Mendeley as a referencing tool for beginners
Jan 18, 2021 15:34 · 1662 words · 8 minute read
good evening everybody ladies and gentlemen i am pleased to join you in another video presentation which it is about referencing we write reference for our article or more precisely we cite references in our research article how we can do that there are several ways several software several apps the most obvious one is mandalay which we are focused about it today let us start our journey what is the mandalay mandalay island software that software is managed by several famous universities worldwide you can if you want to search for it you can just write down it in google mandalay this is the logo this red color mainly use it for referencing but it has other usages also we passed by it later you just click over it you just click over it you can download mandalay in this sector what is the advantage the advantage is because if you have the desktop app of for the mandalay you can do more features are available that it is difficult with the online version for example if you out of wi-fi you cannot use the online version of the mandalay but if you install the app you can still go ahead with the several actions unfortunately i cannot do that because i already installed mandalay once you click click over save file after that you go to several steps you continue until then then you can download and install it in your laptop another one you need create an account click over create an account unfortunately i cannot do it also because i already have several account of mandalay in case you don’t have new user you just click over it write your full name organization university research institution you are working with your occupation student lecturer researcher and so on i mean fill up the personal information then i when you finish you can activate your email it’s very existed and free of charge totally free of charge so now we consider let us consider that you already installed your mandalay in your laptop and you create an account so let us go to the app this is the mandalay app i already have it in case when you start the new installation you have only this folder all document recently added until you reach my publication however because i am a old user of mandalay i created several extra folders for more categorization based on the people that i helped them or research topic i work it or paper i published it depend on that you sir the more important features in mandalay are adding adding file you find a paper online download it for example this paper after downloading you follow this tape add file from here then you specify the folder click over it open that paper already downloaded we can find the name of the paper name of author name of journal year for publication volume issue page number abstract all information you can find there and also journal time type for example here we have journal research articles or we have book chapter case computer program conference proceeding enscopedia or anything you can categorize for example you open the folder you send this particular paper in a specified for example copy and you send it to a folder so we can categorize our library this window in front of you is called my library this is my library so now if you want to search if you have too many you can search for particulate paper here for example you write strength any paper title or insight have a relation with the strength it will appear for you it’s still too much because i have too many so use another keyword tensile it reduced so right for example brittle still reduces by this way you can control it and if you want more features this green color means that you actively downloaded it this color means when you click over it you still need to make sure that this paper is downloaded or not in case you downloaded when you click over it you can read the paper read the whole information if there is any mistake for example if there is a mistake for example there is space between them you can just correct it very easily so now we go to important topic i already installed in microsoft word but in case if you don’t install it it is written install ms word plugin you just click over it it will be installed in your microsoft word you just click over it follow the steps finally it will be installed in your microsoft word we will show you later another important thing is citation style if you already work with a style like me you will have listed here if no you go to more style in more style you go to get more style in that one when you want to get more style in that case you just search for the name of the journal for example you want a search for material so all journal have material in their title you will get it so you should be more specific you should be more specific in that case if you know the name of the journal just write it if no you can find many keywords for example this one install after installation you will find the a journal listing here for example here this is let us say this is the journal you just click over you stay this style this will appear this one will appear where in the citation style in the view tab and after that when we go to the main paper here in the reference we can find the mandala installed and journal listing exactly the same journal listing in the mandala if you want to get more style click over it it will automatically direct you to the mandalay app on laptop then you can control it over there so now let’s say you want to add reference here anywhere let’s say here you click over here then you go to reference then insert citation you have two options if you know all information about it you can right here or easier you click over go to mandalay in go to mandalay you have this option my library when you click over it it will direct you to the where to the mandalay app when you click over mandalay app in that case in that case it will direct you to the mandalay app and then let’s say this is the journal you want to click over it let us consider you just click on the site once you do it it will automatically direct you as we can see it will automatically direct you to the review paper here so give you the reference number 16 because we already have 15 reference in the introduction section so it give you a reference number 16 so which one do you use let us say you use ieee you change it for example to the this journal you want to submit to that one journal 4 journal of rare earth just click over it and wait see what is happening so we see uh we see is changed we had the reference number between two brackets now we have this kind of reference number it’s totally changed so now let us learn how to make a bibliography usually bibliography we do it in the reference we do it in the repair we have all these references i will delete it i will delete it first we start again let us see how we can make it in that case let us consider we don’t have anything after you finish all the references you just click over insert bibliography just click only don’t do anything else and wait for few seconds in my case it takes some time because i have too many references otherwise it is very quick and straightforward so all references will be listed here name of author name or title of the paper journal name year of publication a volume page number doi all are for all paper references with the same style appear here in case if you want to change you choose another journal which journal do you want to submit you just choose it here if not available here you just click over more style go back mentally and find it in the mendeley app and it’s a very friendly has a very good feature very easy and user friendly very flexible it has a good feature that totally avoid mistake or to be more precise it has only a few mistakes like here for example this chemical formula we cannot correct in mandalay so we can just correct it manually here this is titanium oxide chromium oxide we can just correct it here in case if we have serious mistake here other than this simple chemical formula let us find any a journal name that it has a mistake let us say we have the journal like that automatically came to you in that case so you can no need to go to correct in the word file just correct it here when you correct it leave it go back to the word file in that case in that case when you finish all of them go to reference you just click over refresh once you click over refresh it will automatically apply all corrections here automatically without any problem so this is the main features of mandalay and how we use mandalay how how mentally will be beneficial for us thank you very much for your listening your time and i will be very thankful for you if you have your time for feedback or question in my youtube channel thank you very much thank you.