33) Il Rituale di Capitol Hill - anche SOTTOTITOLI-SUBTITLES

Feb 1, 2021 20:42 · 1355 words · 7 minute read

oh [Music] 1700 we have a shift of energy from vertical to horizontal this means there is also a shift in mythology in comes the crucified christ this is the down-pointing blue triangle the osiris-moon cult the cult of the resurrection osiris was cut in 14 pieces isis reassembled osiris except the phallus she made replicas of them and distributed them to several locations which then became centers of osiris worship the mitre and the crook so if christ on the cross is osiris who would be isis is there a strong female energy mother mary or maria magdalene remember the mirroring of isis is osiris so the solution might be simple just mirror christ now the blue moon cult pyramid becomes the red sun cult pyramid helios and christ would become the antichrist the inverted cross now you have the blue color of heaven and the red color of hell but how do you get from the osiris cult to the cult of the cross it’s all about energy the missing link in my view is the mitras cult the osiris cult of the rods and the crook become the mitras cult the sword and the rods the sword the cross the christ mitras was born from rock remember the legend of arthur [Music] mitras is tapping into the organic center of our crater the taurus creating the matrix of sun and moon [Music] oh go let’s go jake angeli the angel messenger of god i mean q q of course being the black cube the parasitic a.

i gods the poles are shifting the ice caps are melting people are climbing the ice wall [Laughter] even the front man of the metal band iced earth is one of the protesters playing our subconscious again this is ragnarok ragnarok is the final battle between the parasites and the organic forces we need a great visa i love the word need we need a great reason let’s take a look at the tattoos of the messenger of q people message me they start seeing the shape of the crater everywhere well it’s the same for me take a look at this one but as you see it is not our tree of life because the magnetic center would be on the tree [Music] let’s go down and take a look at what people think is the hammer of thor i think it is the sword of mitras mitras tapping into the center of our taurus slaying the bull what we see here is the ritual of the sacrifice of the bull we have heaven and hell good cop bad cop good president bad president and together they forged the plot the q blood having its supreme moment in the ritual sacrifice of the bull we have two groups in the capital the sheeple walking between the lines supporting their presidents they almost look like tourists and then we have a small group of black ops agents these guys will probably pop up later as some kind of crisis actor some muslim terrorists or as agent provocateurs [Music] let’s listen to the message of our angel it’s all about one sentence listen if you can spot it to allow us to send a message and the globalist that this is our nation not theirs yes that we will not allow the america the american way of the united states of america to go down thank you to buy an audition on the present creator god for filling this chamber with your white light of love with the right line of harmony thank you for filling this chamber with patriots that love you and then love christ thank you divine our mission omnipotent and i’m the present creator god for blessing each and every one of us here and now thank you divine creator god for surrounding us with the divine on the present white light of love protection peace and harmony thank you for allowing the united states of america to be reborn thank you for allowing us to get rid of the communists the globalists and the traitors within our government we love you and we thank you for allowing the united states of america to be reborn thank you for allowing the united states of america to be reborn the high priest is asking his entity to create a reset in return they will bring a ritual sacrifice a blood offer between sundown and dust let us shine the lights in the darkness along the sacred pool of reflection remember all we lost four hundred thousand people sacrificed for their god if someone would fall from his bike and die would that be a blood sacrifice well of course not people have to be killed for them to be a sacrifice so what they are telling you here is that all the people who died of kovit have been murdered that means that kovit is not the virus they are telling you it is oh [Music] do uh um huh for people who saw my video the eye of ra you have two color systems the cmyk system of osiris cyan magenta and black and the isis rgb color system the blue and the red that gives you the white hats and the black heads for people who think these guys are opponents think again some more colors the red the black and the white showing the aryan haircut the nazi eagle i mean the dove of peace conan the barbarian that’s some very female energy [Music] justice for all we know justice is blind for certain parts of the population next the yellow red coat amanda gorman that’s a lot of men in one name and that is a lot of hand signs in one performance [Music] it’s requiring as i said all along um where i have authority mandating mass be warned social distance can be kept on federal property and interstate commerce etc this is the first one sign the first week we already had a sign of what is going to happen the next 4 years they will attack the us with immigration waves like they did in europe a few years ago state sponsored terrorism more troops in iraq and of course the putin story the evil enemy russia let’s play with the shadow of the obelisk phase one sacrifice of the bull thank you phase two the covet memorial between sundown and dusk let us shine the lights in the darkness along the sacred pool of reflection remember all whom we lost phase three inauguration and a time where a skinny black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president phase 4 blood over intense the phallus of osiris pointing at the oval office let me try to find an explanation of what is happening here maybe it’s right maybe it’s wrong it’s the only explanation i have for the moment imagine a system that is only spirit and has lost its capability of creating matter the only way it could manifest itself is by taking over other bodies so this system lands in our crater and it creates a false universe the sun and the moon the light of the sun is the bias code of the intruder to take over one person you probably need a magnifier the ben ben stone the spirit of the intruder has 12 templates the gods taking a human body to manifest themselves through the ages different cultures some of these templates have manifested themselves through the ages reborn over and over again at certain moments in time watch the star clock they will return maybe we can present a host to our god and give him a sacrifice it is my assumption that there is a benben stone in the obelisk this will be used as magnifier of the synthetic sunlight when the phallus of osiris is in the oval office it’s time time to shoot the seed of osiris into the host waiting on the exact moment on the exact spot you.