How to Use V Ray for Sketchup Materials | Tutorial
May 22, 2020 18:00 · 2089 words · 10 minute read
Here so today’s video is going to be another sketchup video specifically how to create your own materials in v-ray for sketchup okay guys so the first material that we are going to render is the concrete material because it is going to be the easiest out of all materials so all you got to do is press b to open up our v-ray materials editor and then select a random color i’ll choose this color a01 or this red one apply it onto our polygons then once that’s done let’s open our v-ray material editor this yellow m m thingy on our v-ray tab click that and then go under our diffuse tab and then click this little m beside the caller click that and then click this pull down menu select text bitmap and look for your concrete image and here we go we have our concrete image right here click ok then close that and then our concrete material should apply onto our polygons right there so our texture is a little bit too tiny so all we got to do is click b to open up our materials editor again click on edit and just increase the size 1054. there we go okay so now you guys could see our texture is a little bit wonky on this sphere right here so in order to fix the texture on our sphere you need to download the extension called sketch uv so what sketch uv basically does is it fixes the texture on unusual polygons like spheres you know so all we got to do is click on our sphere click our extensions tab and click sketch uv there we go now right click on the polygon on which texture you want to be fixed and then let’s click spherical map and boom it’s going to map the texture onto a sphere now all we got to do is go back to our scene one and then render our material to see if it’s okay six and a half hours later and there you go concrete material okay let’s move on to our next material which is marble so the process in making the marble material is kind of the same with the concrete so what you got to do is go to materials and select a random material let’s say this orange number color co1 and then apply that onto your polygons again just basically the same go to your material and then click this little m choose text bitmap look for your marble image so here let’s choose this one click ok there we go if it’s too small just increase the size of our texture and then let’s fix this one with our sketch uv plug-in there you go now the difference between a concrete material and a marble material is that marble materials have this reflective layer on it all you got to do select that material by going to our materials tab and then click this tiny dropper tool thing sample paint and then let’s click our v-ray material editor okay so now all we got to do is right-click on our material on the material list right here on the left side right click that and then click create layer reflection now what that is going to do is going to make our material shiny so there you go it is now shiny all we got to do is go back to scene 1 click on render eight hours later and there you go guys a marble material with a little bit of shine on the edges yeah okay guys now that we’re done with our two basic materials we are going to move on to a much more complicated material which is wood so repeat the same process just choose a random texture i’m going to choose this yellow one apply that onto our polygons and then go to our v-ray material editor and just look for our text bitmap oh i have this wood one here click ok let’s preview that and there we go now you could just render this as is to save more time while rendering but in order to make wood more realistic we got to do a few more steps let’s go to material editor and then let’s create a layer of reflection because you know some wooden floors have this varnish applied on them or some wax that makes it a little bit shinier so once you have a reflection if we render it as is it’s going to look like your floor is made out of tiles and it’s going to look like fake wood so we don’t want that to happen so all you got to do is go to our reflection tab and under the general presets let us change the filter color so let’s choose somewhere brown which is the same color as our wood so basically what that does is it’s going to change the color of the reflection so if we choose a brown color it’s going to make the reflections brown but if we go back to our white color it’s going to change our reflections into a white color so let’s go back to our brown color darn i lost it there we go in order to reduce the overall shininess of our wood let us go to our glossiness parameters and let’s make our highlight point 8 and the reflect 0.8 and there we go as you guys could see the reflectiveness is reduced a little bit and the reflections aren’t that sharp anymore making it look like wood render that as it is going to look really good 20 minutes later two days later and there you go you now have a wood texture but if you guys want a little bit more detail on your wood that sounded pretty wrong anyways going back to the topic if you guys want this whole wood texture a little bit more detailed we are going to add a diffuse map and a bump map so all we got to do is bring out our v-ray sketchup material editor again and then underneath our wooden material let’s go underneath the maps tab and then beside the bump click on the tiny check mark and then click on this little m let’s choose text bitmap and then look for our bump map there you go click ok and then let’s go to our displacement parameter click on the check box beside it and then click on the tiny m again let’s look for our text bitmap of our displacement then let us preview what that would look like and basically what that does is it adds a little bit more texture and a little bit more you know grain into our wood okay now let’s render that one pair of pants later and we’re done so now if you are going to look at our polygons it is a little bit distorted because we have added a little bit more treat dimensionality onto our textures with those bump and displacements so that is what you have to do all right guys so our next material is the glass material so this is one of the most complicated materials that you could create by yourself but anyway stick around because later i’m going to teach you guys a shortcut to create all these materials so yeah if you’re wondering why i taught you guys this long cuts it is because the basics is the foundations to mastery so you need to know the long cut before doing the shortcut so that it doesn’t feel like cheating that made no sense anyways let’s go back into making our material so all you’ve got to do is go back to our sketchup materials list and pick a translucent material so let’s choose this translucent blue glass apply that onto our textures so make sure that the inside and the outside of our textures has the material now all you got to do is click on our v-ray sketchup material editor right click on our translucent glass and then create a reflective layer if you preview that it’s going to look just like a shiny blue glass thing if you guys like that you could keep it but in order to make it a little bit more realistic let’s go into the materials tab click on edit and then reduce the opacity so that our glass turns into a completely clear translucent glass let’s go to our scene one and then render that let’s see how that looks later and boom there you go guys we now have a clear glass material which looks like glass i don’t know what i was expecting it to look like but it does look like glass so now that we know how to create our glass material i’m now going to teach you guys the shortcut to creating your materials just like that it’s like poof just like magic okay so all you got to do is go into google and then type this math download free and then click on this link don’t worry this doesn’t have any viruses so here you could download any number of this mats so for those of you who do not know what the vismat is it is basically a preset of a texture that you just click and import onto your texture so that your texture is already preset that didn’t make any sense i’m just going to teach you guys how to use a vismat okay so i have pre-downloaded avs map of glass materials onto my computer so all you got to do is choose a random color again or a random texture let’s say let’s choose this green one apply that onto our polygons and then go to our v-ray material editor right-click on our green material click on import material then look for your vismat so here i have the glass vismat open that and that is going to basically apply all of the presets that that glass vismet has onto our texture so if we preview that boom we now have a high quality glass material which is a whole lot better than the glass we made a while ago go back to our scene one and then let’s render that to see how it looks like 3 000 yields later and there you go we now have an instant glass material just like that all you had to do was download it and import it and then boom no more of that basic mumbo jumbo chisels that i did a while ago but you know basics are important so don’t skip that okay so now that you guys know how to create materials from scratch and how to apply this mats onto any polygon that you have on your model so now i’m going to show you guys where i download my seamless jpeg images or my seamless textures that i have used in creating those wood concrete marble you know all those images that i use to create those basic materials so let us go back to google and then type sketchup texture club the first website that’s going to come up is this click on that and then it’s going to redirect you into a website that has tons and tons of textures so let’s see here so here we have a ton of architectural textures material textures nature elements and backgrounds so this is where i download most of my materials so all of the textures and images here are seamless meaning that if you apply them onto any texture there’s not going to be any weird joining of you know uneven or unaligned edges so that’s what seamless textures mean it’s going to look real real nice real nice i don’t know what that was anyways with that weird borat impression i’m just going to end the whole video right here thank you guys for watching and thank you guys for sticking until the end and watching this message from me anyways if you guys liked this video and found it a little bit educational or learned something from it don’t forget to like comment and subscribe down below for more videos like this from me your boy leon i’ll see you guys in the next video arc squad represent flying peace .