#VímeCoMame - představení kampaně

Oct 20, 2020 13:39 · 172 words · 1 minute read today leading edge prestige abroad

Hello. My name is Tomáš Kopečný and I am the Deputy Minister for Industrial Cooperation of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic My job is to develop the technology base of the Czech defence industry. For a few years now, I have been asked why we do it. The answer is simple: Because the Czech defence industry is worth it­! CZECH INDUSTRY MODERN TECHNOLOGY SKILLED EXPERTS UNIQUE KNOWHOW CZECH DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic Security cannot be taken for granted and defence industry is a key component of the defence capabilities of every country. It is equally important for the economy, employment, technological development, and prestige abroad­. The Czech defence industry has a tradition of over 100 years and today, we are the leading edge and an inspiration in many domains.

00:47 - We have prepared a short series of videos that will convince you that Czech defence industry is the future. We know what we have. Now we want you to know it too. .