experiencing FALL for the first time!

Nov 1, 2020 16:00 · 1812 words · 9 minute read toilet used watching got planned

  • Good morning everybody. Welcome to day two of our camping adventure. It’s been a really long night. It was very cold, and then we kept turning the heater on, and then turning it back off. But overall, we fell asleep at what? Like 9:30 or 10? - Yeah. - And I woke up at almost 5:00, so I definitely woke up at 4:45. But, that’s six hours of sleep? Six or seven, depending on when I went to bed. So, I mean. - You look beautiful. - Thank you. - You got your beauty rest. - Thanks.

00:32 - Drew is making us some breakfast in the camper this morning. Also, please ignore that. That is basically where we’re keeping all of our luggage and storage. Everything else is organized pretty nicely, but it’s a really small space, and very easy to get it messy very quickly. So, I set the table. (Carrie laughing) This is currently what we have. I have the chocolate donuts, Drew has the powder donuts.

00:53 - We have our napkins here, and then our plates and forks ready to go. And Drew’s making us a scramble. He’s making, there’s potatoes O’Brien with scrambled eggs and vegan sausage. It looks pretty good, like Morningstar Farms sausage patties, so we’re gonna mix that all together, and it’s gonna be really good. And then I guess we’re just gonna do some exploring today. We have a couple things in mind but literally no agenda.

01:18 - We think we might go off-the-grid tonight and go to a camp site, an actual campsite, ‘cause right now, like I said, we’re at an RV park. I think I said that in the last vlog. That’s our neighbor right there, I don’t know if you can see that. So it’s incredibly close together. So I think we’re just gonna go stay at maybe a campsite or something like that, because we have a generator, and we can use that. So that’s pretty much it for the day, that’s what we’ve got planned. We’re just gonna see where the day takes us.

01:45 - Hopefully it warms up a little bit ‘cause it’s cold, but honestly I’m enjoying this chilly weather. And right about the time that we get back to Phoenix, it’s gonna start cooling off as well, so just great times all around. Ooh, look at that. That looks pretty delicious. It’s kinda like a breakfast hash in a way. It looks so, so good. I’m gonna put ketchup though. Is that sacrilegious? I don’t know. We don’t have hot sauce, so. - [Drew] Oh, I guess you have a ham and egg. - I normally don’t put ketchup on eggs, but potatoes or beef.

02:15 - (upbeat music) - All right, just did a little change of my clothes here. I’m actually wearing this little jumpsuit from Big Bud Press that I probably wouldn’t wear normally, but I feel like up here, it’s very fitting, with the vibes. But we actually just took a quick little walk around just like the RV campground area, to take a different branded photo that I need to take. And now we are gonna run down to this little picnic lake area, maybe just hang down there until lunchtime or something, make some lunch. We’re in no rush, as I mentioned, we’re just enjoying all the beautiful nature and it’s just so much fun.

03:14 - But first, real life moment, we’re literally emptying our toilet water. Like, the content of our toilet. - [Drew] The black water. - The black water as they call it. After less than 24 hours of having this RV, it is almost full. Full disclosure, I’m on my period and I am suffering. So anyways, that’s enough of that. We are gonna empty that, and then hit the road. We just stopped at a little kinda look out point area, and look at this view outside the door.

03:48 - Are you joking? All right, just took some photos with the RV here. Get some Instagram pics. Now we’re gonna head down to this lake. It looks beautiful. - [Drew] Careful. - Thank you. (Carrie laughing) - [Drew] If you walk at an angle, it’s easy. - Okay. And we’re hopefully going to not die in the process. I love that you’re always just trying to look out for me, but you’re falling. (upbeat music) So, we just made a stop at a gas station to fill up this RV which was stressful, but we did it.

04:35 - And then also we just sat in the RV and ate our sandwiches for lunch. So now we’ve had lunch, we’re ready to go, and we’re on our way up to Snowbowl Mountain. I think I said that, or the Arizona Snowbowl is what it’s called. A couple people on Instagram pointed this out to me, that on the weekends, they let you ride the chairlift. So you don’t have to ski. (Carrie hiccups) Excuse me, but you can go to the top of the chairlift and see all this beautiful view. So, we gonna check it out. We’ll see.

05:05 - Do you think its gonna be fun? - [Drew] Yeah, I think so. The views are gonna be crazy! - I know. I’m excited, it’s a beautiful day for it too, so. All right, we made it to the top of the mountain, and that drive- - [Drew] You know this goes up high? - [Carrie] Yeah. - Okay. - I’m a little nervous. That drive was not for the faint of heart, I will say, it was quite daunting. Lots of twists and turns, and we were in an RV, but we survived. Now, we’re gonna stand in line and go on this chairlift. It looks so pretty. Yes, please. (laughs) I’m gonna to need it ‘cause we are going up there. (upbeat music) Oh my God, it’s so beautiful! What the fuck! What even is this? - Wow! - [Carrie] Oh my God! - It’s all so pretty. - Are you happy? - Yeah. (Carrie laughing) (upbeat music) - Oh my God! I can’t believe this is real! Literally, no, it doesn’t even do it justice. Even close. Oh my God, look behind you.

06:28 - (Carrie laughing) (upbeat music) So its a little while later and we have changed our clothes, because number one, I wanted to get out of that jumpsuit. It was comfortable, but I just need to be able to take my pants off and pee, you know? And also because we have stopped at an area called Aspen Corner, which has these beautiful Aspen trees, and all of, most of the leaves, have fallen off already, but it’s these beautiful yellow leaves. Everyone’s in here right now taking pictures, and it’s so pretty! Look at this! Oh my god! (leaves crunching) The leaves are literally falling. Is that picking up on camera? They’re literally falling as we speak. This might be one of my favorite trips we’ve ever taken. - It’s amazing. - Yeah, it’s been so beautiful.

07:33 - This is just something we’re really not used to, having nowhere to be, no plans. We’ve been talking about camping this entire time, but we already paid for the RV park for another night, so I think we might just go back, it’s fine. It has power and water and everything we need. But seriously, is this real? This is crazy. I can’t imagine at peak fall what this would look like, but this is unbelievable. This is just crazy that this is freaking Arizona. Arizona really said, desert. And then she also said, forest. Unbelievable. (upbeat music) - We got the shot. How do we get up from this squat? I don’t know. - You’re on your own. - This is unbelievable. I cannot believe this is real. This is so pretty. I keep saying that all day. That’s just this entire vlog is like, I can’t believe this. I haven’t seen fall since 2015 probably, so this is a big deal for me.

08:33 - And you haven’t seen fall like, ever? - Well, when I was in Austin. - Yeah, a little. - A little. - But this is just. Also you can’t hear it, but this guy is down here in a hammock by himself listening to “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac on repeat. Honestly, goals. Look at these Aspen trees, they’re so beautiful. Oh my god! I’m so happy. (upbeat music) We did it. Got the goods. Let’s go eat it. All right, and we have pulled off at the same spot, well, a similar spot that we were at earlier this morning to eat our Whole Foods ‘cause it’s just way too beautiful not to. We have the screen door open, flocked obviously, and we’re gonna enjoy our little date night.

09:37 - (upbeat music) All right, everybody, it is many hours later. I’m so tired, I just washed my face. But we got back from our cute little sunset dinner date. We have been sitting right here in this bed, playing Trivial Pursuit asking each other trivia questions for the last two and a half hours. We just sat around, talked, laughed. It was just very important that we have a lot of off-camera time. You know, I love, love, love, love, filming my life and documenting these memories.

10:12 - Drew and I both, separately and together, go back and look at these vlogs, and are just so, so grateful for them, but also even more grateful for the off-camera time. You know how it goes. So, I’m gonna take the rest of this trip and just enjoy it for the two of us. We are actually going to leave a day early tomorrow. Unfortunately, something came up, it’s no big deal. But we do have to head back tomorrow. We were originally gonna head back Monday, but tomorrow is Sunday and we’re gonna head back then. So we’re gonna enjoy our last night together, watch a movie. We figured it out on my laptop, and that’s gonna be it. So, I will catch back up with you in a few days. I mean, by the time you watch these vlogs, it will have been a couple weeks probably, but back to some normal life. And then I think I mentioned, either in this vlog, or the last vlog, a couple fun little trips coming up.

11:01 - November is gonna be a really fun month, I’m so excited. So, thanks so much for watching. Thank you again to Outdoorsy again, for the millionth time, for this RV. It’s been such a fun experience. Love you guys so much, and we will see you very soon. Bye! - Ooh, bye! (upbeat music) .