Explore the Visual Studio Subscriptions Administration Portal

Mar 31, 2020 20:50 · 393 words · 2 minute read super admin sets email com

(music) >> Welcome to the Visual Studio Subscriptions Administration Portal. In the portal, you’ll be able to manage your organization’s Visual Studio Subscriptions, so let’s explore the portal together so you can learn what to expect. Once your super admin sets you up as an administrator, you’ll receive an email inviting you to access the portal at manage.visualstudio.com to start managing subscriptions. Click the link in the email, use the email address indicated and sign in. Once you’re in the portal, you’ll see all the subscriptions that are under your organization that you can manage. Let’s get started with the tour.

00:44 - On the left side of the screen, you’ll see a drop down that allows you to toggle between agreements if you’re provisioned access to more than one agreement. Next to the drop down you’ll see some icons that open additional panels. The first icon expands to show an overview of available and assigned licensed quantities to help you stay within your contract’s requirement. The next icon shows your agreement details. The third icon shows the maximum usage report.

01:09 - This report allows you to see the highest number of assigned subscriptions, broken down by level, at a point in time. Functions of the portal include adding a user individually or in bulk. If your organization has the ability to over-claim subscriptions, you can also add subscribers by using Azure Active Directory groups. Editing users can be done individually or in bulk, as well as deleting individually or in bulk. (music) Once you’ve assigned a subscription to a subscriber, they’ll receive an email inviting them to access their newly assigned subscription at my.VisualStudio.com.

01:44 - Be sure to remind your subscribers to use the same email for sign-in that you used to assign the subscription. Other features of the portal include filtering subscriptions data and exporting a list to Excel. You can also customize your view to see what’s important to you. If your organization has a combination of Microsoft accounts and Azure AD accounts, there is also a feature to connect emails ensuring that all of your users are signing in with their work email. If you have any questions, there’s a Get Help tab right in the portal.

02:15 - You can also check out our admin web page at aka.ms/vs-admin, or our docs at aka.ms/AdminDocs. (music) .