Nov 22, 2020 14:57 · 1620 words · 8 minute read
Hello guys and welcome to a new video.. so after playing lots and lots of games I think I finally found my best top 10 weapons in season 12 In my last top 10 video we had a big surprise which was the ASM10 that went from being one of the worst weapons to one of the best. And in today’s video we have another surprise and I don’t think anyone will see it coming. Also after long thinking I decided to make this list based on the weapons that you can actually find on the map and you can loot from the ground because let’s be realistic here you can pretty much make any weapon strong with the right build in the gunsmith.. as for the weapons on the map you’re forced to use them with fixed attachments that you can’t change so the purpose of this video is to help you decide which weapon is worth picking UP Keep in mind that this list represents my personal opinion.. some of you may agree and some may disagree and this is specifically for Battle royale not multiplayer as each mode has different meta.
00:53 - Before we start a quick word from my first ever sponsor Honeygain.. this app allows you to make money doing nothing.. literally nothing.. all you need to do is install the app on your device and right now it supports android devices.. windows devices and macbooks. Sign up using my code or you can just press the link in the description and that will instantly give you $5 and trust me when I tell that it will save you a lot of time. The main question here is how does this app even work without me doing anything.. it’s very simple.. after you install it and sign up..
your account will be activated and all 01:26 - you need to do is start the app and let it run in the background.. that’s it.. you can browse your phone or play games normally while it’s running in the background.. that’s what makes this app special.. and what it does is share your internet data.. sharing more data means more points and more money.. don’t worry it’s safe and doesn’t ask for any device permissions. I’m gonna be honest with you don’t expect to turn into bill gates or Jeff bezos because making money on this app can take some time and you can only use it to buy subscriptions like netflix or spotify or even buy the battle pass in cod mobile.
01:58 - You will be able to withdraw your money after reaching $20 and the app will send the cash to your PayPal account I’m gonna share 3 ways with you that will allow you to make money faster: first of all using my code “ZARA5” when signing up as it will grant you an instant $5 to start with or just simply press the link in the description. 2nd of all Honeygain allows you to add more devices.. adding more devices will allow you to make money faster. finally the app has an invitation system and you can invite your friends or family to use the app.. as a result you will receive %10 of their income So try it and see how it goes.. remember the app consumes data so it’s best for people with unlimited internet or big bundles. In number 10 we have the newest addition to the game the AGR 556.. which is pretty much the AUG and through out my experience in other games this weapon is classified as an assault rifle but in this game they decided to make it an smg for some reason.. the AGR can kill and enemy within this time.. it’s an average gun overall and has a bit of everything but I wouldn’t choose it unless I have to as there are better guns to choose. In number 9 we have ASM10..
what used to be the surprise of the last video back in 03:32 - season 9 has become an average weapon as they made some secret nerfs to it including an increase in recoil and bullet spread.. this weapon kills within this time.. still remains a good weapon to use for long range but again I wouldn’t pick it up unless I have to especially that it has one of the worst mobilities across assault rifles. In number 8 we have the RUS-79U that can kill an enemy within this time.. it was tough decision to make becasue I had to choose between it and the HG 40 as both guns are kind of similar and almost have the same killing time.. however I went with the RUS in the end because it seems more stable and easier to control plus the fact that it has slightly better hipfire.
04:28 - In number 7 we have the QQ9 which can kill within this time.. since it was released on battle royale this weapon has been a solid choice for close range as it has a fast killing time and good hipfire which makes it a good choice especially for the early fights. However I don’t recommend using beyond 10 meters range as it starts to lose damage and accuracy In number 6 we have another SMG which is the Fennec and if u watched my last video then you already know how ridiculous the killing time is with this gun as it can kill within this time and if you equip an akimbo perk to it then you decrease the killing time by almost %50.. it kills so fast it can beat shotguns but the reason I put it in number 6 is because first of all it’s only good at very close range and 2nd of all the fact that it’s a bit hard to control and takes skill to use In number 5 we have the AK117 as it still holds its grounds and proves to be on of the best guns in the game.. this gun can kill within this time which is slightly higher than the last time I tested it..
but the high hipfire accuracy and the low recoil at 05:44 - close to mid range qualifies it to be a main weapon that you can count on to win you the game In number 4 we have the Echo.. this season shotguns received a big hit as their damage and range has been nerfed.. however this shotgun survived and still has good damage but the main reasons why I put in on the list because it doesn’t require any skill to use .. I mean it has cross hairs as big as planet jupiter.. and you can aim while blindfolded .. not to mention that it has auto fire.. and you can just spam it with hipfire. This gun kills within this time and notice that the fennec has faster killing time but also requires more skill to use that’s why I put the Echo in number 4..
literally anyone 06:29 - can use it even if you started playing today. In number 3 we have the exotic Arctic.. representing the snipers gang this is the first time i add a sniper to the list .. it’s time for them to shine as ACTIVISION finally decided to buff them in the past few seasons.. which was very desperately needed.. when you pick this gun notice that says one shot one kill.. that’s not a lie.. it can actually kill any player with a headshot even with a level 3 vest and 150 health..
and in the right hands this gun can be a game 07:05 - changer especially for competitive squads as it provides great support and cover for your team We arrived to the surprise of season 12 the M4LMG.. this gun can kill within this time .. and in case you haven’t noticed it’s the same killing time as the QQ9.. I mean can you imagine that.. an LMG that kills as fast as the QQ9 and faster than most SMGs.. and on top of that you get a huge magazine that can wipe the entire lobby.. that’s not it .. this gun actually has a good hipfire at close range and low recoil at short to mid range.. the only downside to it..
it starts losing damage at longer ranges beyond 50 meters 07:50 - .. finally it has a good mobility for an LMG which is btw faster than the ASM10. and all of these makes it perfect for flushing squads at close range In number 1 we have the AK47.. this gun still manage to remain on the top for the 4th season in a row.. I mean this gun is so good to the point where players would rather take a blue AK47 over any other legendary weapons.. the AK47 kills within this time.. which means it beats the AK117 at close range too.. which makes it dominant at all ranges.. however the AK117 has better hipfire and in my opinion it’s better at close range.. but with the right build you can make an accurate AK47 that’s good at pretty much everything.. I’ve been using this build since the start of season 9 and it’s been working very well for me.. it has slow ADS but very low recoil and a good hipfire too.. feel free to try it.
08:49 - I hope you guys find this useful and if you do a like would be appreciated.. and if you’re new to the channel then consider subscribing for more tip videos.. thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next video.. peace .