DEF CON 29 - Roy Davis - No Key No PIN No Combo No Problem Pwning ATMs For Fun and Profit
- Hi everyone, my name is Roy Davis and welcome to my talk, “No Key? No PIN? No Combo? No Problem! P0wning ATMs for Fun and Profit. ” Shout out to all my homeys at DC612 in Minnesota.
00:16 - And for anybody that wants to get ahold of me about the content of this presentation, my contact information is all on the screen there.
00:23 - Before we get too far into this, I’ve got to say this content is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only.
DEF CON 29 - Tom Van Goethem, Mathy Vanhoef - Timeless Timing Attacks
- Hello. I am Mathy Vanhoef and together with Tom Van Goethem, we will be presenting Timeless Timing Attacks.
00:09 - Tom Van Goethem is a researcher at the DistriNet group in KU Leuven in Belgium.
00:14 - He is a fanatic web and network security enthusiast, and he likes to exploit side channel leaks in browsers, and more general in Web platforms, as well.
00:25 - I am Mathy Vanhoef.
DEF CON 29 - Tomer Bar, Eran Segal - 2021 Our Journey Back To The Future Of Windows Vulnerabilities
- Welcome to our talk, 2021, our journey back to the future of Windows vulnerabilities and the 0-days we brought back with us.
00:10 - My name is Tomer Bar. I’ve been in the cybersecurity field for more than 15 years, currently leading SafeBreach Labs as director of security research.
00:21 - My main focus is on vulnerability research and nation state APT research.
00:26 - My name is Eran Segal.
DEF CON 29 -Joseph Gabay - DoS Denial of Shopping: Analyzing and Exploiting Shopping Cart Systems
- Hello, and welcome to DoS: Denial of Shopping, Analyzing and Exploiting Physical Shopping Cart Immobilization Systems.
00:07 - In this talk, we’ll be talking about shopping cart security wheels, as well as the basics of RF reverse engineering and some of the tools and techniques that you can use to capture signals in the wild, analyze them and replay them later for fun and profit.
00:20 - Before we go much further, I want to give a brief disclaimer, this is a personal project.
DEF CON 29 - Agent X - A look inside security at the New York Times
- Hi, I’m Jesse Krembs, and today we’ll be taking a look inside security at The New York Times.
00:18 - This talk is also unofficially titled, “A media security primer for hackers”, but it’s really for both journalists and hackers.
00:27 - Most talks start off or end with a thank you at the end, right, rushes off stage, thanking all their friends, but really I’d like to start this talk off by saying thank you to a bunch of people.
DEF CON 29 - Babak Javadi, Nick Draffen, Eric Bettse, Anze Jensterle - The PACS man Comes For Us All
- All right. Hello, everyone. Welcome to the virtual stream of the DEF CON talk, “The PACS-man Comes For Us All: We May Still Be Vaccinated, but Access Control Still Sucks. “ We’re gonna jump right into it today ‘cause we have a lot to cover.
00:17 - For those of you who don’t know, my name is Babak Javadi.
00:21 - I am a lock picker, hardware hacker, and reverse engineer.
DEF CON 29 - Claire Vacherot - Sneak into buildings with KNXnetIP
- Hi, I’m Claire Vacherot and today I’m going to talk about sneaking into buildings using the building management system protocol KNXnet/IP.
00:09 - First, a little bit about myself. I started as a software developer, then moved to software security and then to embedded and industrial devices and systems security.
00:20 - Also in my job, I like penetration tests on unusual environments.
00:24 - And by unusual environments, I mean for instance, factories, transportation systems, amusement parks and so on.
DEF CON 29 - Dan Petro - Youre Doing IoT RNG
- Hi, I’m Allan Cecil. And with me today, I have- - Dan Petro.
00:05 - - We are presenting “You’re Doing IoT RNG”.
00:08 - We’re talking about vulnerabilities that exist in virtually every device out there in the IoT world.
00:14 - That’s a critical issue that we need to talk to you about because random numbers are used everywhere.
00:20 - - Before we get too far though, let’s talk a little bit about random numbers and why they’re so important to security.
DEF CON 29 - Eugene Lim, Glenice Tan, Tan Kee Hock - Hacking Humans with AI as a Service
- Hello, everyone. Thank you for attending our session.
00:03 - My name is Glenice. And together with my team, we will be presenting, Hacking Humans with AI as a Service.
00:09 - We are part of a research team of four from Singapore.
00:12 - We work at a government technology agency’s Cyber Security Group, or CSG for short.
00:17 - Let me introduce to you our team.
DEF CON 29 - Guillaume Fournier, Sylvain Afchain, Sylvain Baubeau - eBPF, I thought we were friends!
- Hi, and welcome to our talk. My name is Guillaume Fournier, I’m a security engineer at Datadog.
00:08 - And today Sylvain and I are going to present the rootkits that we implemented using eBPF.
00:14 - If you don’t know what eBPF is, don’t worry, we are going to present this technology and tell you everything you need to know in order to understand the talk.