Is a HAIR TRANSPLANT Permanent?| How long will Hair Transplant results last? #FUE #FUT

Nov 1, 2020 16:19 · 2440 words · 12 minute read saying say question also welcome

hey guys how are you welcome to another underperforming video in youtube my name is juan carlos and my co-host for today is killian who is in ireland hi killian hi everyone how are you it’s good nice to be a regular now right he’s a regular co-host so today we’re going to try to answer a question that always comes up in person and also on your comments on your valuable comments you ask if what’s the longevity of a transplant is a transplant permanent and the short answer is what are you saying yes or no uh depends on the person depends on the person i’m going to go with no it’s not okay are you ready for this discussion different opinion today are you ready um okay let’s do it some people see this as a condition to get work because they feel like well i want to just get it done and look good forever i’m not going to spend money on something that fades away or stops working after a while and the short answer is no it’s not forever and but the short answer that i see on websites from hair clinics is hair transplant clinics is yeah it’s it’s it’s almost forever let me let me read you one that i think is very misleading how long does a hair transplant last am i gonna have to go back for surgery every few years just to maintain my transplanted hair? and the website answers with this it says, i’m not gonna mention the clinic because this is not about batching clinics or anything because this is just one of the many clinics that kind of use this sort of like dancing around the truth the kind of concealment of facts which to me is lying it says “the good news is that when performed by a train experienced hair restoration specialist a hair transplant procedure can last a lifetime” the word “can” fits perfectly there because it’s not saying that it will, it’s saying that it could but it can but listen to this, this is when actually is very misleading because it says “that’s because the genetic predisposition for hair loss resides in the follicle rather than in the scalp hair transplant surgery takes healthy hair follicles and transplants them to your thinning or balding areas with hereditary baldness your hair maintains the characteristics of where it was taken from regardless of where is placed in the scalp that’s why hair transplant surgery is the only permanent solution with hair loss” and i have a huge problem with “permanent” what do you think do you think a hair transplant is permanent Killian? -no because of miniaturization donor miniaturization it’s present here but it’s also present here it’s present here it’s present here present everywhere to different degrees. -and i just chose one of many um they say it’s taken from the safe area yes it’s safer than over here but at some point these hair also miniatures miniaturizes it also loses thickness and you also lose some of that hair i’ve had three hair transplant remember my quick story oh by the way by the way if you like this video at the end of this video you find it useful don’t forget to like the video and if you haven’t done so subscribe to my channel also consider sharing this video with anybody that can benefit from this material also killian has a channel a small channel where he shares his results unfiltered with very good lighting i always have a lot of respect for people that are willing to share their good results in the in the worst lighting condition is that what killian does close-ups and everything so i’m gonna leave the i’m gonna leave the link to the to his channel in the description box so maybe you can consider subscribing to this channel as well… i’ve had three hair transplants right and i had two of them 16 years ago a year apart and those transplants held me up for about 15 years for the first 10 it was great no complaints now keep in mind that for the first seven years out of those 10 years i was taking finasteride the medication did a very important part on the upkeeping of that hair but as soon as i stopped taking finasteride i noticed the decaying of the aesthetic results of the transplant because yeah the hairs are going to be there so when somebody yes and uh most hairs are going to be there yes but are they still going to make an aesthetic difference where you can still feel that you have a good result that that is pleasing to the eye and that happened for about the first 10 years after that little by little i started losing the benefit of the hair transplant yeah the transplant was still there it just was not in its best form because some of the hairs that were transplanted to the front started losing a little i started losing some of that hair and mostly i started losing hair from my mid scalp and obviously my crown what has been your experience with it uh killian because you’ve had him you had two hair transplants how many years apart when did you get him and and what was your experience ? -three years apart at age 23 f.u.t and age 26 f.u.e my experience was okay even shorter than yours first two and a half years after the fut my hair was dynamite it looked even better than this in terms in terms of caliber right but i was taking finasteride every day ending in y and i became a little bit lazy and i fell into the trap that hey my hair is great i don’t need to take it every day anymore it’s a vicious vicious trap because fast forward a year the hair starts and that is a great word decaying it gets a little bit softer that’s what you notice first it gets a little bit lighter there’s kind of oxidative stress going on these are all the signs that it’s a bit more weathered a bit frizzy suddenly it’s not holding as much and then i’ve only recently looked back through photos my hair was had twice the bounce for the doors now i lost ground simple as that so now i’m back taking finasteride i will never make that mistake again of not taking it and i’m a young man i have to take it because the more the quicker i’ve acted quick obviously i have minimal loss which means the more i take it the more i keep the more opportunity for me to do whatever i want with this and retain have more of an aesthetic benefit so it’s crucial in terms of longevity to be on medication specifically finasteride because we know that minoxidil is like a fertilizer for the hair it doesn’t prevent the dht induced damage the follicular miniaturization where the hairs get thicker and then a little bit lighter a little bit softer… until they don’t appear on the scalp anymore finasteride prevents this, it prevents that catalysis which leads to miniaturization -and that’s the thing about a transplant when you walk out of the clinic and at about the year mark you’re gonna see the best that your hair is going to look its best and it’s up to you to upkeep it with medication and that’s the long answer is you it can last you a long time but it’s subject to your discipline of taking medication.

i found this very refreshing 07:49 - statement by a hair clinic called donovan hair clinic i think i’m going to try to read it it says “it’s a common myth that transplanted hair moved during a hair transplant lasts forever fortunately most hairs that are transplanted do generally remain in their new location forever however anyone that has followed a hair transplant patient for 10 20 or 30 years will tell you that the same number of hairs that were put are not always remaining over time most will but not all” and that’s only considering the transplanted hair and like we’re saying the hair that wasn’t transplanted if you don’t upkeep it with medication it’s probably going to go and it’s going to look weird because there’s going to be a transition of a slightly thicker hair and then balding here like it happened with me 15 years after my original two transplants and that’s why i needed extra work to give this uh hairline a boost and the mid scalp and a little bit on the crown. and there’s permanent aspect to a hair transplant for example the scarring whether it’s an fut or an fue those those scars remain forever that is permanent the damage the damage whether it’s little or not is permanent the the hairs are not necessarily permanent what do you got to say about that killian? -the damage i would say it takes a year for the scarring to really come to its uh final resting place you do live forever with the scarring and you know the on the back of my head i have a thousand fue dots you can’t see them and i can shave to a grade two which isn’t a shave actually but i can cut to a grade two and you can’t see the strip scar either at the grade two i hope you can see it there. -yes -so in that sense uh there is a whole other side it’s not just about the aesthetic side it’s about the um the unwanted scarring. -i’m going to show you a picture that i’m going to post where you can see my fut scar and you can see slight crown miniaturization going below the scar when the placement of the fut scar was chosen at age 31 my doctor looked at me and she thought of the safest area and she almost hit a home run but down the road the militarization and the recession of the crown has passed by about about a fourth of an inch has passed where the scar is so this leaves me, i’m talking about ages… this leads me to the next uh step according to my channel my analytics on my channel it’s about 98% of you are between the ages of 18 and 44 and the biggest bracket is the ages of 25 and 34 with 49.

9% so that tells me that when we’re young we really care about hair 10:46 - and as we get older maybe closer to 50 we have other things on our plate and we tend to care less. kylian is very young he decided to do something about his hair loss early in his life and these two transplants that he got and maybe future work uh touch- ups are gonna bring him through those very important years of hair loss… it’s a gamble when you’re young and the younger you are the the bigger the gamble is about how you’re going to look um in your later years in your late 40s and into your 50s what do you think killian? -i think that there’s a little bit of high time preference behavior when you’re young but when you’re young you’re you know um you’re creating the path for when you’re older and that’s the fantastic thing about us is we have a perspective from is it 20 years apart so 20 years but… -i’m 47 years very similar… -very similar experiences and you know with just regards to the hair the sooner you act the better and i had a conversation today just on youtube with a guy who was telling me i couldn’t believe it he said that he was probably going to just go and be willing to get multiple hair transplants without taking finasteride it doesn’t it’s he is in for such this is a very common uh occurrence as well a common frame of thought and it’s totally wrong because you sound yourself up for a massive emotional pitfall a roller coaster and you know i don’t get why people are afraid of finasteride, finasteride is by definition it’s an anti-aging medicine it’s a it’s a wind pathway activator is such an important adjunct to preserving as much as possible what you have and i think that’s the main thing today it’s preservation because then you can do more up the road because once it’s gone it’s gone do what you can now and that is medication with transplants. -everything is a trade-off when it comes to hair it is it can last a long time but it’s gonna be up to you to do the legwork to keep as much as you can by the most effective uh medication which is finasteride and then minoxidil and other things in and in that order what do you think Killian? -i think it comes down to medications specifically Finasteride and as i said in conjunction with minoxidil synergistic approach it gives you more supply simple as…

and what is it all about? its demand must meet supply 13:31 - those who have the most need the least those who have the least need the most that is a huge issue isn’t it? -that is why me being an older person i always side with more cautious approaches to a hair transplant. maybe slightly higher hairlines maybe settling for a reasonable density in sake of longevity and sake of that in a few years you want to get more work and you still have donor hairs to transplant to the affected areas. thank you killian for being with us please have the closing statement so that we can wrap this up. -it’s great to be able to give honest answers based on our experience because we’ve had an fue strip and we’re a few years apart but the closing statement is pop your finasteride like candy as uh i think it’s joe tillman says it stole… take the medication. -thank you for being here killian. thank you guys for being here, for sticking to the end um if you haven’t done so please like this video if you haven’t subscribed to my channel consider subscribing and if you think of anybody that can benefit from this material don’t hesitate to share this with that person thank you and i’ll see you next time .