Garmin Connect IQ - EXPLICAȚIA COMPLETĂ: Applicații, fețe de ceas, datascreenuri și widgeturi
Nov 21, 2020 16:00 · 1546 words · 8 minute read
Hello! I’m Alex and this week we’re going to talk about all the elements that make up the Garmin platform ConnectIQ. After the break. ConnectIQ is a platform launched by Garmin in 2015, which currently underlies the majority of their products whether we are talking about smart watches or about cycling computers. What we need to understand is that it is a platform that supports four elements for these devices Faces, ie clock faces that do not apply to bicycle computers, Datascreens, which are the screens that makeup an application, applications and widgets. And today we will be talking about all four categories, on My Fenix 6 watch. To understand exactly how they work and how they connect to each other.
00:58 - Let’s take the faces first, or what the clock looks like when it’s not in an activity or has something else open, does not have an open application. Each watch comes with a few faces preinstalled which can be customized from the watch settings, which depends from one watch to another. Let’s get into this watch face, costumize, data. For example, see the field above. I went from altitude to barometer to heartrate to battery and so on. Each face may or may not have a degree of costumize, it is not necessary for one to have one. They can be quite fixed and static faces. The idea that the ConnectIQ platform allows you to use the ConnectIQ Store and download other watchfaces. E.g.
01:51 - If we go back to the watchface settings, I have two faces installed. Let’s say this and that. Watchfaces are the most basic element of the ConnectIQ platform. These are what we see all day looking at our watches. The second component of the ConnectIQ platform is widgets. Think of them as mini apps that are intended to provide information at a glance, at the time you need it.
For example, the sleep widget running in the background shows you what 02:27 - analyzed your watch and what it recorded during the night in connection with your sleep and it shows you some details based on that. A slightly more complex widget that does not come pre-installed is the hydration widget that gives you the chance to log the water you drink during the day. A slightly more complex widget in the sense that this is a widget you can also interact with. The watch comes pre-installed with a few widgets such as the sleep temperature notifications pulse oximeter, health stats, last activity, training status and so on but as usual like the other elements of the ConnectIQ platform, on their store you can enter to download others as needed. The third component of the platform and perhaps the most interesting for a person that buys a watch with fitness functions are applications.
There are usually two 03:24 - types: those that come pre-installed most of which are apps related to sports and apps found on the store, which can be as diverse as Uber apps, music apps and so on. In addition to a applications that come pre-installed on watches and those that can be downloaded from ConnectIQ each user can create their own applications, either from the phone or from the watch. For example, you can create one by copying an existing activity. At the moment They call these activities, but this themselves are the concept of apps that we are familiar with. For example, the first one gives you the chance to copy an existing one and modify it.
You can do this 04:16 - for example, although it exists, but I’ll give you as an example a running application if you want to make a trail running, mountain running app, you can copy the running app and modify it according to the needs of mountain running. Multisport that lets you create an application combining several sports Trailrunning, virtual run and so on. in a way these are pre-installed but not configured, they are not accessible until you pass through these steps to create it. The fourth component of ConnectIQ is the data screen. They are the information, the display, what a user sees when they are in an activity, when they are in an application.
Let’s open for example row indoor 05:07 - and you will see that I have a datascreen consisting of 1 2 3 4 5 components that are configurable. For example you see I have three points which means I have three data screens at rowing indoor activity and I can change each of them. Once the layout. For example, from the five I have at the moment, I can decrease to 4 At three, at three. Three. Two and even one, let’s go back to two it’s actually easier to see, which I can modify them with other information. For example at the moment I have a graph related to heart rate in the first component of this data screen, let’s replace it with let’s say, a field for temperature.
What is the current temperature measured by the watch. These the preconfigured datascreens, the pre-installed screens that come with the watch. If we go to the strength application, which is an application for going to the gym, for weight lifting. We open it and here I have a datascreen downloaded from the store. You see, this is not looking on the same template as the ones we saw earlier.
Let’s get into it, I started it 06:45 - Again, it doesn’t have the same template, the same interface style like the ones we’ve seen before because this is a datascreen downloaded from the store, it’s made by a programmer and can not even configure it, the components as we saw earlier, from watch level. It is configurable only from the phone, accessing the settings of this datascreen. On the other hand, if we scroll. Among them you see that I have more datascreens, so an app can have more datascreens, and it can combine those downloaded from the store with the standard ones. On the other hand as I said, this is not configurable at the watch level, I can not change the information that is displayed to me at the moment, but in the Strenght app I can change their order So this is not the first. Reorder. So GymIntervalTimer, which is my screen downloaded from the net would not be the first one, it can be the second or the third.
07:59 - Basically imagine that everything in a datascreen downloaded from the store is not configurable at the watch level, although it does at the phone app level, but the activity, the app, of which that screen is a part of is still configurable at the watch level. These datascreens even if combined between the store and the pre-installed ones can change on watch, their order, or rearranged. And the last part I want us to go through today is the ConnectIQ app available on both major mobile stores, both the Apple AppStore and Google Play. We will not go through the app, we are more interested in the elements themselves that we talked about today. For example, let’s take Neat Weather, you see it first here, but let’s go to My Device, because I already have it installed.
This is a watch face that is configurable, so the configuration for a watchface, for a widget, for 08:58 - datascreen, for anything, it is done in the ConnectIQ application. You can also do it through the main Connect app, but also from here immediately after installation. Now I don’t know why this screen refreshed. Ok, it’s loaded, go into it, Settings and see all the fields that are configurable for this watchface. We will see the same thing if we go to My widges, for example. The Garmin Hydraion you saw I have installed, it has the Settings button.
09:32 - It’s not a general rule, there are some elements, like widgets, datafields and so on which do not have a configuration level. For example, if we were looking for one in the store, I don’t know which it might be but let’s try a random one, let’s try widgets. My device, let’s see if I don’t have one installed, GPS Metrics this one has settings. METAR this one also has settings. Wind and Wave from Garmin. The installation will take a while. Installed, it shows up in my widgets As you can see, this is a widget that has no settins, we have nothing to configure. The same applies to any of the four categories we talked about today.
10:31 - For example, if we go to my datafields, I showed you the Strength application which had the custom data screen, GymintervalTimer, which is this one, which again has a level of settings that the user can configure. After today’s video, I hope you have a better and more complete idea of the four ConnectIQ-based concepts, applications, data screens, widgets and watchfaces. If you have other questions, please go down in the comments, ask them, and as much as I possibly can, as far as I know, I’ll try to answer them. and don’t forget until next time we see each other outside. .