Legendary Beast Boss Fights - Immortals Fenyx Rising on Google Stadia
Dec 21, 2020 21:15 · 7077 words · 34 minute read
hey there friends and welcome back to strange rebel gaming i’m briana white and today we’re going to be doing something a little bit different we’re going combat focused i have played a lot of immortals phoenix rising on my channel and you all seem to love it which is awesome because i’m loving it too but most of my playthrough has been story missions but today i’m gonna be taking on the legendary beasts we’re gonna be going combat focus because in this game combat is so fun it is completely over the top the abilities are so fun to use and i have upgraded my abilities i’ve upgraded my weapons i’ve upgraded my potions i think i’m ready to take them on and slay the legendary monsters of this game however i’m used to playing on the nintendo switch today we’ll be doing something a little bit different as well by playing on google stadia i am a very excited proud stadia partner and today’s video is sponsored by google stadia so thank you so much for that opportunity i am so excited to try it out so far in my test it’s been running really smoothly and what’s great about it is that it’s completely click to play you can just click the link in the description below and start playing the game without downloads can you believe how cool that is maybe you didn’t get a ps5 for christmas or maybe you put all of your budget into pc gaming and so you don’t have a console well hey google stadia is perfect for that so because google stadia is so generously supporting this channel by sponsoring today’s video let’s take a very quick look at some of the best features of google stadia right before we begin the game play okay so here is my google stadia homepage you can see it’s super clean easy to look at and you can tell i’ve been playing immortals phoenix rising preparing for this playthrough already so these are some of the games that i already have in my library i’ve played quite a bit of baldur’s gate 3. it’s in early access but i’ve had a really fun time with it so google stadia itself is actually free to use but there’s also google stadia pro and they’re offering a one month free trial right now if you go sign up and these are some of the pro games that are available on this platform outcasters i can already tell you is going to be like the new fall guys i have heard so much about it and looks great all of these games are available for free with a google stadia pro subscription um celeste is a game you’ve all been wanting me to play for such a long time it is on my list and i’m so excited it’s included here but i think the coolest thing about google stadia is that you can play on any screen i don’t have to be tied to my gaming pc here if i don’t want to be in the same setup where i work and stream sometimes i need a break from this room so i can go play on my laptop i could play on my tv you can play on your phone in some cases i think that’s a really really really cool feature and it sort of feels like the future you know because it’s just such a foreign concept that i can play the same game on any screen that i want that’s really cool so we’re gonna go back to the home page because we’re gonna be playing immortals phoenix rising now i know what you’re thinking briana i haven’t tried google stadia yet because i haven’t received a code in a giveaway don’t worry i’m here to fix that for you merry christmas i will be giving away codes to stadia pro and immortals phoenix rising before the end of this video so be sure to watch all the way through to the end so you don’t miss that opportunity i think that’s just about everything but remember if at any point during this playthrough you’re like wow that looks like so much fun i can’t watch her another second because i have to play it myself you can go in the description and just click to play it’s that simple no download times so fast so easy it’s everything anybody’s ever wanted okay combat time let’s go like i said i did pre-play quite a bit in order to boost my stats to prepare myself because my other save is on the nintendo switch this is on stadia so the first thing that i really want to do is to unlock the bolt from the blue quest i really want to make sure that we get that done before we head into combat so i figured why not just turn the camera on and let’s record it and see how it goes we made it hey there looks like a phoenix to me you’re in bad shape too proud to quit huh well so am i fenyx still oh i love her thing what are you doing here i saw the lightning strike naturally i came right away to finish the job easy kills are a specialty of mine hermes why am i not surprised well i’m saving the bird and i won’t take no for an answer no it’s a creature of typhon wait i’m having a vision you’re going to say but it needs our help then i’ll say it’s just waiting to kill us as soon as it has a chance then you’ll say hermes please don’t make me blackmail you i’ll tell hera what you did then i’ll say you wouldn’t but i know deep down you would so i agree to help you all the while looking for an opportunity as soon as you let your guard down to strike what a vision well you got me cornered kid for now since typhon brought that thing out of tartaros you’ll need food from down there to revive it the same food hades fed to persephone seeds of the dead i only know of one on the island then i’m going to get that seed sit tight me or the bird because i don’t think that thing can sit and then off i go the seed of the dead huh well i’m determined i’m determined to save bird seed of the dead we’ve got it and back to birdie and then maybe birdie will want to be our friend that’d be cool i would take a new friend oh he’s burning up let’s see if this helps hey proud guy i’ve got the seed i’m sorry kid come on we’ll go get some drugs if you’re sorry then you don’t know anything about phoenix’s they thrive in the heat oh well that makes things easy we got the drumsticks right here you’re alive hey there proud fellow kind of a stuck-up rare breed typhon lit on fire huh if you please your excellency i’m going to name him phosphor after phosphorus the morning star phosphor says that he’s still weak and needs to regain more strength he’d like to offer to help you on your journey to repay the debt for saving his life he also loves the new nickname how do i know hermes is telling the truth don’t you forceful i told you this was the right decision helping an evil undead bird brilliant i take it all back you were totally on the money that beautiful bird is offering to take us to dead alice’s secret treasure room no way the genius inventor who built this island the one and only he says there’s a pile of electrum with my name on it oh yes there’s also a second seed of the dead that can make phosphor stronger than ever would you look at that doing good deeds results in good deeds in return who would have thought is that a trick question because the answer is clearly no one so there are two clues that lead to this treasure room we need to find and by we i mean you one is there the drake on bones the second is near the aqueduct isn’t that right phosphor i told you he adores his new nickname i feel like he doesn’t like that nickname and hermes is lying to us he’s just saying it was such abandon you know new quest and look at that look at that we have a new ability there you are it feels so magical oh it’s so exciting i love it here okay back to the hall of the gods one of the reasons why i really wanted to unlock phosphor before we headed into these battles is exactly this phosphor will attack for us and you know me anything in combat that i can automate i’m all about it so let’s see what these upgrades we can get are we we have some coins saved up phosphor’s attack creates a shock wave around the target for each hit inflicts damage and stun i like that use phosphorus power to become invisible until you attack them take damage or stand oh that’s you can sneak get a little stealth hidden to start the battle i love that oh i love that so much oh that’s really cool look at this phosphor’s clone helps you solve puzzles faster that’s really really cool i love that but for now let’s focus on combat right so i would say i definitely want to start most of these battles if i can with a stealth hit so let’s go with that let’s definitely boost the damage we have eight more to spend and i think i’m leaning towards this because i use athena’s dash quite a bit i think i use it more than the hammer so i’m leaning towards that yes okay let’s do that nice got a little upgrade in and my favorite animation of all time and it matches her outfit now watch this wow look how pretty that is oh i love this i’ll never get over that now that we have phosphor we can head into our first legendary battle but a little bit nervous combat wise so i think what i want to do is head into a legendary battle a legendary beast that i think is going to be on the easier side compared to some of the other ones in the game i’d like to start out with that and see how it goes and then maybe work my way up oh look we’re flying with fast forward for the first time oh my gosh look how beautiful it is i’m in heaven this is what heaven feels like right wow how cool is this don’t you just feel like a god you feel like a demigod they did such a good job with this game ugh i’ll never get over it oh look at this ability we are in oh it uses your stamina oh interesting okay so let’s undo for now let’s rebuild our stamina and then hopefully we can get a little bit closer and get our stealth hit in here we go legendary boss encounter here i am i’m invisible i’m gonna stealth attack you okay i’m building that stun bar and okay okay let’s use an attack potion feel good about that you’re gonna charge i can sense it okay good let’s use a dash oh let’s lock on here nice i feel good about that oh let’s use phosphor here let’s back off a little bit see what phosphor can do oh look at you go wow what are these i don’t know what those are okay go ahead and charge this is honestly hopefully i wonder if there’s like another phase to this because so far yeah we’re doing pretty well oh he’s done go go go go go enter the encounter area i’m in it he’s right in front of me let’s head back over here then it’s a little bow action use a little phosphor we’re running low on stamina here so it’s good to note that we should probably just when phosphor is attacking just acknowledge that it’s gonna kind of interrupt what they’re doing oh interesting it didn’t kind of lift him into the air there ouch now we still don’t have our attack bonus potion up so let’s go ahead and use that again oh use the stamina potion instead well let’s make the most of it okay whatever that attack is stop it there we go i feel like we deserve to get more out of that you know let’s make the most of this stun we’re honestly kicking booty here i don’t know if we needed to warm up with this guy oh but that attack hurts okay let’s wait till this is out let’s get close and use phosphor for final blow yeah there you go thanks boss for buddy we did it our first legendary beast slain wow i feel invigorated and my confidence has been boosted because that was much easier than i expected it fox for the love bird i can customize phosphor oh my gosh i could make phosphor look like a love bird listen i’m wow that’s so pretty i was not impressed by the idea of making my phoenix look like a parrot but this is gorgeous actually look at these like branches hanging off like sakura what okay gorgeous but i think we’re gonna stick with classic oh they have abilities oh wow okay it adds stun creates one stamina those are stamina orbs that’s super helpful because then you can use more abilities i’m gonna keep that and keep the yeah we’re gonna just keep phosphor the phoenix looking like a phoenix but wow i’m i love this game i cannot stop loving this game and how amazing is it that i’m not running this on any hardware at all this is google stadia it looks beautiful it is so smooth and responsive you wouldn’t even know that i wasn’t playing this on the switch or on the playstation like you would ne you would never know oh it’s so cute what is this purple thing around me oh my attack potion is still up how cool is it how good does it look how smooth is it running on google stadium i’m just i’m extremely impressed oh my gosh they’re little interactions why didn’t i do this sooner ah i love it so let’s head to our next legendary beast we’ll just go straight there there it is callisto legendary bear found it it’s down in the river okay legendary bear let’s take it on see if we can get closer without getting ready nice callisto zeus she was such a vivacious woman too bad hair tender into a bear yes almost as bad as you tricking callisto into a romantic twist with you by pretending to be artemis nothing wrong with some good arrow playing how was i supposed to know herrera would find out zeus and prometheus let me focus please every single time get out of it ah okay that’s a charge attack as well that’s a pretty decent one let’s go ahead with an attack potion here you’re just gonna let me get free hits i feel like this platform is a little difficult here lost our combo there let’s see if phosphor can help us out here there we go look at that stun bar built be really cool we could get off this platform here but i don’t know if i’m gonna get what i want okay didn’t like that but we’re doing great right now get each other there oh that looks like a different phase you turned colors combination does not work all right another perfectly timer dodge here got me third one we’re almost done again let’s see if we can get phosphor in here build some stamina oh oh i don’t know if we’ll need it yeah look at that grab that stamp oh no oh no almost done yes wow okay i mean i’m doing great i’m doing really well oh look at phoenix’s smile there she’s so cute okay these are i mean phosphor of companionship so pretty i might just die let’s collect these while we’re here and then let’s look at the next phosphor lethal stealth attack does not cancel phosphorous cloak okay not very useful while we’re hunting legendaries very useful when approaching kind of lesser enemies that we can just kill in one go in one stealth attack but let’s see what you look like wow oh you also have the pretty sticks and flowers so pretty too oh i still i gotta go with the classic bird on fire though it’s so classic okay so that only took one potion i think we gotta i got we gotta move on to the next one we’re getting close i see something different up here lieutenant ello lieutenant aylo the storm swift okay so finally we get a chance to do some air combat that’s a very exciting prospect however i’m a little bit nervous about you’re gonna see me already how am i going to get my sneak attack in this might not go the way i want it to folks i might not be getting my sneak attack i at least like to get on the platform so that i can use more than my arrows yeah i don’t think we’re gonna be able to stealth attack into the sky because once we jump it’s over and we have to get pretty close i wonder if we climbed this let’s wait for it to come back around stealth tactics so far so good haven’t done a single bit of damage yet oh no we’re gonna run out of stamina we have lots of mushrooms though see if we can get one in we’re gonna get close enough we’re not okay not a great start not a great start i’ll be honest i can’t really see but we’re locked on go ahead for the dive oh oh no we might have to learn to parry here oh no this is not going well this is not going well while we’re still learning this let’s use a defensive potion that would have killed us that really would have killed let’s see what abilities we can do here phosphorus okay all right okay we’re gonna have to get better at dodging that oh i see okay let’s use this oh no this is so hard okay we gotta stop approaching after that flurry we just gotta take the dodge as a win and it’s turning into night time you think phoenix just doesn’t want to attack a fellow birdie i guess i can fight the whole thing like this i’d rather not i’d rather get up to you that’s what i really want there we go don’t fall down phoenix get up get up get up whoa boy yep and then get away okay ouch ouch again glide glide phoenix glide oh boy i pressed the wrong button please don’t attack me not from there no okay well at least that didn’t get me this is a terrible place to be i can just get up quickly there we go okay so this platform kind of a dangerous place for me to be we’ve only we’re not doing great honestly i’m glad because the bear was so easy that we’re finally getting a challenge but okay slow but steady wins the race doesn’t it we’re nervous that’s why we accented there i mean this little position here is not bad it’s just boring you know and we can’t shoot like this forever could you come back that would help me out if you could just come back into this little zone if i could do something i could throw rocks at you yeah i’m gonna throw a rock at you hey that’s a strategy you think you can dodge me well sometimes you can but sometimes you can’t all right let’s make sure we get our we still got you though we still got you though that’s what counts okay oh how convenient the rock great i’m just gonna come in here get away oh i didn’t get away fast enough that’s okay all right let’s take a health potion here because for a um attack potion there’s a great thing about my attack potion that i’ve leveled up is that i get health while it’s active every time i’m doing damage so that’s great so if i do damage i’ll heal up and i don’t have to use a health potion i wonder if there’s a way to stun it while it’s like on the ground you know there’s got to be a better way to stun it than just rocks it’s not good enough brianna oh hello rock take that this does something useful don’t you dive to me and then get very far away without falling off the platform don’t do anything to my rock just trying to get this rock don’t mind me whew that did a lot of damage but almost no stun i guess this is kind of this is kind of the boring way to fight it it’s working it’s just kind of boring you know i wonder next time if he comes in i can try to parry i’m no good at parrying we’re not surprised by this we know this we know brianna’s no good at parrying but if it helps me defeat this in like a more fun way than just shooting arrows this is why don’t you if i just you know tried walking over here would you come closer here we go another rock could come in here that’d be great okay here we go well that didn’t do anything oh my gosh i was watching that other perry uh okay come on in that didn’t work at all that did not work at all there’s got to be a better way to do that we’re running a little low on pomegranates here all right we’re pretty much i think far enough away great does this reverse at you i don’t think it does i was trying to see if this was like a ganondorf kind of situation you could just shoot the ball of light back it doesn’t seem to be let’s see if i can get up in the air at you no you keep going away oh you got me he’s laughing at me because this is taking forever but i have more health potions than you do sir this is so slow if you could stop jumping so that i could hit you that would be great it’s so slow slow and steady wins the race though right here we go almost done and there completed phosphor was no help but we completed lieutenant alo the storm swift defeated and we got wings of the rebels rebels almost let’s see what those look like i have a feeling i’m gonna like the blue ones more because it matches her outfit but oh those are like mechanical those are kind of cool definitely like the blue ones though all right now what’s interesting here oh because we got to light the stuff on fire okay turn the arrow turn the arrow and into the brazer perfect and let’s just because we’re here do the next one and hopefully we can get a little treasure chest and that’ll help us with the next battle we are low on health i would like to maybe take some time to collect some pomegranates and boost our health a little bit pomegranates are kind of hard to come by you got to find the trees that they’re hanging in or you got to find the statues that have the pomegranate offering baskets so typhon corrupted the anemian lion after that jock headly skinned it you know when heracles couldn’t slay it he strangled it with his own hands sounds about right hera unleashed the line to torture mortals sometimes that woman really turns me on i almost just fell to my death did you see that i know you did i felt really good about taking did that even hit you let’s so far stun is going great let’s see if we can get phosphorus in here did not work out for me did not but we got some stamina out of it newly upgraded sword no you faced the wrong direction i didn’t have lock on all right this is more of an offensive strategy than a defensive strategy so far okay let’s get our health back here there we go all right stunned come on phosphorus help us get our stamina back during this wow we almost have it down goodbye legendary mimi and lion whoa exhilarating it’s perfect every time so that was similar to the bear not really much of a challenge but we got phosphorus zeus’s lightning this is ending up being a fast four episode i’m not mad about it we got our ambrosia and you know what that means we got our ambrosia then that means we have eight ambrosia which means we can level up to our next health chunk which is pleasing but let’s phosphors things first phosphorus clone explodes and inflicts damage whoa that’s amazing we didn’t unlock the clone yet but the fact that it could just explode is like it’s like trap setting the combat the more that you play this game the more nuanced the combat becomes it becomes so much clearer that there are so many different ways to approach a battle as you grow that’s dang sweet in my opinion but we’re probably gonna stick with the stamina orb thing because it’s working really well for us so far but we have to see what it looks like it kind of looks like a goose from this icon but let’s see wow that’s pretty too it definitely has a little bit of a kind of canadian goose thing going on but it’s still really cool still going to stick with the flaming bird though should be right around there you are lieutenant uriel what a name all right let’s see if we can get our sneak on here take our attack potion right before we strike on faster there we go all right stealth attack incoming in short order there we go hey look how much that takes up okay okay you know i’m not what is this attack oh no phosphor help boy okay so you don’t have a ton of defense but you have a ton of offensive abilities i keep dodging twice here yeah oh we’re using the pillar for help there ah yeah let’s do a rock okay we’re forgetting which buttons we’re pressing here oh the rock just saved us thank you rock you just left you really left i’m not using the hammer a bunch let’s see what hammer can do let’s see what a dash could do oh no not this oh okay we’re doing okay we’re doing okay okay not too bad not too shabby at all i think we chose our upgrades well show us the new phosphor what do we get spark of genius wings okay we got genius wings instead of a berb so let’s take a look at it let’s take a look at these wings you gotta know what the reward is okay those are the other ones oh so these are even more like mechanical style i like it no ordinary craftsperson could bring these wings into existence they were a stroke of genius and maybe a little madness i like it good stuff okay next that cost us really almost nothing so take these pomegranates sure oh i see some attack up things over here i’ll take those olympian figs definitely take those okay so what is our next heading i think where we’re headed is that very creepy mountain with lots of updrafts oh that’s convenient thank you but i think we’re headed to this creepy dead forest of doom it’ll be fine it’ll be fine here’s random monster screams here it’s fine we’ll be fine right there on a cliff phoenix saw the cursed temple of the once beautiful medusa what there oh no medusa oh boy am i about to be madoomed that was that was a reach i’ll admit it that was a reach i don’t know if i earned that one oh these are stone people okay okay ooh cutscene that’s how you know we’re in for for a real fight from a slight kissing to a sudden screech the horrifying gorgon medusa sliver very good strike oh this is terrifying lasers okay it’ll be fine and you can teleport can i lock on to you why am i what am i am i slowed oh no what is a what is this okay we’ll do a little bit of this first oh no way what is this oh my gosh this is crazy look how good it looks all right let’s see if we can actually get a hit on her okay when it’s gonna be doing that fire pillar thing good to know okay then you disappear again and now your laser medusa and i’m turn to slow which is great not and then you are green this is going to be my opening i think oh man this is fire pillar okay okay and this is an owl gotta keep moving on these oh gosh this is gonna take forever oh boy this is a real challenge here okay and this is gonna be the green thing and we’re gonna use foss for oh boy we can’t afford that to happen again this is gonna be fire pillars i’m stuck wasn’t expecting that tell you that for sure okay this is yeah the blue ones we’ve got some stun going on dodge this you cannot get hit by this because then you can come in with an ability you really can’t get a finisher on her that’s going to be fire pillars we dodged wrong you have to understand that’s linear oh lasers i always okay so the covering your eyes is slow lasers okay we’re getting the mechanics here we’re getting them okay we gotta get dodge this perfectly and then get in and ability and then this is the blue ones okay this is our chance here i’m gonna take an attack potion and dodge it oh man this is so slow okay fire pillars yes okay and then laser eyes gets me every time huh doesn’t do a ton of damage though so it’s not that bad did i even get her yeah we got her we got her okay i wonder if we should just take those hits you know okay got another one of these coming oh we really cannot get hit by that it’s so easy to dodge what is this fire pillars okay and then laser laser eyes laser eyes laser eyes laser eyes can we make fossil do more of the work here oh man i get so excited and then my dodge timing is off yeah okay do not get hit by this there where’d she go what are you doing up there how am i supposed to attack you up there no what is this no i gotta dodge all of it at the same time no oh gosh i’m so doomed okay it’s gonna be good here i need defense here i don’t even need attack oh i do gotta dodge that though it’s like you still have to be paying attention to her too okay yeah okay we’re almost there [ __ ] you out take you out this is fire pillars okay now here’s the question that needs to be answered if i take you out are you just gonna create more of them like the hydra did because that’s gonna suck this is slow-going great actually that does a lot for stun if i could even land one more of those i’d be good but i’ve got to do it while she’s down here where are you okay fire pillars good oh i went right into it i thought i had more to give i thought i had more time i’m gonna dodge this not gonna mess this up yeah still got me whoa this is exhilarating we’re getting there we are slowly getting there i’m using a lot of potions to do it though the third one got me do not get hit by this because that hurts really badly we have rocks how am i going to stun this lady okay yup still got me okay whoa fire pillars whoa fire pillars okay we’re getting there slowly but surely not not the best move honestly dang it that one got me again this is delaying this is like making everything just take so long when she’s on the ground for you you like have to land it man keep missing my arrows here okay let’s see gotta oh dodge dodge dodge dodge dodging more oh my gosh this is so difficult thank you slowly but surely man that attack is still so cool every time she is so close to stunned i just gotta land the spears maybe one more time maybe twice i might be paying for this i somehow escaped fire pillars when i really did not earn it just go for your belt oh dodged and missed my arrow it’s all right we’re getting there man she bows back every time and i miss my shot i gotta aim for that belly slow but i can still get a few hits in i’m learning you gotta take your hits where you can if i can aim for that belly i hit more often stun her okay which one is this fire pillars i feel like that doesn’t work as well anymore yes i’ve really started to learn the rhythm of it and i can work on perfecting it that was good that was a good little combination there where did you go though oh you again oh i dodged that purely by audio cues that hit you all i don’t know if that should have i think i dodged a bullet there where are you what are you doing where does that medusa go well i dealt with those a lot easier there you are dang it it’s like she knows you’re sneakier now you’re harder to get a hit on fine then okay i did not see that coming i’m gonna be real honest phosphor let me ask you can you attack while she’s up there can i just have you do things there we go nope there you go firefighters can i have more phosphor activity man you get a single hit and she’s out of there come on okay dodge that we’re doing well slowly but surely i guess we could use an attack up potion because we have five left but we also have another we have more fighting to do i don’t want to use it all today wait what happened to her stun bar what i’m not gonna get to stun her am i that’s devastating that was just as stupid now i’m in it come on phosphor do the thing we’re really missing that queue quite a bit lately oscar is not coming out there don’t even have time to do anything the slowest battle ever is one fought with exclusively the bow here yes all right let’s get our stamina up again we’re not watching for that cast anymore are we we gotta get better at that is she skating in health every time she does damage to me is that what’s happening here got that head on i think huh i feel like she’s been at this exact health for 800 years i’m taking health so slow oh my gosh what am i gonna do what if instead of just leaving her up on that platform oh my gosh at least i would feel like i’m actually doing something if i just went up and got here i’m doing so little damage now it’s like she took a defense buff or something and then you go back up here gotta dodge i didn’t even get a single head on hey slowly it hurts when i get hit by that okay are you gonna come down here now oh i hate getting hit by that three times in a row all right let’s go ahead with our attack up and you’re down here which means you’ll be up there no oh boy see that strategy where i’m trying to do this quicker that’s getting me killed faster how okay then you’re up there but eventually you come back up here no that’s true my arrow’s not even hitting you is it okay why don’t i just stay up here see if that does anything for me because these do leave kind of a trail here i’m definitely doing more damage when i get some combos in at least okay then you’re gonna be up there then you’re gonna be there okay then you’re gonna be there oh then you’re gonna be there still feel like there’s an element of surprise come on i hit you there are you back yet nope oh but i gotta plant these elsewhere yeah oh get back up now she’s coming over to you yes few and far between i don’t think i’m actually hitting her all right oh no this is taking up all my resources i don’t know if i have another i don’t think i have another fight left in me oh boy all right let’s try phosphor again see if i can get up back on this platform let’s dodge first then get up on the platform for her second appearance she’s down ah this is incredibly frustrating then you come to me right yes we’re so close i botched it because i was panicking what are you doing over there come on we’re almost there one more medusa mythical gorgon defeated by athena is finally vanquished victory of stone you mess with athena you get beheaded or turned into a spider or wrecked in a storm my daughter is so creative it’s adorable we did it folks we did it i did not think we were going to that was a challenge that that it once you learn it it takes i feel like words are hard let me collect myself i feel like once you learn the fight it’s not that hard but because her health is so high and i’m not that leveled up i feel like or upgraded is really the more proper word for my my weapons aren’t as upgraded so they’re not doing as much damage it just takes a really long fight and so uh outlasting her was really what ended up happening there oh my goodness that was exhilarating that was so much fun i am so glad that i took the time to have these battles because oh my goodness what a challenge and i felt like maybe the legendary beasts were a little bit too easy like the bear and the boar but then coming into the medusa battle i would i felt like i was exactly perfectly at the right upgrade level i felt like it was exactly the right difficulty to be very challenging long arduous but still super super fun and honestly i had an amazing time playing this on google stadia so smooth so beautiful and a very different experience because in my previous playthrough i was playing on the nintendo switch which for the most time i was playing on the handhelds was a tiny screen so being able to play it where i can see it all big bold and beautiful was just such a treat so so much fun thank you so much to google stadia for sponsoring this video for giving me the opportunity to share this type of experience with my audience and rebels i hope you loved it did you enjoy seeing me kick butt and take names and also get my butt kicked a little bit but it’s all good fun that’s kind of what we like to do here i’m not necessarily the best combat fighter but didn’t i do a pretty decent job i like to think that i did and this ended up being like the phosphor episode which i wasn’t expecting i just kind of wanted to get the bird because i knew it would help in combat and i had never unlocked it before and then we ended up unlocking like three different four different versions of it that was super super cool just oh so much fun i really enjoyed it i did promise that i would give away some stadia pro and immortals phoenix risings google stadia codes i would love to do that so leave me a comment let me know what your favorite part was and i will send you a message i’ll select some of my favorite comments and i will send you some code so thank you so so much to everybody who watched i hope you enjoyed today’s video please remember to like the video if you enjoyed it share it with all your friends so they can enjoy it too and of course please remember to subscribe to strange rebel gaming this channel right here so you don’t miss the next video we have more final fantasy vii remake coming up more the last of us part two coming up of course and maybe do you want to see some cyberpunk playthrough let me know that’s all i love you all byeeeeee .