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Dec 16, 2020 10:58 · 1317 words · 7 minute read
Hello, this is a volcano. Today, we’re going to talk about blue- fronted beetles that solve 100 poisons. If you go to the mountains, you can find them everywhere. It’s a thick, curvy vine spray. This is called the Tobokryeong and it is used as a medicine. They call it blindness and netting, depending on the region. From late fall, when there is a lot of nutrients in stock, the weak is the strongest in the cold winter.
00:34 - Once upon a time, a man named Seokwoo dug up this root and ate it to avoid hunger. It was named Tobokryeong because it looks a lot like Bokryeong. It’s sour, sweet, and it’s flattering. It enters the liver, stomach, and kidneys. If you chew the whole thing raw, it tastes sour and sweet. The bitter, spicy, and bitter taste are mixed evenly. The more spicy the taste is, the better the medicine works. Old books say there’s no poison, but there’s no such thing as morphine and alkaloids. There are several types of toxicity, so be careful of overuse and long-term use. Diosgenin in Tobong-ryeong is also hemolytic. We found that the stream had enough pharmacology to paralyze the fish. This material is also used as a synthetic material for steroid hormones. Tobokryeong decodes a hundred poisons.
The people of the past have regarded it as almost a panacea. In particular, it is used to release all kinds of poisons such as mercury, lead, and cadmium. If you drink water that’s a master, you have a lot of urine. If we measure the amount of mercury in this urine, You can see how much mercury is accumulated in our bodies. So, if you drink a master’s water for 3 to 7 days, you can solve all the mercury poisoning. It can detoxify all kinds of harmful substances.
01:52 - In fact, many people with chronic diseases were completely cured after drinking tea that was made with the alveoli spirit. Through the paper, it was recognized that it was an excellent antidote to fatty liver, dermatitis, prostate inflammation, and syphilis. To relieve the mercury poisoning accumulated in the body, pour a dose of water 20 to 30 grams of total boknyeong. If you drink it three times a day, it will be solved quickly. Tobaccoons are also very good at dissolving poisons in the prostate and kidney. It has been widely used as a drug to strengthen male reproductive organs. Usually, it is good for people with weak bodies and for treating impotence. So Toboknyeong is nicknamed natural Viagra from the mountains. This is a well-known fact not only in Korea but also abroad. A substance that strengthens the energy contained in the alveoli is a substance called testosterone.
It prolongs the youth of men and women and prevents aging. So in many countries in South America, we’re going to extract testosterone from Tobongnyeong. They make pills and sell them in natural Viagra, which is very popular. Also, there are some types of arginine and steroid sapogenin. Diosgenin is very high in content, which enhances male hormones. Diosgenin is used as a raw material for sex hormones. It is also a type of Viagra that makes artificial sex hormones. Thanks to these ingredients, the force explodes and the blood circulation is good. It has come into the spotlight as a drug that boosts men’s energy. Recent studies by medical scientists from all over the world have shown that If testosterone, which is a male hormone, is supplied, sexual function becomes stronger.
They also presented experimental evidence that physical strength is also strengthened. Professor Russell and Professor Abeloman of the United States are trying to extract hormones from natural plants. After several years of hard work, I found hormone components in the alveoli. I’ve written a paper on the decree and published it in the New York Times. What’s unique is that one plant has both male and female hormones. Tobacco kills not only male testosterone, but also female hormones Prostaglandin. It was also found to contain steroids produced by the adrenal cortex. Hungarian medical scientists say that when the natives of South America become weak and weak, I started researching when I saw you eat the albacillus. They also said they found both male and female sex hormones. As a result, the material contained in the alveoli has a significant effect on all cells in the human body.
It is a very important hormone drug that increases sexual desire and strengthens energy. The inability of men to have a normal sex life is often referred to as sexual dysfunction. When a man becomes negative, his personality becomes timid and his view of life becomes distorted. It also fails to produce male hormones in testicles. It’s caused by the inability to supply the body normally. This can be said to play a big role in prescribing this as a special effect. Especially in order to maximize your energy with the Torah. Rather than just eating, if you dip it in and mature it for a long time, The effect is 10 times greater than the actual Viagra. So if you drink a single drink, you can relieve your insensitivity at once. It also makes muscles and bones strong. But if you overuse it, it’ll backfire. You have to drink just one glass of soju a day. Toboknyeong was also famous for its 100 years of treatment for venereal diseases. Some people have suffered from syphilis.
In some cases, they treated syphilis by heating it up. There were a lot of women in Bonchogang, so there were a lot of venereal diseases like syphilis. It says that if you use the Tobokryeong at this time, you can see a great effect. And it is said to be effective not only for syphilis but also for gonorrhea and evil intestines. Pour a dose of water into these venereal bottles 30 to 60 grams. Heat it on low heat until the water drops in half. If you take it for about 2 months, you’ll usually get good results. In addition, the clinical trials treated 75 psoriasis patients, resulting in 47 complete recoveries. And pour 15 grams of total boknyeong into a psoriasis patient, and a liter of water. I’ll stay one night and let him drink half of it in the morning for 20 minutes. I decided to drink the other half in the evening. And after a week of feeding, the skin started peeling off.
The red spots were clearly visible under the skin, It faded away again and disappeared completely. (Actual method) Toboknyeong digs its roots in late fall or early winter to remove its beard roots, After washing the soil, when the water dries out, you can cut it into small pieces and dry it in the sun. Pour 20 to 30 grams of dried medicine into 1 to 2 liters of water. You can drink it 3 times a day, sweetening it until the water decreases to a certain extent. Pour the desalination soju into a glass container when you’re making alcohol.
You can seal it tightly and store it in a cool place. You can set the ageing period from 6 months to 1 year. The longer you stay, the stronger the medicine, so keep in mind. I hope you have only one drink a day. (Caution) It contains a small amount of toxic substances. Depending on the constitution, skin rashes and rashes can occur. If these symptoms persist, you should immediately stop taking them. Also, if you take it for a long time, you can suffer from constipation. If you boil it with rice water in constipation, you can prevent side effects. And it’s good to take it only during the cure period. It’s not good to drink for a long time like drinking tea. Thanks for watching. It’s been a volcano so far. .