Chuck Pierce 2021: No Political Spirit Will Plunder Our Freedom

Jan 7, 2021 12:30 · 1185 words · 6 minute read

- Daniel gave this word about being determined.

00:02 - That means you’re going to have resolve. That means there is a place you need to get that you’re not gonna let go off.

00:11 - - [Man] Amen. - But he also talked about it being a political dynamic that is linked with the first definition of determination.

00:21 - So we’re going to have to understand that the political atmosphere around us, is making us more determined.

00:32 - Tell someone, tell someone that. What’s going on right now especially in this nation is making us more determined.

00:43 - See, that’s a great way of using that word.

00:47 - All that stuff that’s going on is making us more determined than we’ve ever been before to remain free.

00:55 - Now say that out loud. (congregation cheering) I want this week before Robert comes, for you to get something in your mind, all through the word of God, it was about people having to be determined.

01:12 - To do what God was telling them to do and to be aligned properly.

01:21 - They couldn’t all just decide they wanted to march around Jericho the way they wanted to march.

01:25 - Think about it. And God is making us more like that people right now.

01:34 - They had to learn to march together and be determined to march seven days, seven times, and then, watch the signal for the sound that would dismantle the walls.

01:52 - Now, they had to be determined to get out of Egypt, to get into the new, you have to be determined.

02:04 - - [Congregation] Yeah. - I had to be determined to lay down the type of ministry I had starting in March.

02:15 - - [Man] Yep. - I’m a traveling evangelist type prophet minister all over the world.

02:26 - I had to lay that down. I think Chad and I discussed it, he told me last week, it’s been harder on him I think than me, because you get used to moving in a dynamic.

02:40 - You get used to live, our life was a one bedroom.

02:46 - I made a double bed in a hotel room, most of the time.

02:54 - You get used to living like that and all of a sudden it shifts and you have to determine how you’re gonna go into the new.

03:04 - So I’m not up here telling you something that I haven’t done.

03:10 - I’ve had to do it with business. One time, when I left and resigned from being in ministry in Houston, in the Baptist Church, the Lord told me to go to a stables and work there for six months.

03:24 - He wanted to bring me back to the stable, and I did that.

03:29 - You’re gonna have to do what it takes for you to get into the new.

03:34 - - [Man] Amen. - And then we, I kept moving and traveling, but then in 1990 Robert and them came to me and said, “would you come and be a part? We wanna move into the new. ” He and John did.

03:55 - John Taylor the elders of this body. We wanna move into the new, will you come and be a part of us to help us get into the new? And I said, sure.

04:07 - And do you know where they put me? In a closet where they kept the vacuum cleaner and the broom.

04:16 - But I was determined to help them get into the new.

04:23 - You see when I’m saying, you have to know what God is doing to get you to where you’re going.

04:33 - Now, this is what I wanna end with. Elijah, Elijah, everybody say Jah.

04:40 - - [Congregation] Jah. - Was determine that three and a half years to cause the heavens not to rain.

04:50 - He did what was necessary, prophesied it, he moved with God, it affected him as much as it affected everybody else.

04:58 - But then he had to be determined to pull out of heaven the rain at the right time.

05:06 - That’s how we operate people in prayer. That’s what a heaven coming to earth looks like.

05:13 - There comes a moment where that prophetic word in your life.

05:17 - You have to be determined to pull it down. But some way or another, he was so founded in that, that when he got to the gaze, where Ahab was ruling.

05:36 - And Jezebel sent a message against him, what he was really called to do was to remove Ahab and Jezebel.

05:49 - Some way another Jezebel’s words knocked him out of his determined stand.

05:59 - Are you aware of that can happen to you? Now, listen to me, Elijah is revert revered.

06:08 - If that can happen to him, it can happen to any one of us.

06:13 - Same thing with Peter. Followed the Lord, identified with the Lord until he was questioned after the Lord’s crucifixion, and during the Lord’s crucifixion when things got real hot, knocked him totally out of his place, pushed him over into denial.

06:37 - So we have to know that Holy spirit in us, is really what we have to rely upon to move forward.

06:49 - So remember Elijah goes and he is just hiding out in a cave, and all of a sudden God shows up and ask him the same question He asked Adam and Eve.

07:03 - “What you’re doing here?” - [Man] Wow, wow.

07:06 - - Now listen, if God shows up to you this year and asks you what you do in here? You need to say, well, I’m here because, and then if he tells you to get somewhere else go.

07:22 - - [Man] Yes. - Does that make sense? It doesn’t matter where you are.

07:34 - Now that’s important. And so, it said the still small voice, you know, came in.

07:41 - He was trying to hear him in the earthquake, trying to hear him in all this confusion in the nation, trying to hear him in the fire, trying to hear him every which way, but then there was this still small voice made him nervous.

07:58 - See, is that still small voice in you that makes you determined.

08:11 - This year we must rely upon that still small voice.

08:22 - It’s very key this year. And the still small voice said, “well, now that you’ve shifted us here,” this is how God works people.

08:33 - Now that you’ve shifted us here, you’re going to have to go do, you’re gonna have to anoint Hazael, you’re gonna have to anoint Jay who and you’re going to have to anoint Elisha.

08:54 - All of a sudden his whole assignment shifted.

08:59 - That’s the beauty of God. - [Congregation] Amen. .