How to get 90 PTE Listening (Pearson Scored Test D) | Phương pháp ôn luyện thi PTE 90
Mar 16, 2021 06:54 · 2612 words · 13 minute read
today i would like to show you how i score 90 in pte listening hi guys welcome back to my channel this is moni and i’m currently a trainer at pte magic i have been tutoring vte for more than four years now since i scored 90 all bands in my pte exam not just once but several times not only that i also score perfect 90 bands in all Pearson official mock tests you can also find these mock tests on ptepractice. com and they are the official tests from pearson which use the same marking system as the real test and today i would like to show you how i scroll 90 pte listening in this mock test however before we go on if you want to see more videos like this then please click the like button below and also subscribe to my channel if you have not done so so that i can make more videos for you one important aspect that makes pte so different from other english proficiency tests like ielts or toefl or toeic is that even if you choose all the correct answers in pte listening you will not get 90.
why because besides listening you will also get listening points from the speaking section and specifically from review sentence from retell lecture and from answer short questions however because i already show you how i did the speaking part in the other video in today’s video we will only be looking at pte listening part make sure you watch it until the end okay let’s get started for many people language acquisition starts around about 12 months when kids say their first word but don’t forget the first year that first year of life is very important as well and indeed before you’re born remember there are a couple of months before you’re born when you’re actually able to perceive in the womb something of the language that’s around you so language acquisition starts earlier than most people think and it also ends later than most people think when does child language acquisitions stop well in a sense you know we’re all children we stay being children all our lives there there’s there’s no obvious end point for learning sounds of course there is and for learning grammar there is but vocabulary i mean that goes on for the rest of our lives a million or more words in english and most of us only have a vocabulary of 50 60 70 000 words or whatever it is and so there’s always something more to learn so remember that the two ends of child language acquisition are wider apart than some people think and that means there’s more scope for studying it than most people think you you the topic we’re going to focus on is the population challenge for the 21st century now what is that challenge well i think what is interesting about population is that at the end of the 20th century we saw tremendous changes which are going to follow through over the 21st century and basically our population is changing in size it’s growing very rapidly we currently have about 7 billion people on the planet that has probably doubled in the lifetime of most adults in this country it is going to increase we think to around about 10 billion and then it’ll probably flatten out it’s changing in its density we’re all becoming far more urban currently we have about half the world’s population living in an urban area that will increase to 75 by the middle of the century and to about 80 to 90 percent by the end of the century when nearly everyone on the planet will be living in an urban area distribution of population is changing we’re becoming mobile in a different way traditional migration patterns are changing who migrates is changing where they migrate and probably i think one of the greatest challenges is a massive change in the age structure of the population in so much as across the world women are having less children and as a consequence as we’re also living longer the age composition of our population is changing so for example by the middle of the century for the very first time there will as be as many old people as there are young people on this planet you you you you i guess the most interesting thing that i can bring to the table here today is the fact that we are considering it work the idea of general education for all incoming undergraduate students now for those of you who aren’t from the united states it’s quite common in the united states for students to only major after their second of a four-year undergraduate degree so they have the first year or two actually to sample many different courses across the curriculum and this is called general education this is not very common uh not in this country nor in europe where in fact students come in specialized right they already come in with a subject that they’re choosing they’ve chosen um and the idea behind having general education now uh is basically because whatever specialist kind of subject that you’re trained in is unlikely to be a source of a lifelong career in any sense of the word no matter what the subject is there’s always a choice on exams that i give and i tell my students that when you’re writing an exam remember the following one answer the question you’d be surprised how often people don’t ask the question they have some things they’d like to talk about so they talk about that but think of the poor examiner he or she thought so hard to try to make a nice question and their feelings are hurt if you don’t answer the question it’s not good to hurt the examiner’s feelings okay now the second thing is when you ask the question know your stuff you should be fully in charge of the material in lectures and reading and then third it’s helpful if you think for yourself if the exam is intelligently designed you should have some opportunity to exercise your critical abilities and fourth it is immensely helpful if you can write coherent english so palm oil is the most widely produced oil crop currently it’s used in a wide range of industries including food for biofuels and in soaps and shampoos however the sector’s growing fast and unfortunately palm oil grows in exactly the same environment as a tropical rainforest so the use and the development of palm oil the growth in the sector has been into wide scale deforestation what we’re hoping to do is if we can come up with a alternative we can slow the growth of this sector and therefore stop the widespread deforestation in southeast asia the earlier chocolate was quite unpalatable it was um they used to add things to it to make it um more palatable so the early chocolate they didn’t know how to extract all the cocoa fat from it so it was could be quite greasy and if you made it as a drink you’d have this sort of scum on the top um so they used to try and add things to it like starch and things to make it a more palatable product so there are a lot of scandals around the kind of things they were adding to chocolate in the 19th century so that by the sort of 1870s 80s there are people like cadbury saying our chocolate is absolutely pure we have this new process the van hooten process which now extract all this horrible fat and we can use that to make eating chocolate and now we have a pure product yeah so i actually got interested in non-human animals by actually hanging out with them as a as a college student i had the opportunity to actually do some research with monkeys and that actually brought me down to a very nice warm caribbean island where i got to hang out with a bunch of monkeys for the first time and i think i can remember the moment when i first got interested not just in their cognition but particularly in their emotion when i was hanging out on a beach that i was finding really beautiful and it was warm and there was a breeze and i noticed there was a monkey sitting right beside me who was like looking out into the water and seemed to be experiencing exactly the same things i was and it just caused me to think like what what does he know about the world what does he know about the scene is he enjoying it does he find this beautiful um and it was kind of a fascinating moment because i realized that you know we now have these cool tools in cognitive science where we can answer some of these these big questions whether you have a pet dog or a cat or even a goldfish right you can’t help but wonder what they’re experiencing and if they experience some of the same things that you do uh computers have always been good at doing things that are really complicated for us humans things like crunching insanely large numbers and running complex algorithms on the other hand computers have a really hard time recognizing a particular voice or face in a crowd something most kids learn to do before they’re even out of diapers but things are changing fast over the next decade or so machines will more easily mimic inherently human abilities and they’ll learn to do it much the same way we do through experience experience in this case means computers will be fed data patterns over and over again until they’re able to automatically identify a particular sound or image on their own this process is called machine learning first on this issue of media on using phones and laptops we’re kind of having some backsliding i got a few emails from people who said that the person next to them was on facebook or using their computers or anything and they were really annoyed by it so remember the rule there are one or two people here who sought permission to take notes on a laptop for various reasons and but aside from that unless you had express permission no phones no laptops during class okay it’s just not courteous to our guests and it’s really it’s harder to multitask than you think okay well i want to talk to you today about introversion and extroversion which i have come to believe are as profound a part of our identities as our gender and that therefore it’s extremely important to know where we fall on the introvert extrovert spectrum and when i say this i’m not talking about where do you appear to fall um i’m because in this extroverted culture of ours we all tend to act a lot more extroverted than we really are right so i’m talking about who are you really if you could spend your time exactly as you please your your work days your weekends would you be more of an introvert or would you be more of an extrovert nick yeah it’s definitely something around balance that’s really what it comes down to a more balanced way of living and and balance being that it’s imbalance with the environment and the reason why we’re living an unsustainable life at the moment is that our consumption patterns be energy be it products be it food are completely outstripping the world’s ability to support us so that’s why it needs we started to have a dialogue with with technology so this is where the realms of science fiction i suppose can come in is because in in the future there may be a chance of actually having quite natural interactions with computers sort of vocally um now part of that is and some of the research i do is understanding the psycholinguistics of that so understanding how what we can learn from human human dialogue and looking at the phenomena in human human dialogue and how we can apply that to human computer dialogue and how the design actually augments and changes that phenomena so an example would be that we don’t tend to in natural speech we tend to align with each other we tend to use the same words if i was describing a bus for instance if you use the term coach i would use the term coach as well so that’s that’s called lexical alignment um now we seem to be doing this we do this with computers as well but the design of them actually changes the way that we do that so the fact that we we think a computer is sort of maybe basic and understanding us changes the way we behave vocally and so this is interesting because it gives us a window on how people if there’s a single piece of social science research that’s really inspired you what would it be i think it was a book that richard my co-author wrote and published in 1996 and it came out when i was a phd student at the university of berkeley and it was called unhealthy societies and we used to fight over it in the library because we couldn’t afford books and somebody would take it out and then you know we’d immediately put in a request to get it back so people only had it for a very short time but that was a book about inequality and about health but a very very rich text with lots of examples is such an amazing way to learn about science many of us cook every day but when you start to think about why the recipes work why is it that when you need bread it has this remarkable texture or why is it that candy recipes work as they do or how is it that you cook eggs in a way that it comes out to be perfect you immediately are led to thinking about basic principles in science all right so that was me doing pte listening in mock test and for me i don’t want to just show you tips and tricks but i actually want to show you how i completed the test so the whole process of me doing the test so that you can watch it and learn from me because it’s always good to learn from someone who already got 90 points and as your witness i did choose incorrect answers in some of the questions but it didn’t prevent me from getting 90 out of 90 in pt listening so what i want to tell you is that even if you make a mistake even if you think that in one of the questions you could not get the correct answer don’t panic and just move on and just focus on doing the other questions and definitely don’t be too harsh on yourself if you want to practice with small mock tests we also offer mock tests which use very similar scoring system and also real question banks and you can find them on pte magic practice.
com i hope this video was helpful if you have any comments or questions please comment below and i’ll try to answer them and thank you again for watching and good luck with your test bye.