Make Your Faith Real to Unlock & Attract Unlimited Positive Energy

Dec 22, 2020 06:15 · 4043 words · 19 minute read ka bah moment

Click the link now to subscribe Nawaytul arbaeen, nawaytul itikaf, nuwaytul khalwa, sulook was siyam fi hadhal majlis Ya Rabbil Arshil azeem. Always a reminder for myself ana abdukal ajizu daifu miskeen wa zalim wa jahl, and but for the grace of Allah (AJ) that we are still in existence and we took a path in which to be nothing. That anyone has questions ‘’ and that to keep the line of communication open, ask the questions that you have. The encouragement of asking the questions online, if anyone has a question that they think is appropriate for the entire audience and within the same subject matter of meditation, tafakkur (contemplation).

00:58 - Alhamdulillah if they don’t answer it or don’t ask the question don’t be discouraged, sometimes it may not be relevant and it’s difficult to go from A to Z, Z to X and keep bouncing back with all sorts of different directions because there’s a live audience listening and we’ll just confuse them at home with all the different subject matters. So, it’s not that they’re disrespecting anyone but it’s maybe not appropriate for the live audience but you can email them and email the questions that you have. The biggest concern is to make our tafakkur and our contemplation. How to make the connection and how to develop that relationship with the Divinely presence and we said before that there are many people teaching ‘2+2, 2+2, 2+2,’ but they don’t give the answer and everything from Islam is an answer; every hadith leads to an answer. And if in these days the person teaching is not giving the answer that is necessary for our survival in days of difficulty.

02:13 - That when Allah (AJ) describes oppression and when you have oppressed yourself ‘Run’ – “Jaooka” : run to the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and it’s the tenant of our very belief. That before you can understand “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” you have had to have mastered “A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem”. Means that of all the knowledges and all the realities you’re going to build off of a solid foundation and it can’t be built off of a cliff. So means when someone doesn’t know this key then everything they build their knowledge on is on a cliff; it has no foundation like quicksand. So, the importance of all knowledge, all reality, every type of difficulty is what is Allah (AJ) want when He tells us to seek refuge.

03:15 - Seek refuge – A’udhu Billah, in that illahiyat (lordship) and in that Divinity seek refuge in the “Billah” from “Shaitanir Rajeem.” So, where are we going to seek refuge in Allah (AJ) from shaitan (satan) when he’s everywhere: he’s everywhere and every location is shaitan. So, awliya (saints) come into our life and teach that this key and this reality of opening everything is to understand that we have to run to the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. That is the key and the solution. That our life is to run to that presence and by running into that presence we are unlocking the key, the most important key of “A’udhu Billahir Minash Shaitanir Rajeem,” then every knowledge its foundation will be correct. Right. If you pour your knowledge on anything other than that, it’s not correct. It has a chance of flipping.

04:33 - There are many who, scholars who started off talking you know interesting hadith, ‘Last days this, this one this, this one this, this one’, they became popular, popular, popular but the foundation was never about “Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ.” So, later on you can see then how that knowledge began to deviate and just became like you know just telling your own stories. And the reality of “A’udhu” wasn’t understood. That the tariqah (spiritual path) is to come and say, ‘Make no man more important than the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.’ There is no zikr (Divine remembrance), no khatim, no nothing you can do more powerful than salawat e-Nabi ﷺ (praising upon Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ).

05:32 - There’s no one that you can love if your love is not complete and kamil (perfect) for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. And there is no love that can save you if your love is not for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Because that which you love that’s imperfect is imperfect, so that’s an imperfect love. That which has even a drop of ignorance or imperfection is not kamil and not perfected. And so for every Prophet of Allah (AJ) He gave them an imperfection. That’s why shari’ah (Divine law) describe “Shafa’at e-kubra” (the grand intercession). They debate about intercession on a scale on this earth and they all agree with the grand intercession of the day of judgement. When every Prophet will gather their nations and they come to Sayyidina Adam (as) his nation, say, ‘Intercede for us.’ ‘Yeah I can’t I sinned. I ate from an apple and we fell. How I can represent Allah (AJ)? I have a deficiency in my account. Go to the one whom is more pure.’ They go to Sayyidina Nuh (as) and say, ‘I can’t, I actually prayed for ‘azaab (punishment) on my nation and Allah (AJ) flooded and killed them all.

07:09 - He’s not the one he’s going to intercede for creation.’ Nabi Musa (as) say, ‘I can’t, I hit someone with my hand and he died.’ And Sayyidina Isa (as), ‘Oh boy yeah I can’t, they took me as god.’ And you don’t know now, wait for a few months when you start hearing about his presence on earth and he start calling himself God. He’s coming the ‘Anti’ one to call himself a rab and lord on this earth.

07:44 - And Sayyidina Isa’s (as) gonna say, ‘I can’t, this people they took me as an illah (God) because I showed too many miracles,’ which was against the adab (manners) of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. So, “khuluqal azeem” is then the is the key for all realities and that’s why Allah (AJ) then teaching, “Qul in kuntum tuhibbon Allaha fattabi’oni.” If they want and you think Allah’s (AJ) speaking to this little dot on this planet and that.. what is it the billion of us sitting here? Or this Qur’an is for all of creation. What sound and what manifestation it has on every plant and every crack and crevice of this entire universe is under the command of Holy Qur’an.

08:39 - Allah’s (AJ) ancient command is a command to all the angels, to all the Prophets, to all the jinn (unseen beings), all the creation we know and what we don’t know, “Qul in kuntum tuhibbon Allah” – an ancient order like ‘Don’t come to me, I have no interest in you unless you are fattabi’oni, unless you are following the way of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. He is Sayyidina Siratal mustaqeem (the straight path). This is our key; this should be the key for whatever you listen to. You listen, say, ‘Oh, this is a good speaker.’ Yes, because Prophet ﷺ described, ‘Their tongue in the last days will please you cause the qir’at (recitation) is perfect, their Arabic is perfect.

’ 09:41 - And Arabs are the worst in belief, the worst in belief, most in munafiqeen and hypocrisy and kufr and these are Allah’s (AJ) words: Surah Tawbah verse 97. Don’t take because their Arabic is good and you think it’s entertaining for you. But the words have to match the belief. We’re seeing now the whole Arab world what they’re doing with Allah (AJ) gave them of their zaban (tongue) and their language and they say, ‘We’re the chosen ones and we know this language.’ You know the language you don’t know the deen (religion), what are you doing? You have more Christmas ornaments in your stores than the celebration of miladun Nabi ﷺ (celebration of the birthday of Prophet ﷺ). We won’t go into that. The ‘Poo-poo train’ [laughter]. They build skyscrapers the barefoot Bedouin.

10:54 - Barefoot because they belong in the desert playing with the camels. They made themself adam for us. They came and pretended that they were big human beings but they really like to take their shoes off and run in the desert. And they built this huge five diamond structure buildings and did you know that they don’t even have the ability for their waste to go into the ground. So, the poo-poo trains of Dubai, six miles long of trucks they have to come into the city just to take the waste of those buildings and then drive them back out into the desert. Last days it’s the time of deceit where Allah (AJ) ask, ‘You have eyes but you don’t see.

’ 11:53 - You think this is the place of glitter and glamour and you see it to be all so beautiful, ‘Let’s all go there.’ But you don’t see behind the scenes that Allah (AJ) doesn’t even let them to put their waste into their ground. They have to take it by trucks to take it out. What happens if in difficulty, 4 days of difficulty? Who’s going to drive those trucks out? They be swimming in that, it’s all a facade. All the bad characteristics, these are the days in which to..

don’t be impressed by 12:31 - the qir’at of somebody but go to the depth of the reality of what they’re talking and it should be based on the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. So, you verify yourself, Suratal Tawbah which is the gate and the baab (door) of all this teachings. Verse 97. Hmm, they gave the most trouble to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. So, means these are the days to be careful with our belief. The key for belief and understanding and knowledges and reality is in the “A’udhu”. If the formula is not telling us to run, run to the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Your safety is in the sunnah (Prophetic traditions) of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, in the love and in the khuluq, in the character. They’re some who adhere to the sunnah but they’re very angry and mean. So, it’s an ingredients: ‘How to bake a perfect love.’ One must have the pot called ‘Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ.

’ 14:30 - Its main ingredients must be immense love, immense good character, every type of goodness and tolerance and patience. Then it is going to produce the beatific Muhammadan flowers, we call: “Gul-e-Muhammadi” – the perfected roses of the Divinely paradises and Divinely gardens. And this is what we’re in search of, this is what our whole life. Whatever you’re listening to, whoever you’re listening to if the solution is not running to the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ there is no man on this earth who can promise to help you and save you that he can’t save himself. Don’t forget that. The only salvation and safety is we ran to the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

15:32 - So, that’s why they’re emailing that, ‘I’m sick, I’m not feeling good, I’m this, I’m that, I’m this…’ Okay, there is no man that can help you. There is no one that you can email that takes away your problem. Only help is in the love of Allah (AJ) that love of Allah (AJ) is to love Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. That’s why then they’ll ask you, ‘Are you doing your practices. We’ll make du’a (supplication) for you, no problem but are you praying for yourself too? Are you doing your salawats? Are you doing these teachings? If these teachings are coming from the presence and the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, then are you doing the tafakkur that he’s inspiring and teaching? You’re doing your wudu (ablution), you do your practices to keep your energy, you stick with your wudu, you do your awrad (daily practices), you do your salawats, you do all your salah (prayers), you do all your practices.

16:33 - When you do those it’s a sign of love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. What did we think loving Prophet ﷺ was? We want him ﷺ to be happy with us. We want him to look and say, ‘This MashAllah, this from my nation. Look, look this ambassador is from my nation. Look how he’s struggles with himself or herself, he does his practices, he does everything he’s supposed to do, he tries his best or her best to have the best of character.

17:11 - Every father feels that pride and they feel the shame if the child does the reverse and does bad and does bad and does bad. You have to bail them out from everything, bail them out from school fights and school problems all the way until you get into dealing with the police. That’s not something that Prophet ﷺ wants to keep bailing you out from Allah’s (AJ) punishment. So, it’s no difference, we understood our life is a reflection. Why Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ described that, ‘Your married life is half your deen.

’ 17:46 - Because he knows as soon as you become married you’re going to understand what “Ummah” (nation) means. How your child and family, how you’re responsible, how you have to take care of them and keep everything together. Now we understood the immensity of this love. We want him to be proud of us ﷺ, we try our best for salah, all our practices, all our readings, all our recitations, every zikr and every durood (praising upon Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ) and everything that we can do and then we gain the nazar (gaze). Then we support, as we support then we give our khidmat (service) and give my time, all of these become evidence of love.

18:31 - We’re not the people, I’d debate with other people or talk with other relatives they’re of a different faith. Say, ‘You don’t pray? Oh! you’re one of those.’ ‘Yeah, I’m good with God, I pray in my heart [other person replies].’ Get out of here. There’s no love that doesn’t expose itself and show itself. Islam’s first step was to give your shahadah (testimony of faith), why? Allah (AJ) knows your faith, if He gave it to you, He gave it. If He didn’t, He didn’t but Allah (AJ) wants you to know your faith. That give your shahadah, remind yourself you’re a Muslim before you’re doing these things. What are you doing? Wake up. Allah (AJ) didn’t hear it, Allah (AJ) wanted me to hear it. Same, why Allah (AJ) needs my salah? Said, ‘No you pray because you’re about to do bad things. Remember soon as you pray remember I am your creator and you are My servant.

’ 19:31 - And salah is a reminder and tarbiyah– a discipline upon ourselves it’s not for God, it’s not for Allah (AJ). It’s for myself. If I’m not disciplined enough to do these practices then we understand this is then the difficulty. So, we do all that we do for the nazar of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Did your zakat (charity), you did your salah, you did all your awrads, you did your salawats. You should have a tasbih (prayer beads) always with you. In front of people put it away so that don’t have your nafs (ego) involved. When no one’s around you’re doing salawat all the time, driving doing your salawat all the time. Is there a moment that you think I would die and I wouldn’t be making salawats. That, ‘Ya Rabbi if I get an accident now at least they find me with a tasbih in my hand praising upon your Divinely presence,’ because that durood-e- shareef is the highest zikr of Allah (AJ). Not the zikr ‘Allah, Allah, Allah’ Allah (AJ) doesn’t need that.

20:40 - Allah (AJ) said, ‘InnAllaha wa malayikatahu yusalluna ‘alan Nabi’. Allah’s (AJ) zikr is to praise upon Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. And that’s why that praise is “Allahuma Sali ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.” So, means everything that we are doing, this is a solution for many emails that are coming, ‘Shall I listen to this? Can I do this? Can I do that?’ Do whatever you want. If the solution is not pulling us in the direction of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and there’s not a human out there that can claim to give you salvation, to help you, to lift you, to do anything if it’s not involving the formula of the love and supremacy of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. It sets every love perfect.

21:33 - There’s no family member of the Prophet’s family that will save you. There’s no companion that will save you and there’s no white bearded person that will save you if we don’t have the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, is supreme, is supreme. Without that love and that’s why the shaykh has to start with a foundation, ‘Do you durood, do your salawats, attend the mehfil (gatherings), attend these associations because that’s the supreme love. That’s the love that Allah (AJ) is only, only interested in. Allah (AJ) didn’t mention anything else in Qur’an; Allah (AJ) mention this love.

22:18 - Why? Because as soon as we make our salawat, as soon as we make our durood “feekum” – he’s inside you. Because you made one salawat, the light and the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is now entering into you. “Harisun ‘alaykum bilmuminin hu wa raufun Rahim.” Every reality of Allah’s (AJ) description of Prophet ﷺ is entering within you and your heart is actually becoming the ka’bah. And Prophet ﷺ is the greatest defender of the ka’bah. “Shahidan” (a witness), inside you he’s witnessing everything. “Mubashiran” (bearer of glad tidings), every emanation and tajjali and blessing is coming from who, between me and you and Allah (AJ)? Allah’s (AJ) sending you tajjali’s because He’s so happy and excited about your existence? Or that you have the light of Prophet ﷺ inside you and Allah’s (AJ) always sending blessings upon that light, tajjali’s upon that light, love upon that light. You become the lucky recipient of that light. That’s why ‘Lagi jany bom bom bom’ [shaykh hums “Lagiya Ne Mojaa”] how they achieve these blessings because this light came in into the heart. The Muhammadan light entered into the heart. “Inna Fatahna laka Fathan Mubeena.

” 23:55 - This light and this opening that the light of Prophet ﷺ has entered into your heart. He’s bringing these tajjali’s, he’s bringing Mubashiran, he’s bringing Allah’s (AJ) happiness, satisfaction, joy and pleasure. Every tajjali from the light of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is dressing that servant’s heart because of the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ within you. Then, then when you love Prophet ﷺ “Nazeeran.” He’s gonna tell you ‘Now that me and you we… I love you; you love me, I want you to love my family, respect them and love them.’ “Samina wa Atana.

” 24:38 - Your word upon my head and you do everything in your life to show that love that ‘I want you to love my companions, they gave their lives for me.’ “Fedayat besham” that I say, ‘Oh let me to die in their way that they be happy with me because you love them and they love you. “Nazeeran,” that Prophet ﷺ will guide us. ‘This one no, and this one yes.’ You tell me if your heart is filled with love, immense love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, he’s not guiding and calibrating for you and if his love is over whelming you, he doesn’t guide you to his love too? Like a magnet he’ll draw you to other Muhammadans. If they’re not drawn to you, they don’t have that love. When his love overtakes you, you find every ka’bah, you’re drawn to it.

25:46 - And all this city they’re not drawn to it? If that love is there, you’ll be drawn to the Muhammadan reality because it’s Prophet ﷺ inside of you pushing you and guiding you, directing you. That’s what it meant to be muqaddam (the one who follows upon the footsteps) that, ‘You follow on my steps, my light is in your heart, my love is in your heart, your love is in my heart. You move where I tell you to move. You love who I tell you to love and everything about them is a reflection, everything is to seek the rida and satisfaction – “Illahi anta maqsodi, wa Ridaka Matlob”: I beg your forgiveness and seek your satisfaction. Illahi, the Divinely presence and asking the Divinely presence which encompasses Allah’s (AJ) Might and Majesty and is under the authority and sultanate (kingdom) of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Illahi anta maqsodi – I’m begging your forgiveness.

26:51 - Forgiveness of who? Of Prophet ﷺ. Guide me, be within me. Your light to overwhelm me and command me to keep away from what Allah (AJ) doesn’t want and to do what Allah (AJ) will be satisfied and pleased with. And the rida and satisfaction of Allah (AJ) be upon, because if Allah (AJ).. and I moving in the way that Allah’s (AJ) happy and I have this immense love, imagine then your life is a blessed life, filled with lights and fragrances. So, means in these days and all these questions that are coming in of doing this and doing that and most supreme, and most supreme and foundation or everything is the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

27:43 - Is someone drawing you to that love? Do you feel in your heart that, that love has increased? Then good tidings to you for you are successful on your journey. Is from what you covet of light, of badness and bad character being taken out for everything that you give of your time, of your wealth, of everything Allah (AJ) has given to you it creates a void and Allah (AJ) will replace that void with the love and muhabbat of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. You understand the giving? People think that giving is something going to be taken and they fall short in life but Allah (AJ), ‘No.’ Your being is like a inventory of garbage. When Allah (AJ) opens the heart, all that you possess in life is garbage that has no value to your akhirah (hereafter).

28:44 - As soon as you give in the way of Allah (AJ) to these servants who talk this reality and they walk this reality everything you gave from that closet, Allah (AJ) exchange it with muhabbat e-Nabi ﷺ (love of Prophet ﷺ). Then Allah (AJ) describes back in Surah Tawbah, this is the gate if our whole journey Surah Tawbah, that they made an exchange. They took what they have of dunya (physical world), they gave it but Allah (AJ) gave something exchanged, nothing is wasted in Allah’s (AJ) way. When you give from your dunya (material world), Allah (AJ) gives you akhirah instead and the greatest akhirah is the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, for you don’t know when you’re going to die. You don’t know when sickness comes. Grief and calamity is a character that waits at every door and you don’t know when he’s going to ring that doorbell.

29:46 - At that time is not the time to make your bargain. ‘He’s here, shut the door. Now let me start to do something.’ But make your bargain now, make your approach now, make your deen real now. They give all these formulas, don’t be fooled. Don’t be fooled by the clever tongue but doesn’t lead us to the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. And when we found the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ then know that his hand is there and everything you do the hand of Prophet ﷺ is taking and in exchange filling that heart and that soul with all of its realities.

30:30 - So, on the day that they leave and pass from this world, from whatever Allah (AJ) wants them to pass with, they have a hisab and an account and a love with the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. InshaAllah. Bi Hurmati Muhammad al Mustafa wa bi Siri Surat al-Fatiha. Click the link now to subscribe .