap that we go back onto the merry-go- round, so we need to really stop and look at the reasons why we fall back you know we we we go back into those bad habits and routines, and we need to stop so let’s look at I want to give you? some tips today on losing weight for the very last time and my first tip my number one tip or limit number one but one of a few tips I’m giving you today of losing weight for the very last time is go slow and go steady it’s not a sprint it’s a marathon I’ll keep on using this cliche because it’s true for example I’m experiencing this right now well not experiencing losing weight for a very last time, but it’s the same thing a goal is a goal losing weight or building up my profile it still goes slow and goes steady, so I’m in the midst of growing and building my youtube channel and I’m coming across the same setbacks the same hurdles when I was losing weight to me I’m putting all this effort into it and time and resources, and I’m not getting the result results as quick enough they’re not coming fast so by knocking the results by not getting what I want does that give me permission to stop hmm let me think there are times I do want to stop I’m thinking well I’m just tired like I’m really at times physically tired and putting all this effort and time and upbringing videos and stuff but and then I get this once little comment or extra views or someone says subscribed, so it’s like weight loss going slow and go and steady it doesn’t matter I mean as long as you can see these little snippets I call them of oh I got that you know exactly what Lisa just said helping one or two people is worth it so that’s what you keep on going knowing that someone out there that can benefit from what you were talking about and that’s what’s really really important so go and slow and go and steady it may take you longer to get there but what happens is that and the whole beautiful part about losing weight for a very last a time or achieving any goals is really understanding the processes, and you really understand about yourself you understand of your makeup, and you understand who you are, and by understanding who you are then you know yourself better than anyone else and you know those triggers, and you know those moments where you want to just throw the towel in I don’t have to tell here, but you just want to throw the towel and quit and stop and I think that yes yes thank you, Leanne Lisa, yeah thank you that’s very sweet of you I’m glad that you know I’m lucky to have supporters as well and that’s really known that and what should they say to me then it’s really touching it’s like it’s brought me back down to earth as well it’s known that just by having one person and or whatever the case maybe that you know that you’ve helped them to get to the end goal and achieve when I get to so thank you so much I really love your support and that’s when I say going slow and going steady is my number one tip number one and losing weight for the very last time tip number two and losing weight for the very last time so you don’t wake up on a Monday and dread going on another diet because if you don’t want to do that is keep a journal or keep a journal now the journal is where you can write things down thank you, Leanne, and by keeping the journal you write everything down you keep a track you see your progress, and by writing things down, you can see what you’ve eaten for that day you can see how you move that day you can see how you’re thinking and the people around you because the people around you they shape your mind I mean if you’re going to hang around the people who are just putting you down or being very negative and not really supporting your cause then you need to get rid of that you need to change your environment so these by keeping a journal by writing things down really helps you understand those days when you’re having a good day or when you’re not having such a good day so you can go back and you can say well you know what Monday I had a perfect day I felt perfect about myself and I felt more energized, and my body was moving in an excellent direction and so you go to your weight loss journal which I have here lost weight for the very last time the weight loss planner which you can download I’ll link down in the description where you can download your free 150-page planner which I put together for you okay I don’t sell it it is a free planner and and and and this planner has where you can basically love all your information um what you’ve eaten but what it does okay besides all that sort of stuff because if we try and keep a journal up in here it’ll get lost and there’s too much stuff in here then we can’t put much more stuff in here at all so we need to write it down because by writing things down it gives you more accountability in a drill like it was pen to paper when I started my weight loss journey for the very last time 16 years ago April in 2002 the first thing I started to do was to write things down, so I just got a back then I had no plan or no journal I just had a book a plain white notepad um and I just wrote things down Monday bang Tuesday so that’s how I came about in writing the book if I can you can that all came from my journal and all the ideas came from my gender because I couldn’t really remember what happened um you know six months ago on that Monday what I ate for lunch there was no way I could that I could remember that so by having a journal it’s really really important because you will discover and you will be uh you understand a lot better what you’re going through so that’s tip number two is keeping the journal number three gives yourself a break give yourself a break from social media give yourself a break from saying yes to everyone else okay give yourself a break because even from eating salads or give yourself a break from all of that so what we need to do there are so many ways you can make the food you can do the exercise you can make have your own company, your own company, feeling comfortable in your own skin all about you because that’s what we’re talking about so tip number three is giving yourself a break from everything get anything around you so it can clear your head because you really don’t want any other distractions when it comes to losing weight for the very last time turn the phone off turn the tv off um when you eat don’t eat in front of the tv sit down on the sit on a chair, and I say sit on the table sit on a chair put your food on the plate and sit at a table um so I call that the three essentials when it comes to eating has a table a chair and a plate no distractions turn off your phone turn off the tv that’s going to really help you just focus what’s in front of you and so focus on what’s around you and what’s just focus on you you need to you need that tip number four when it comes to losing weight for the very last time is find something that you will stick to because if you do something that you don’t like then you’re not going to stick to it you’re going to give up because it’s going to be hard work I mean hard work but it’s not going to be nice like you’re not going to enjoy it if you don’t enjoy something then you’re not going to stick to it so find something that you will stick to commit to fall in love with when it comes to losing weight for the very last time so if someone has told you that by eating rice broccoli and chicken seven days a week it can help you lose weight for the very last time and you can stick to it for the rest of your life and incorporate in your lifestyle go for it do it if you find that sustainable then you’re going to stick to it that’s great so by deciding if a planner helps you by writing things down in your journal, it’s going to help you lose weight for the very last time and keep it accountable stick to it if by having a mentor or a life coach or someone or that’s going to keep you accountable regularly stick to it whatever the case may be if there’s someone on youtube there’s someone that you aspire to that’s going to help you stick to it we are all unique and different so what may work for someone else doesn’t necessarily will work for you because you might not like certain things about us so you feel that you might not stick to it find something that you love I mean you love to do all the time I’m looking for a glass of water I haven’t been drinking Mondays for me is how I start first thing. Hence, the way I wake up in the morning and I go for my run or do my exercise is what brings me this natural get up and go, so I just want to share it with you quickly click up here for the motivational um video that will help you move as well my last tip when it comes to losing weight for the very last time, and this is a significant one I think this is a deal-breaker whether or not you lose weight for the very last time because this is very important at the beginning of losing weight for the very last time. That number five tip and may I’ll get a drum roll, please drum roll I looked up it’s me. manage your expectations right manage your expectations because what I mean by managing your expectations, and all work together go on slow and steady and fine-tuning and adjusting your expectations along the way for example Thanks, Leanne for example if your expectations are to lose weight for the very last time and your expectations to get there is to lose half a kilo or one kilo per week that’s your expectations now are those expectations realistic yes losing half a kilo a week to me is a good expectation and what is your plan to get that what is your plan to lose that half a kilo per week because you have told you yourself that you expect to lose it so what is your plan behind it write in your journal going slow and steady make sure you’ve got food at home, so you don’t make bad decisions when you go grocery shopping don’t go when you’re hungry avoid the middle shopping aisles because that’s where the bad foods are brightened things down as you go along. Hence, it’s all about managing expectations and making sure that you’ve got everything behind that’s going to help it because if your expectations are unrealistic.

20:16 - and not achieving those expectations guess what guess what’s going to happen because you’re going to say it’s all nothing you’re going to stop you’re going to quit because you can say well I didn’t lose 5 kilos this week because I watched that show on tv and they’ll lose in five kilos per week, so I should be able to lose it as well that’s what happens you’re gonna make it realistic, and you need to manage it yes along the way of losing weight for the very last time what you might have wanted to do in the first week or two weeks or three weeks your expectations might be a bit too high, so you just need to make adjustments and adjustments are great it’s fine-tuning I love motorsports I’m a big f1 fan, and I love the whole motorsports and when it comes to the cars that they drive they go out on day one, and they do the practice runs, and they try different tyres, and they try, and they and they fine-tune the car it might take them one or two days or to fine-tune the car the right tyres the right um the engine the suspension I never have boy talk here sorry, but I’m just trying to talk about something related and v8s yes Leanne love the v8s it’s all about fine-tuning it’s all about okay that’s the track that’s the lap I want to go around there the fastest way the quickest way, so they need to fine-tune their cars and make adjustments, so they make that perfect lap it’s like losing weight for the very last time as you’re losing weight for the very last time you’re going to start okay yeah I love the motivation inspiration I want to start losing weight that’s I want to get rid of it and your will, so you start and your expectations I want to train five days a week for one hour I’m gonna have salads every day I’m gonna do this I’m gonna do that’s great okay but along the way you need to fine-tune that you need to adjust that because you’re gonna, you won’t just do this for one lap or two laps you want to do this for the rest of your life lappa the lap after lap fine shining adjusting and doing this stuff in Australia we have Bathurst right it’s 1 000 kilometres it’s an enduro endurance racing, so they set the cars up they adjust the cars not to go for the fastest lap, but they make their cargo the whole distance of one thousand kilometres so what lasts is the one thousand kilometres it’s a marathon, not a sprint race if it’s a sprint race they set the car up, so it goes the quickest fastest for that one lap where they do the qualifying when it comes to losing weight for the very last time when we don’t want to do qualifying laps we want to do the endurance laps we want to finance our body because we want the race we want to last forever that’s our lifestyle we need to fall in love with the lifestyle that we are going to adapt for the rest of our lives losing weight for the very last time that’s what it comes down to so there are my five tips and losing weight for the very last time is to go slow and steady endurance appreciating the processes when I was losing weight for the very last time my mind my body they had to adjust they had to catch up to each other and work together so if I was going too fast if my mind was going too fast my body wasn’t really keeping up if my body was going too fast then my mind wasn’t really keeping up so I had to make sure that they were in synchronization together in sync slow and steady enjoy it enjoy the journey keep a journal write things down keep a track keep accountable and have all this data so you can go back and say well wow last Wednesday I felt fantastic what was that I had this I did this I was thinking this great I’m gonna do the exact same thing so I can feel great again three give yourself a break from the media people information and focus on you tip number four find something that you’ll stick to find an exercise that you’re sick to find food that you’ll stick to find people an environment that you’ll stick to find something that you will love you’ll fall in love with, and you’ll do with no effort with with with no hatred because you’ll love it okay and finally the last tip this recapping I put all these down in the resources is manage your expectations making sure that what you have set yourself up to do that you can stick to it, not just for the one fast qualifying lap but the lap of the lap endurance for the rest of your life losing weight for the very last time no one else teaches you that the weight loss energy won’t teach you that the only person out there that’s going to teach you that’s going to share with you and give you all the benefits about losing weight for the very last time is me the weight loss king I’m sorry I’ve done the research I’ve looked up there, and nobody else wants to teach anyone about losing weight for the very last time because it’s not profitable it’s not going to make them money they’re not going to keep you coming back out the time at the time and rely on them I’m the only person out there that talks about losing weight for the very last time because I want you to have the same feelings and I want you to wake up with a Monday morning heavy coffee of course but once you wake up in the Monday morning and not dread about going on another diet and punishing yourself and putting yourself through that unnecessary emotional crap okay I won’t swear because that’s not my style, okay I don’t want to do that I did that for 25 years and I felt like crap all right so these are the five tips I will put them down in the description all my links there as well with my videos please subscribe please tell your friends that I’m the only person out there when it comes to helping people losing weight for the very last time I do a regular basis I upload lots of videos lots of recipes lots of workouts I’m the real deal on the complete package I’ve been through it I’ve done it I’ve seen it and the reason why I do what I do because I am passionate about helping people to lose weight for the very last time so you can live your best life so you can tick off all those things in your bucket list that you want to achieve because life is about experiences it’s all about enjoying why we’re here so why to waste any more time and give any unnecessary money in emotions of losing weight and let’s get on with life and let’s move forward in a direction that you will lose weight for the very last single final that’s it time once again thank you so much I really I’m really humble with support out there from my followers I appreciate it it’s you my audience that keeps me going when it comes to promoting and pushing and sharing about losing weight for the very last time, so I hope that you can take away this message about losing weight for the very last time my five tips once again thank you for subscribing thank you for watching thank you for your comments, and I look forward in talking with you very shortly on my next um video which will be on Wednesday on let’s cook, and I will be posting my recipe um what we’ll be cooking today so look out for that one there it’s summer, so it’s gonna be a summer feel to it okay once again thank you for watching let’s chat I’m Silvestro known as a weight loss king helping women lose weight for the very final last time thank you for following me at weightlifeking.com.au and together we can transform your life into your best life ever you .