Dutch Sheets: Make Disciples of All the Nations (Matthew 28:19)
Feb 5, 2021 12:30 · 2099 words · 10 minute read
But this ecclesia thing started coming alive in me because when Jesus said, “I’ll build my church” He said, “I’m going to get the family back. ” But there’s another mandate in Genesis one.
00:13 - This isn’t the mandate of multiplying and reproducing and giving Him family.
00:18 - This mandate is, you’re going to govern this planet for Me.
00:22 - This is your home, you’re going to to take care of it, you’re going to steward it.
00:27 - And when He says, “Have dominion and subdue this planet” He used two Hebrew words for government.
00:36 - He said, “You’re going to govern the planet here.
00:40 - “You’re going to take care of it. “You’re going to manage it for Me.
00:44 - “For us. ” Of course, that authority was lost and Jesus came to get that back too.
00:51 - And so when he said I will (indistinct) my ecclesia, he was saying, “I’ve come get the family back “and I’ve come to get the government back too.
01:03 - (congregation applauding) And that’s all He said, Matthew 28 “All authority is given to me now, both in heaven and earth” He already had it in heaven became and He took back what Adam had lost.
01:18 - He didn’t lose anything, Adam had. He didn’t come and get it back for Himself.
01:22 - He came to get it back for us, to get things back into the heavenly pattern of us being His family and raising up sons and daughters and households and communities of faith that are just overwhelmed with their passion for Him and for one another.
01:43 - And we would die for one another and we would die for Him.
01:50 - Well, ‘cause we can’t get enough of Him we love Him.
01:55 - But something else has been going on and the King has been rumbling deep in the spirits of those kids.
02:10 - He’s saying “I need more than just a bride.
02:21 - “I need a government, Ecclesia. Not an earthly thing.
02:32 - Don’t picture Washington DC picture spiritual authority and the King delegates and reveals what He wants.
02:43 - And through spiritual authority, it’s implemented through His family.
02:48 - - [Congregant] Yes! - But that doesn’t make it any less real.
02:55 - You do all know that, don’t you? It’s because I call it spiritual.
03:00 - Don’t think of it as something that’s just a picture and symbolic thing that’s not real.
03:09 - And of course, you know so I’ll do the quick version.
03:19 - To the Greeks, an ecclesia was a legislature, not a building, not a congregation.
03:24 - That was a synagogue. Jesus didn’t say “I’ll build my synagogue” If He was talking about a congregation or just referencing this, which is a good thing.
03:35 - If He was just referencing this He would have said, “I’ll build my synagogue. ” When He said “I’ll build my ecclesia,” the only context of the day for that was a government legislature.
03:51 - And they were called Legislators. They were called ecclesias.
03:58 - To the Romans they took the phrase and they used it also to the Romans it was a governing body of people.
04:04 - What’s this? We get religious with things but I’ll give you three terms here that when when Jesus first started using them they weren’t religious at all.
04:15 - So the Romans when they would conquer a region they would send in an ecclesia to govern it, led by an apostle.
04:26 - That was the term. And they were assigned not only to govern that region, but the Romans knew if we don’t change the way they think, if we allow them for the next 10, 20, 30, 40 years to keep thinking like Persians, for example one of these days, they’re going to want to rebel.
04:52 - They’re going to want that identity back and say, “We’re Persians. ” And so they’ll fight us.
04:58 - But if we can change the way they think through education, culture, family, government.
05:11 - If we can change the way they think until they finally are happy saying, “I’m a Roman. ” Then our kingdom will last.
05:23 - So the term for that was discipling.
05:32 - So they said ecclesiasian, led by an apostle the disciple nations.
05:43 - To think like Rome. So when Jesus came along and He restored the mandate, He said “I’ve come get the family back.
05:53 - “And now I’ve restored this authority “this governmental concept of stewarding the earth. ” Then before He left, gave us the great commission only we’ve called it the great commission but He really didn’t give us a great commission.
06:07 - He gave us two great commissions. And really, when He did it, they were two recommissions because in Mark 16, He said, this is my paraphrase.
06:17 - “Now I’ve done everything I need to do. “I’ve reestablished the family.
06:21 - “Now you’re going to go multiply again. “So go into all the world “preach the gospel and you go down the list “and you’re going to get born again, filled with the Spirit.
06:27 - “You’re going to cast out all the demons. “You’re going to get them healthy “and now go do it, reproduce. ” But in Matthew 28, it wasn’t about only God’s get the family back.
06:37 - Matthew 28 was all about discipling nations.
06:44 - So He said in Matthew 28 “Go and make disciples of the nations. ” And if you have a translation and I’m not trying to be mean, but if you have a translation that says go and make disciples, as in people, one at a time, that’s not a good translation.
07:03 - But our faith, a lot of people, you know…
07:09 - It’s a lot easier to translate that way than to believe He may have really said “I want you to go disciple nations” But that’s what Jesus said.
07:18 - “Go disciple nations, “because you’re my ecclasian.
07:24 - “And you’re going to go in with apostolic authority and wisdom.
07:30 - “You’re going to disciple those nations for Me “after they come into the family, the kingdom of heaven “You’re responsible to make them think like heaven.
07:55 - “If you don’t do that, If you’re limited in your understanding to only half of the assignment you get people saved, but you don’t transform earth.
08:20 - So you can experience for example, what is perhaps in scope and numbers at least the greatest revival in history called the charismatic movement.
08:37 - And many scholars would say as many as 50 million people were saved in the charismatic movement.
08:47 - And in America, it swept through this nation and millions of people came into the kingdom of God.
08:55 - And the Jesus people movement with the youth came in and it was incredible.
09:03 - But how do you have the greatest outpouring of Holy spirit in history? And when the dust settles, you have lost ground How does that happen? When a decade or two have gone by, you have lost education lost the government, lost the media because our mindset, our understanding was just get them ready for heaven, get them saved and get them in the family.
09:53 - And we didn’t… If we stepped into Matthew 28 at all, it was just to say we have to disciple this person that came into the family here.
10:04 - We couldn’t get our arms around mountains - [Congregation] That’s so powerful! - Culture, society, and in the charismatic movement and I’m not going to get off on eschatology because I don’t know enough about it.
10:27 - But, I will say this our eschatology in the charismatic movement which I was a part of, which it was my eschatology too was basically… .
10:35 - None of that stuff matters anyway because it’s all going to get worse and worse and it’s all evil and Jesus is coming so soon it won’t matter anyway.
10:50 - So the buzzword of the movement was Maranatha, the Lord cometh The first Christian movie was the “Thief in the Nigh”t about the rapture.
10:58 - The best-selling book was “The Late Great Planet Earth. ” And the most popular song was “Soon and Very Soon, We’re Going to See the King” (congregation laughing) The whole movement was built around, let’s get out of here.
11:13 - And so there was no vision, there was no theology anyway for thinking in an apostolic sense of discipling nations and a mandate to do that.
11:27 - And so we lost a lot of ground. What’s beautiful is that, what is coming is so strong but what’s the good thing coming? What God’s about to do is so strong and the outpouring of His spirit is going to be so profound.
11:47 - And so many millions of people are going to be swept into the kingdom from every mountain from every walk of life.
11:55 - From government business, media, campuses, kids, young, old black, white, Latino, Asian-American, there’s this huge of revival coming.
12:06 - There’s a rushing mighty wind on steroids (audience applauding) That is coming into this nation and the nations of the earth.
12:16 - And we are going to be more positioned than we’ve ever been in history to transform nations almost overnight.
12:23 - (congregation applauding) Because we understand His authority now.
12:30 - And we understand that we don’t have to dictate to people and try to rule by force would change the heart.
12:37 - And God does something then. And all of a sudden they didn’t care yesterday but today they want to know what God thinks and they start loving the Bible.
12:50 - I’ve become convinced that one of the things that happens to people who get born again, it was just common sense goes to another level.
12:57 - (congregation laughing) You don’t need a lot of revelation to know that the boys and the girls ought to be in different bathrooms.
13:07 - It’s common sense you know. (audience cheering) I mean, you just…
13:26 - When Holy spirit takes up residence here. You start thinking differently Just for the sake of teaching and understanding this.
13:46 - I call Mark 16 awakening or revival. When that happens with a lot of momentum I call Matthew 28 reformation or transformation.
13:56 - That doesn’t matter to me what you call them.
13:58 - Those terms work for me. So the reason I said that is to say, we have had a movement now.
14:08 - That’s too strong a word, we have had teaching that has been of the spirit for 10, 15 years now saying transformation, mountains, culture, society.
14:23 - Let me just tell you, we have had no ability to do that.
14:27 - That’s just Holy spirit preparing the way, and we sing, take our cities and this and that.
14:35 - We haven’t taken one yet. We haven’t transformed a mountain yet.
14:38 - - [Congregant] Yes! - Well, we haven’t had the ability to do that because when things get so far down this road of heresy and Secularism and humanism and atheism, and they’ve taken over the institutions and media and government, and now you’re indoctrinated.
15:04 - You’ve got a 40 year generation that’s all they’ve known.
15:12 - And it would have been impossible to have wrought the level of transformation and change that we’ve been teaching and preaching.
15:21 - Thank God for the Lance Wallnau’s and anybody else that’s carried that message.
15:24 - It would have been impossible up to now to do that.
15:28 - And Holy spirit knew that he’s just preparing the way.
15:32 - He’s planting the seeds so that when Mark 16 starts to happen the church is ready now with an apostolic company of nation builders that can step in and say “We don’t want to do in government.
15:47 - “We don’t want to do an education, media, business.
15:50 - “We’ll show you the principles of the kingdom “and how they work in life. ” And they’re going to be millions of people that say “Somebody tell me what God thinks about this. “.