🔇 Samsung Smart TV Error: This TV is not fully functional in this region! How to unlock Smart Hub ✅
Mar 13, 2020 09:30 · 910 words · 5 minute read
Hello everybody! In this video, I’m going to tell you how to unlock Smart Hub in Samsung TVs. Because of the new block for Samsung Smart TVs, I decided to update one of my previous videos. At the moment, this guide is the only solution for this problem that is known to be effective. This video will be useful for all the people who suffered from the recent smart TV locking by Samsung on 22 January and 4 February this year. So, let’s begin. If you bought a TB from the so-called “grey market,” you may face the problem of its Smart Hub getting locked.
01:10 - Which makes all of its apps no longer available for use. On the screen, you will see the words “This TV is not fully functional in this region.” How to get into the service menu. To fix the problem, you need to enter the service menu. And in order to get there, you should have a special service remote control or a smartphone with an infrared port and a special app. On the remote control, press Info - Factory.
01:35 - As to the smartphone, go to Play Store, find and download the application named Rcoid Free. Find the link in the description. Start the app, and in the lower left corner here, click on the three dots and select “Download Rcoid-file.” Now look for the remote control for Samsung TV. What you need is the service remote control and you can find it at the bottom of the list - it is dated as 2008 app. Before you start configuring the settings, stop to unplug the network cable from your TV (if this is how the television is connected to the router). How to unlock Smart Hub.
02:13 - Turn the TV off (if it’s on) and turn it on from your phone, press the red “Power” button. Now go on to press the buttons Info and Factory. It opens the service menu. When you are there, you can start using the standard remote control that came supplied with your TV. The only purpose of using the Rcoid app was to get into the service menu. If you have a full-featured remote control, you can try getting into the service menu using this device: do it by slowly pressing the following buttons: Mute - 1 - 1 - 9 - Enter.
02:52 - Wait for the service menu to appear on the screen. Then press 1-2-3-4, for the full menu to show up. This trick only works with some TV models. Now you should be very attentive and follow the prescribed steps most carefully unless you want to brick your TV. Open “Options – local set.” Set the following localization: EU_RS_AFR. Go down to find the line MRT Option and open it. Navigate to “Language Set” and press “Enter.” Press the “Right” button until you see “CIS.” Press “Return” Now move to “Region,” and make sure you select PANEURO. For PnP Language – set the language you prefer, and Wi-Fi Region – as Q. Now the setup is complete. Move to “Factory Reset” and press “Enter.” Now press “Enter” one more time. Wait for the TV to shut down. How to change IP.
04:05 - Now you need to change the IP address and for that matter you need a laptop or a desktop computer with a Wi-Fi module. Connect the computer to the router with an Ethernet cable. So that it will have an Internet connection from the cable, and not from Wi-Fi. Wait until the connection icon changes into the cable connection. Now there are two apps you should download, Connectify and HideMe VPN. Instead of HideMe VPN, you can use any other VPN client you like. Install Connectify and agree to restart. Download, install and start HideMe VPN. Choose the trial version. Change location to Germany, for example, and click to get connected. Open Connectify again. Click “Internet to share” settings and select HideMe adapter. Set Network access to routed mode. Give the hotspot name and password. Click to start the hotspot. Connect to the hotspot, for example, from your smartphone, and check if the region has changed. For that purpose, use one of the services, Whoer.net or 2ip.
05:29 - It says the region is Germany, so it’s OK. Now turn on the TV, select your language and press the Right button, click Next until you are suggested to select Wireless connection. Select your hotspot and enter the password. In the next window with the confidentiality policy, press the following buttons on the remote control: Fast Forward - 289 - Rewind. At this stage, you can also use a different button sequence: MUTE – Volume Up – Channel Up – MUTE. Select your Smart Hub.
06:19 - The confidentiality screen appears again - select all checkboxes and press OK. Now sign in to your account. Click to create, or sign in if you already have one. Finish the TV setup. After all these manipulations, Samsung Smart Hub should become active again. Now you can turn off the hotspot and connect the TV by Wi-Fi or by network cable. That is all for now! I hope this video helped you to solve the problem. Remember to click the Like button and subscribe to our channel. Hit the bell button to receive notifications and never miss new videos. Leave comments to ask questions. Thank you for watching. Good luck. .