Estado de la informática y evolución del trabajo tradicional en torno a esta

Apr 17, 2020 16:14 · 319 words · 2 minute read computer engineering disappeared sector salary

[STATE OF COMPUTING AND THE EVOLUTION OF TRADITIONAL WORK AROUND IT] From new jobs for people working in the IT sector, to the evolution of traditional work because of it. How much do you charge in the computer industry? National, international. How does information technology affect traditional work? We will see it briefly in this video. [International standing] Today, computer engineering is one of the most sought-after careers globally; however, in many countries it is poorly paid. Let’s take as an example a junior computer engineer and his salary in the United States, where according to the site; the salary is around 5,700 euros per month.

00:46 - In Spain, according to data from the European University, it can cost between 1,000 and 1,200 euros per month. While in my country, El Salvador, there are no studies on this subject; I can say that this salary is between 320 and 550 euros per month; with foreign companies having the best salary offer. [Changes in work due to computing] Over the past 30 years, many new jobs have appeared and many have disappeared, but most of the products and services they produced are the same. This change occurs due to the automation of employment in which we find clear winners and clear losers. This process of automation has been taking place little by little over time and as we can see in this article from ELPAÍS, in just two years 133 million jobs will have been created and 75 million of these will have disappeared.

What does this mean? That a job that before was done by 2 or 01:50 - 3 people, now can be done by only one machine, which leads us to realize that to offer a product that before was done by a few people, now we need some different studies, to get to maintain or create the machine that makes that product. [credits] .