Psalm 43 Prayer - Vindicate Me O, Lord! l Psalm 43 l prayer of vindication l Christian Sermons l

Dec 13, 2020 07:06 · 2234 words · 11 minute read making documents nothing else without

hello, God bless you today, our purpose and ministry here on facebook is to get you closer to God, to bring you closer, to encourage you and to help you with the tools that you need to be able to connect with God all the time, and so this is our duty, our mandate, it is recorded in Ephesians 4, verse 11 that the gift of the apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, evangelist is to equip the saints, okay for the work of ministry, for your spiritual growth and to become more like the image of the Son of God, so our duty is to teach you the word of the Lord, that is the primary purpose, our primary purpose is not to be here to ask for money, to beg for money, that’s not why we are here, we are here to help you understand the word of God, the ways of God and to help you in your needs and daily walk with God, so God bless you for tuning in and listening, and invite your friend to listen, those who need to grow, those who need their faith to increase, i want to like to speak about what the psalmist says in Psalm 43, he says: vindicate me, oh, God, vindicate me, the word vindicate there is another word deliver, okay, it’s another word deliver, the word deliver means to rescue, to protect, okay, from danger, rescue from evil, to deliver you from something that is beyond your ability to handle, that’s why the psalmist is calling to God to vindicate him because he is going through something that is beyond his ability to handle, even though the Bible says: we cannot be tested beyond our measure, sometimes there are things that we go through, they are beyond our acculation or how we should handle them and so is not because those things are more than us, those things rather push us to call on to God, He is the One who will give us the solution and help us out of this situation, so there are many circumstances in christians life that warrant us to call on God, living a sufficient life on your own is not the christian calling, the christian calling is a call to the depend on God constantly, to depend on the Father, that’s why Jesus often prayed, the Bible says that before morning He woke up to go and pray, every day He depends on the Father, His purpose of prayer is to let the Father know that He depends on the Father for His deliverance, for His protection, for His guidance and this psalmist is asking God to vindicate him, what are the things that we might need vindication? for example if this psalm was written by David okay or one of the king of Israel, it simply means that the person is going through a situation where only God could help, for example like David, when he was anointed to be the king of Israel, he became the enemy of Saul, you see that, it’s like to the political struggle around the world, for another person to come into power is a problem, you see that, so David was facing Saul who is a king at the time and when he discovered that David has been elected as king, he tried to kill David, he looked for David, he went after him many many times in many places, the Bible says David was sleeping in cave and in the wilderness in the desert, and so perhaps one of those times David came to speak to God and said: Lord, vindicate, he didn’t say: oh, God, why am i going through this? Lord, You have anointed me, why am i going through this? David was the anointed of the Lord, he didn’t go and call people to do demonstration against the opposition or the leadership, he didn’t do that, he waited for God’s time, glory to God, he said: God, vindicate me, even in the political struggle if you are in a place where things are not going well, when you know that things are not being handled in the right way, if you are a christian, you must go before God, you don’t need to go on the street and demonstrate, you don’t need to fight people, you need to call on to God because when God speaks, even the leadership will submit, the Bible says: all authority is instituted by God, God is the head of all authority, glory to God! and so we can call to God to vindicate that from any circumstance of life, i remember one time i was so sick, i was so sick, that was the time, that was the only time i have been sick in my life. i was so sick, i didn’t know what was wrong, i didn’t know what goes wrong in my system, i had no solution, i have taken medicine, i bought medicine, i have used everything that suggested, it wasn’t working, and then i remembered, glory to God, the Lord is our vindicator, i remember that there is God who created me, Who knows every fiber of my being, Who created my system, Who made it and He can refurbish and recreate it, and i said: oh, God, vindicate me, oh, God, deliver me, rescue me from the power of sickness, if you’re going through sicknesses and disease in your life, you can say: oh, God, deliver me from this sickness, deliver me from this corona virus, deliver me from this epidemic, deliver me from this pandemic, whatever the situation in your life, you say: oh, God, deliver me, if you have enemies who don’t want you to succeed, who are doing everything to stop you, you say: oh, God, vindicate me, deliver me, rescue me, look, friends, you see, the work of the enemy is to destroy, either you are good or bad or whatever, the works of the enemy is to make sure that he find people he can use to destroy other people’s life, Jesus was the most loving men, you see the things He did, He feed the poor, He raised the dead, He healed the sick, He did all those good things, but but He still had enemies, He still had people who didn’t want Him, who didn’t like Him, in fact, He ended up being killed for doing good, that is the work of the enemy at work in the humans life, and so the reason God calls us is so we do not give the devil the opportunity to use us to work against other people but so we can be a blessing to other people, to do good, to show the light of the glorious kingdom of our God on high, vindicate me, oh, God, what is that you’re going through, it doesn’t mean that if you are a christian everything is going to be smooth like some people teaches, no, no, no Jesus says in John 16, 33, He says: in this world you will have troubles, you will have tribulation, you will have hard circumstances but in Me you will have peace, that means that no matter what we go through in life, if we can turn our focus unto Jesus and say: Master, oh, glory to God, we will find peace, we will find security, we will find deliverance, we will find protection, vindicate me, oh, God glory to God! maybe you are doing a business with people and you don’t know that those people are planning evil against you, and you realize that there is nothing else you can do, what you can do is pray and say: oh, God, vindicate me, hallelujah, oh, God, deliver me, vindicate me, oh, God, and plead my cause against an ungodly people, do you see that he said: plead my cause, he said - speak on my behalf, you know the word plead, there is another word advocate, speak on behalf, it means that God would now step into the situation of the psalmist and speak to the people who are trying to harm or destroy his life, you see, you don’t take everything into your hands, today christians you see them when they have problems, they already go to court, they trust the court so much more than God, but the Bible says: we rather we will judge the world, you see that? we rather we will judge the world, and you as a christian you go to court to settle your issue, go to men to help you settle your issue, instead of going to God and say: God, this is the situation, i want You to help me, the problem is lack of unforgiveness, because if you go to God, God will say: forgive them, I will handle it, and you don’t want to because, you see ,we are too egoistic but we are called to be like Jesus to be forgiving, to be loving, if there is anything that happens in your life, the first person you must call to vindicate you is God, hallelujah, God will vindicate you, now i remember when i was in Africa and my mom who lives in Italy was planning to bring me to Italy, she was working so hard, she sent some money to my uncle so that we can go and process some documents for my travel, you know what happened? as soon as the money arrived, they took the money, i didn’t know for over a month that the money was sent already, i was waiting, they took the money, they ate the money, they used the money, when i realized, i didn’t say a word, i just did as if i even didn’t know, I said: oh, God, vindicate, oh, God, vindicate me, it wasn’t a year later God opened a door for me to be a missionary instead, and i came without struggle, without stress, i simply just wrote simple letter and they send me invitation and everything, God arranged it, i got residence permit in a short term i didn’t fight my own battle, i asked God to vindicate me from that situation and i didn’t get angry with my uncle, i didn’t fight him, i didn’t, no, no, no, I knew that my God if He has said: I will be somewhere regardless of what happened, nothing can stop it, God will vindicate you today, if you will call upon Him and say: oh, God, i need You, i call upon You, vindicate me, deliver me, no matter what you are going through, if you call upon God, He will vindicate you, He will deliver you, no matter what, even if you are on a sick bed, you are about to die, you say: oh, God, delivered me from the power of sickness and virus, you will experience the power of God, He said: when you seek Me with your whole heart, you will find Me, that means you are not bitter against the situation or the person or anything that is afflicting you, but you are trusting God with all your heart and say: i know You are able to help me, this is what it means to seek God with all your heart, that means that there is nothing extra that is eating you up or pulling you aside, or making you feel bad and angry and complaining, but your heart is so certain on God that God knows what He is doing in your life and He is able to deliver you, to vindicate you, to bring it to pass whenever He choose, vindicate me, oh, God, the psalmist says, maybe you are in a situation where you need God, where you need vindication, where you need deliverance, you have hoped, you have tried all possible means, like the woman who had an issue of blood for many years and one day she says to herself: if only i can touch the garment of Jesus, i will be made whole, and the Bible says there was no possibility for her to touch Jesus but she pressed on, she was pushed out of the crowd, she came in again, she didn’t complain and didn’t said: why do you push me out? she came back, she was pushing forward, she was moving forward, stretching forward, she was pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing and then she touched Jesus’ clothes, the Bible says that immediately she was made whole, the woman called on Jesus to vindicate her, the woman called on God to vindicate her, the thing she has spent for many many years it took just a second when she stepped into God’s plan and timing for her life to get second to clear all the problems, what you going through, if you call upon God, it will take just a blink of an hour to bring you the solution, to bring you the deliverance, and as you call on God and pray and ask Him to vindicate and plead your cause you will see Him, and may His peace rest upon you, God bless you, for God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life, you are watching GSM TV .