NRC Radio Broadcast 3- NRC Questions and Answers
Good Evening, my name is Christine Pineda and I work for the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, or NRC. This is the third of three broadcasts this week about a proposal by the United Nuclear Corporation to excavate mine wastes from the site of the former Northeast Church Rock Mine and place those wastes for permanent disposal in a repository on top of an existing uranium mill tailings impoundment at the nearby Mill Site that is owned by United Nuclear.
NRC Radio Broadcast 2 NRC Safety Review
Good Evening, my name is Jim Smith and I work for the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, or (the NRC). This is the second of three broadcasts this week about a proposal by the United Nuclear Corporation or (UNC) to excavate mine wastes from the site of the former Northeast Church Rock Mine and place those wastes for permanent disposal in a repository on top of an existing uranium mill tailings impoundment at the nearby Mill Site that is owned by UNC.
AntiBlackness is Embedded Deeply in Judeo Christian Thought
This is going to be a discussion about how Anti-Blackness is deeply embedded in Judeo-Christianity. My argument is going to be in this conversation - this survey - that rather than being something that was invented in the 17-1800s or something to justify the enslavement of African people, Anti-Blackness goes back deep, goes way way back throughout Judeo-Christian thought and actually has some roots in the Ancient Greeks.
Accessible Web Content Creation
TERRILL THOMPSON: Hi, everyone. Welcome to Accessible Web Content Creation.
00:05 - This is the second in our accessible technology webinar series.
00:10 - Sheryl Burgstahler kicked us off last month with a universal design talk.
00:16 - And today we want to explore the basics of web accessibility.
00:20 - We do a lot of activities and events throughout every month where we do more of a deep dive into web accessibility and look at some of your projects and applications and websites under development and look at some of the more challenging aspects.
Teaching an Accessible Online Course
TERRILL THOMPSON: So we are now recording.
00:04 - Over to you, Sheryl. SHERYL BURGSTAHLER: Welcome.
00:07 - Thanks for joining us. My team is always really happy to talk about this particular topic.
00:13 - So you’re in the right place. So I’m going to talk about teaching an accessible online course.
00:18 - And my name is Sheryl Burgstahler. My email address is sherylb@uw. edu.
അധ്യായം 40 ക്ഷമിക്കുന്നയാൾ, മനോഹരമായ ഖുറാൻ പാരായണം, 90+ ഭാഷാ സബ്ടൈറ്റിലുകൾ
Ha Mim This Book is revealed by God, the Almighty, the All Knowing The Forgiver of sin and the Accepter of repentance, who is severe in punishment and Infinite in His Bounty. There is no God but Him. All shall return to Him Only those who deny the truth dispute God’s signs. Do not let their activity in the land deceive you The people of Noah and later factions also rejected the truth and every community plotted against the messenger sent to them, aiming to lay hands on him, and they contended [against his message] with fallacious arguments, so that they might defeat the truth, therefore I seized them.
അധ്യായം 28 കഥകൾ, ഏറ്റവും ഹൃദയഹാരിയായ ഖുറാൻ പാരായണം, 90+ ഭാഷാ സബ്ടൈറ്റിലുകൾ
Ta Sin Mim These are verses from the Book that makes things clear We shall narrate to you some of the story of Moses and Pharaoh, with truth, for people who would believe Pharaoh behaved arrogantly in the land, and divided the people into groups, seeking to weaken one section, slaying their sons and sparing their daughters, he was one of those who spread corruption We wished to favour those who were oppressed in the land, and to make them leaders and make them inheritors [of Our bounties] and to give them power in the land; and to show Pharaoh and Haman and their hosts that very thing which they feared We inspired Moses’ mother saying, “Suckle him, and then, when you fear for him, cast him into the river, and have no fear and do not grieve, for We shall return him to you, and shall make him one of the Messengers Then Pharaoh’s household picked him up – later to become for them an enemy and a source of grief for them: Pharaoh and Haman and their hosts were wrongdoers and Pharaoh’s wife said, “He will be a joy to the eye for me and you!
What is the cooperative formula? Agri-food cooperativism and its impact at European level
But you want to take the now you can go. I just came in from a totally different things, but I was just finishing that, so I wanted to join you. Ok, then I will introduce this decision.
00:18 - So good morning, everybody, and welcome to Counting anymore.
00:24 - How many capital we have had. But this is organized by the small project Rubies More where it’s the EU project.
അദ്ധ്യായം 6 കന്നുകാലികൾ, മനോഹരമായ ഖുറാൻ പാരായണം, 90+ ഭാഷാ സബ്ടൈറ്റിലുകൾ
Praise be to God, who has created the heavens and the earth and brought into being darkness and light. Yet those who deny the truth set up equals to their Lord It is He who has created you out of clay, and then has decreed a term [for you], a term known [only] to Him. Yet you are still in doubt He is God both in the heavens and on earth.
Outstanding Aerospace Engineer Class of 2020 awards
WILLIAM A. CROSSLEY: Good evening. Welcome to the 21st Annual Outstanding Aerospace Engineer Awards.
00:10 - Tonight we’re excited to honor nine gifted alumni who have made significant contributions to aeronautics and astronautics.
00:16 - I’m Bill Crossley, the J. William Uhrig and Anastasia Vournas Head of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
00:21 - I certainly wish we were able to be together in person, engaging in conversations, posing for photos, and welcoming our outstanding alumni back to campus to meet with our students, faculty, and staff.