beUpToDate: Eine Logistik App am Puls der Zeit
Apr 1, 2020 13:34 · 660 words · 4 minute read
Innovation and technology have always played an important role for Schmitz Cargobull. The company has been able to regularly reinvent itself and remain a leader in the industry. Today the trailer producer is known for its Smart-Trailers and the Telematics portal across Europe and beyond. With digitalization becoming more and more advanced, here comes another app that captures the pulse of our times. How was the app created and how does it solve the challenges of the more and more demanding daily operations? Cargobull Telematics TrailerConnect® is all about top-notch data quality, reliability and information in real time.
00:39 - For our clients it was very important to obtain access to data and the trailer fleet also when out of office, and to be able to react to an unexpected event or alarm as soon as possible. In logistics coordination of vehicles is key. Although sufficient data is very often already collected, it is later only visible on a computer. Hence, decisions are often made too late. Our clients need the most important information about their fleet in real time. They want to watch their vehicles and be informed immediately if a vehicle has any problems, or where it is.
01:16 - For this reason, Telematics by Schmitz Cargobull is always on. Also, those of our clients who are often on their way need access to the most important data. And this is why we developed our beUpToDate app. We use the beUpToDate app by Schmitz Cargobull because it enables full transparency in a mobile version, both about the whole fleet and the single vehicles, and in real time to boot. From the functional point of view, our colleagues from Schmitz Cargobull knew how the app should work and what exactly its future users might want. Our aim was also to make the functionalities of the app as clear and simple as possible.
01:55 - From the first drafts to the last days of its development, it was very important to think ahead and keep the layout open and flexible. No matter where you are, whether at the office or on the go, you only need to open the app and you’re just one click away from all the most important information: the temperature inside the trailer, the status of the door, the location and so much more. Also, the notification system plays a very important role for us. Thus, we are able to react and make decisions fast. Thanks to the agile work methodology, the app was developed within only ten weeks and will be gradually extended by new functionalities.
02:34 - Together with our partner PGS Software were we able to develop our beUpToDate app in the shortest time possible. We started the development of the app in March 2019 and were able to launch its first version three months later already – in June 2019. Since that time, we have been constantly developing the app with PGS Software, but most of all – with our clients. This means we discussed the current advancement of the app with our clients, collected feedback, and asked them what other functionalities they would like to see in the app. The overview shows all vehicles in a fleet, and the individually adjustable selection of metrics represented by symbols.
03:13 - The status of all metrics for each vehicle is at one’s fingertips. The location of all vehicles in real time is visible in Google Maps. The app is a customer-oriented solution – a result of our close cooperation with Schmitz Cargobull. The end customers can get a fast and flexible preview of the most important functionalities. As part of our standardisation process under the slogan “100% Smart” for the refrigerated trailer, we want to help our clients to create a safe and trackable cold chain.
03:47 - Of course, we are still working on the app and will optimize and improve it. Plus, it is free of charge for our clients. .